
Writer of math formulas,
A master at pool
Next conquest: DDR...

Salutations, this is Chad's page! Even though you may see him running around and thinking up new ways to derive formulas, don't let him scare you. During his free time you can catch him playing video games 24/7! haha...


1. Name: Zhao Chad Kong
2. Gender: Male
3. Birthday: July 4
4. Birthplace: Beijing, China
5. Nicknames: Oliver, Chadwick MerryWeather III, Big AzN Chad
6. Hair Color: Black
7. Eye Color: Brown
8. Height: none of your business�actually 5� 6�
9. Siblings and Ages: none
10. Pets: one dog
11. Heritage: Chinese
12. Hobbies: Pool, Computer, DDR
13. Astrological Sign: Cancer, Snake
14. Left-handed or Right-handed: Right
15. Goals: Lead a happy life
16. Fears: Not leading a happy life
17. Piercings: none
18. Future College: MIT/whichever one takes me
19. Lucky Number: 5

Favorite: Feel free to say more than one!

1) Actor/ Actress: Jim Carey
2) Animal: Panda
3) Article of Clothing: A big navy blue fleece, gray t-shirt
4) Book: Hatchet by Gary Paulsen
5) Breakfast Food: Fried Rice, bacon
6) Candy: Jolly Ranchers
7) Cartoon: Recess
8) Color: Green
9) Day of the Week: Friday
10) Drink: Water
11) Essential Oil: �if I had to pick one it would be Jasmine
12) Fast Food Place: Wing Zone
13) Flower: Water lily
14) Food: Rice
15) Fruit: Granny Smith Apple
16) Game: DDR
17) Holiday: Chinese New Year
18) Ice Cream Flavor: Vanilla
19) Instrument: Violin
20) Junk Food: Pickle Flavored Potato Chips
21) Key to own (keys to a BMW, flat, house, condo, etc.): Keys to a Happy Life
22) Language: English
23) Letter: Z
24) Lotion: China
25) Magazine: None
26) Movie: �Matrix�
27) Month: July
28) Music Artist: Linkin Park/Ozzy/Avril Lavine/Remmstein/System of a Down
29) Music Genre: Punk Rock/Classical/Techno
30) Name (male and female): Chad, Pearl
31) Ocean: Pacific
32) Painting: One of Thomas King Kades cottage paintings
33) Phrase: �Woot Woot�
34) Place: Home
35) Quote: �Violence is not the answer, violence only leads to more violence.�
36) Question: �Sup�
37) Restaurant: Chile�s
38) School Subject: Hhmmm that�s a hard one�math
39) Season: Fall
40) Sight: Cherry blossoms
41) Smell: PERTs Shampoo
42) Song: Engel by Remmstein
43) Sound: Foot steps on DDR pad
44) Sport: Badminton
45) Store: Academy Sports
46) Teacher: Ms. D Parker
47) Trait in the Opposite Sex (Personality and Physical): Compassionate, face/hair
48) Trait in yourself (Ditto): Chivalry, arms/hands
49) TV Show: CSI
50) University: MIT
51) Video Game: GunBound
52) Vegetable: Green Beans
53) Website:
54) X-treme sport: Base Jumping
55) Yogurt Flavor: Strawberry
56) Zoo animal: Chimp


57) Pepsi or Coke: Coke
58) Tattoos or Body Piercings: Tattoos
59) Shower or Bath: Shower
60) Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
61) Money or Vacation: Money
62) Sleep on your back or stomach: Back
63) Khakis or Jeans: Jeans
64) Ends or Means (the goal/destination or how you got there?): Means
65) Mustard, Mayonnaise, or Ketchup: Mustard
66) Dogs or Cats: Cat
67) Spring or Fall: Fall
68) Rural or Urban: Urban
69) Night or Day: Day
70) Kisses or Hugs: Hugs
71) Corduroy or Plaid: Corduroy
72) Boxers or Briefs: Briefs
73) Truth or Dare: Dare
74) Candle or Incense: Candle
75) Coffee or Tea: Tea
76) Sunrise or Sunset: Sunrise
77) McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds
78) Silver or Gold: Silver
79) Single or Taken: Taken

Dream: Okay� guys just bear with me and answer these questions�humor me!

1. Bedroom (Don�t ask! Some people do have one!): White walls, periodic table posters, book shelf, miscellaneous furniture found in bedroom
2. Car: Shelby Cobra
3. Date: I pick the girl up in the afternoon and we drive to a spot outside town overlooking a lake where we have a small picnic and watch the sunset. Then I take her back to town and take her to a movie. After the movie we have a mid-night snack and I bring her to her place. (woot woot�mini novel, lol)
4. Job: CEO/Computer Technician
5. House: A modest house over-looking a large lake with forests in the back-round and a small dock with a row boat
6. Vacation: Trip to Okinawa, Japan
7. Wedding: Traditional Chinese wedding


1) What languages do you speak? English, Chinese
2) What do you use for shampoo and conditioner? PERT and Head and Shoulders
3) Do you collect anything? Bottle Caps, Pens/Pencils, and stuff in general
4) Do you have a cell phone? No
5) Do you wear perfume, cologne, or something else? What type? No
6) If you could have any type of magical power what would it be? Telekinesis
7) What time do you go to bed? 11 pm
8) When do you wake up? 7 am
9) Where have you traveled to before? China, US
10) Are you usually on time or late? On time
11) What habit annoys you? Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (*Note* I resent that!!)
12) Can you cook? Yes, Chinese food

13) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? No

10 Things you love:

Cherry Blossoms
Leaves falling from trees during Fall
A good book
A good computer game
A good pool game
A day with friends playing pool/DDR/Soul Caliber
A trip to China
Taking a girl on a romantic date
Last but not least TO EAT (devours another hotdog).

10 Things you hate:

Guys that have no respect for girls
A bad pool day
Disappointing friends
People who force you to believe what they believe
When my cable internet goes out
Having to read boring books
Wasting money
To have other people misunderstand me
When my computer has problems
Mowing the lawn/Yard work in general

10 Things about you:

I like pool
I love to play DDR
I�m an arrogant egotistic self-centered bastard (according to some people)
I love playing computer games
Creativity and artistic expression are not my strong points
I suck at playing the violin
Some people describe me as having lots of chivalry (*cough Johnny cough*)
I�m obsessed with what kind of writing utensil I�m using Aside from some contagious disease or something that makes me so miserable that I can�t hear the teacher I won�t miss school for it
I try to hold my friends� best interest in mind

10 Things about your friends:

Some love DDR
All are more creative than me
Most of them are taller than me
They make very thought provoking surveys (*cough Tanya cough*) (*Note* That's my job, if I didn't, who would?)
They�re very compassionate
Love to tell inside jokes
Support and care about each other
Chat on AIM 24/7
Kill each other in Soul Caliber
Argue over minute points in DDR/SSBM/Soul Caliber/Anything else you can think of

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