
Nonjugemental and
Always Understanding
She's the lover of Kitty...

You have entered in the presence of Alia the Great! You're lucky you got here, you need a special invitacion to get in... (I even had a problem getting in...) Remember to get her autograph and take pictures when you see her because she's a very busy woman!! hehe


1. Name: Alia Ledford
2. Gender: I am WOMAN!!
3. Birthday: June 23
4. Birthplace: Baton Rouge
5. Nicknames: �uh�foxy, oh yea! Alia-wia
6. Hair Color: Brown..usually
7. Eye Color: Brown
8. Height: 5�8�
9. Siblings and Ages: My bro Andy 17
10. Pets: Kitty!
11. Heritage: � Italian, the rest�I have no clue
12. Hobbies: �Tennis�
13. Astrological Sign: Cancer
14. Left-handed or Right-handed: Righty
15. Goals: Just to be happy, and if that just happens to include fame and fortune, hey, What can I say?
16. Fears: Losing people that I love
17. Piercings: 2 in my left ear, 1 in my right, and a belly button ring
18. Future College: I HAVE NO IDEA! Let�s just get through high school first.
19. Lucky Number: 2, 6, & 13.

Favorite: Feel free to say more than one!

1) Actor/ Actress: Charlize Theron, Bette Midler, Robert DeNeiro, Angelina Jolie�
2) Animal: I love them all
3) Article of Clothing: For a guy or girl? Oh I know! crotchless panties. Haha. j/k hmm.. for looks, lingerie, for feel, pajamas
4) Book: There are to many books out there that I haven�t read for me to judge only the ones I have.
5) Breakfast Food: O god! Grits, oatmeal, omelets, cereal, pancakes, waffles, all that good stuff!
6) Candy: Gummis! But they can�t be sour. Um� ooo and marshmallows.
7) Cartoon: Family Guy
8) Color: Don�t have a fav.
9) Day of the Week: Saturday
10) Drink: Water, Orange juice, tea
11) Essential Oil: Lavender, sex on the beach, jasmine, chamomile
12) Fast Food Place: Yuck
13) Flower: Lilies, roses, iris, all things pretty
14) Food: Sushi!! Or Lebanese
15) Fruit: Umm fruit.
16) Game:, mah jong, big 2, and so on, and so on
17) Holiday: Christmas
18) FROZEN YOGURT Flavor: UMMM!!! I�m addicted! It makes me do crazy things like change Tanya�s Questions. (*Note* hahaha�)
19) Instrument: Guitar, bass, piano
20) Junk Food: I don�t like junk food
21) Key to own: Key to my Mercedes Benzes!
22) Language: English, I guess
23) Letter: M
24) Lotion: Victoria�s Secret. In either Amber Romance or Strawberries & Champagne
25) Magazine: Enquire!!
26) Movie: I DON�T HAVE ONE
27) Month: June
28) Music Artist: I don�t know any ppls names
29) Music Genre: Basically anything but country.
30) Name (male and female): I always liked my name, but it�s not like I can go and name my child Alia Jr. That�s retarded. I also like Sophia, Melissa, Andy, Ethan
31) Ocean: Arctic, it�s not the size that matters, it�s the motion of the ocean.
32) Painting: Too many to choose
33) Phrase: You got the tickets to the GUNS show?
34) Place: I make myself comfortable everywhere I go
35) Quote: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." - Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
- "Catchup is good on animals too." - Pearl on the brink of either sleep or insanity. (*Note* Ahh�yes�)
35) Question: Who what when where why?
36) Restaurant: Albasha�s
37) School Subject: Umm�
38) Season: Spring/Fall
39) Sight: Hmm. I don�t know
40) Smell: See essential oils
41) Song: Your song.
42) Sound: My kitty
43) Sport: Tennis
44) Store: Ross
45) Teacher: Mr. LaVergne
46) Trait in the Opposite Sex: Personality, all the way. Well, for the most part, anyways
47) Trait in yourself: Honesty, in what I say & who I am
48) TV Show: What not to wear, Whose line is it anyway
49) University: ???
50) Video Game: Super Mario, Mario Party, Mario tennis, basically anything with Italