
Learn the model walk
Without smiling
And funny faces...

This is Cathy's page!!! Welcome and enjoy your stay in the bask of sunlight that is Cathy! hehehe...Well, just so you know, I did fix a lot of the "grammatical" mistakes... because they bothered me...I didn't mean to take out any of the essence that is Cathy!!


1. Name: Cathy Q. Zhang
2. Gender: I�m a chick! =]
3. Birthday: May 12
4. Birthplace: Baton Rouge, LA
5. Nicknames: Katty, Kat, Kappi, babo, chickee.. etc etc etc =P
6. Hair Color: Dark brown, light brown, reddish, orangish ; im sooo colorful!
7. Eye Color: A light shade of a dark brown.. [Does that make sense?]
8. Height: 5�4.5�
9. Siblings and Ages: Buttface [Kevin =)] age 9
10. Pets: A BUNNYYYY! Its like� albino..=P hehehe
11. Heritage: 100% Chinese
12. Hobbies: Reading, listening to music, chill with my homie g fries =P, ddr, getting on the comp, fun stuff =]
13. Astrological Sign: Taurus
14. Left-handed or Right-handed: I�m a Righty =]
15. Goals: Maintain at least a 4.0 GPA, get into John Hopkins, get a nice car, find that special somebody ;], keep winning in piano, must I go on??
16. Fears: Sometimes heights� [cuz I LOVEEEEEEE rollercoasters! =]> sometimes the dark� and scary movies FREAK THE HELL OUTTA ME
17. Piercings: I want my belly button pierced� after I do a hell lotta situps.. =T
18. Future College: Like I said, John Hopkins! =]
19. Lucky Number: umm.. I don�t think I really have one�? It changes..

Favorite: Feel free to say more than one!

1) Actor/ Actress: Geesh.. if I actually typed this out itd be longer than this survey! -____-;;
2) Animal: Panda, penguin, bunny rabbits, puppies
3) Article of Clothing: I love shopping .. period!
4) Book: There�s soooooo many good books out there..
5) Breakfast Food: Food is food! If you hungry you eat food.. duheeee. If you were starving, would you care what kinda food you ate? Nooooo.. just as long as it�s good =]
6) Candy: Sour stuffff! And I loveeeee chocolate too =]
7) Cartoon: Okay.. theres like.. 30294809324 bagillion channels in the world with like.. 9387493489237 quadrillion cartoons out.. and you expect me to pick??!?!??! Hey what can I say, im a kid at heart =]
8) Color: Pink, black, purple, silver
9) Day of the Week: FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS
10) Drink: Dontcha wanna fantaaaa! ;] and Mochasippies!
11) Essential Oil: WARM VANILLA SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!! Get highhhh! =]
12) Fast Food Place: Raising canes baby! =] and I LOVE mcdiddies fries! Man just get fat off that stuff!
13) Flower: If a guy bought me flowers of any kind, I'd love em =]
14) Food: OMGGG! LIKE>>> EVERYTHING!! Im a pig =DDD
15) Fruit: Strawberriessss
16) Game: Monopoly?? =]
17) Holiday: Christmas =] or Chinese New Years.. hehe
18) Ice Cream Flavor: COOKIES N CREAM!!!!!! And I guess that new chocolate cookies n cream.. =]
19) Instrument: Piano, harp, violin, cello
20) Junk Food: I can be crowned like.. junk food queen!
21) Key to own (keys to a BMW, flat, house, condo, etc.): A mansion? =P and a 315Z
22) Language: Chinese and English
23) Letter: CZ
24) Lotion: WARM VANILLA SUGAR from Bath and Body Works or SHIMMER ME SEXY in scent Heavenly [I think] from Victoria Secrets
25) Magazine: Hmm.. durnoe.. all the girl magazines are like.. all the same.. ads, ads, and more ads
26) Movie: Ack.. I cant just name a few outta like..2349872394 movies made! 27) Month: MAY! Or December.. or January.. =]
28) Music Artist: I like a variety of music artists
29) Music Genre: Ditto ^^
30) Name (male and female): Female.. Serena, Trina, Andi ; Male..Andy? lol
31) Ocean: Mmm� Pacific?
32) Painting: Hmm� I durnoe.. I like a lot of em
33) Phrase: Whats up with these hard questions???
34) Place: Outta all the places I�ve been to so far, CHINAAAAA!
35) Quote: I durnoe.. �Express yourself��?
36) Question: �ARE YOU GAY????� HAHAHAHA that�s sooo funny! =]
37) Restaurant: Hmmmm� Mike Andersons? Ralph n Kacoos? Raising Canes? Mcdiddies? Chilies? Pizza hut? Le Madeline? Can�t choose! >__<
38) School Subject: Math and Science
39) Season: Winter and Fall� and Spring.. and Summer too! But I HATE the heat
40) Sight: A really foine boy.. ;] hehhe jk =DDD
41) Smell: WARM VANILLA SUGARRR! And Victoria Secrets scents too
42) Song: Too many to list
43) Sound: Music
44) Sport: Tennis, ice skating, gymnastics, soccer, football
45) Store: I durnoe.. if I see something good in a store then I�ll buy it
46) Teacher: Mrs. D, Miss Hingle, Mrs. Thibideux [I forgot how to spell her name! >__<]
47) Trait in the Opposite Sex (Personality and Physical): Physical .:. eyes, lips, stomach/packs, HAIR, and style ; Personality.:. sweet, funny, caring, committed, intelligent, trustworthy
48) Trait in yourself (Ditto): Durnoe.. you tell me
49) TV Show: Charmed, The OC, The Swan, Smallville, cartoons, anime
50) University: John Hopkins
51) Video Game: DDR, Halo, driving and shooting games [I kick aasssss! =)]
52) Vegetable: Baby carrots & celery [ with bunches of PB]
53) Website:
54) X-treme sport: I�d like to try all of em =] but I REALLY REALLY wanna try street racing [motorcycles] does that count?
55) Yogurt Flavor: Strawberry?
56) Zoo animal: Seals? Pandas? Penguins?


57) Pepsi or Coke: Both kinda taste the same
58) Tattoos or Body Piercings: Both
59) Shower or Bath: Shower
60) Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
61) Money or Vacation: Depends..
62) Sleep on your back or stomach: Back
63) Khakis or Jeans: Jeans
64) Ends or Means (The goal/destination or how you got there?): Makes no sense�
65) Mustard, Mayonnaise, or Ketchup: Depends on what.. duheeee! =]
66) Dogs or Cats: Dogs
67) Spring or Fall: Both are a be-uuu-ti-ful time
68) Rural or Urban: Rural
69) Night or Day: Night
70) Kisses or Hugs: Hugs from anyone, and kisses from only a special him
71) Corduroy or Plaid: Corduroy
72) Boxers or Briefs: Boxers
73) Truth or Dare: Depends on how im feeling ;]
74) Candle or Incense: Candle
75) Coffee or Tea: Both?? Coffee is fattening though.. poop
76) Sunrise or Sunset: Sunset
77) McDonalds or Burger King: MCDIDDIES FA SHO
78) Silver or Gold: Silver
79) Single or Taken: Currently flying solooo

Dream: Okay� guys just bear with me and answer these questions�humor me!

1. Bedroom (Don�t ask! Some people do have one!): Err.. a big, pretty one??
2. Car: Man, I would have like.. 7 cars [1 for each day] in my dream! And of course a motorcycle too!!! =]
3. Date: I�m a romantic, and a girl who likes to have fun =D
4. Job: Actress
5. House: Mansion or beach house
6. Vacation: To Hawaii, or china
7. Wedding: Not too many people, elegant, some pinkness, and the perfect guy and dress


1) What languages do you speak? Chinese, Francais, English, and a TAD bit Espanol , Vietnamese, and Korean =]
2) What do you use for shampoo and conditioner? Currently using Tresemme
3) Do you collect anything? Err.. do clothes count? Hahhaa and stamps I guess.. since I get a lot and never use em.. hehe =]
4) Do you have a cell phone? I wish!
5) Do you wear perfume, cologne, or something else? What type? Uhhhhhh.. I usually durn wear any, and if I do its usually HEAVENLY by Victoria Secrets
6) If you could have any type of magical power what would it be? Like SPIDERMANNNN!!!!! =] or to fly or to manipulate/read minds =]
7) What time do you go to bed? Usually like 12
8) When do you wake up? On weekends, usually like 10?
9) Where have you traveled to before? China [and Hong Kong], Washington DC, Texas, Mississippi, Japan, Maryland, Georgia
10) Are you usually on time or late? On time
11) What habit annoys you? Valley-girl accents or a major prep that says �like� every 2 seconds
12) Can you cook? Sure I can! =]
13) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Yupperz� like 5 of em =]

10 Things you love:


10 Things you hate:

Valley-girl accents
A major prep that says �like� every 2 seconds

10 Things about you:

You can find out for yourself and get to know me =]

10 Things about your friends:

I love em ^_^

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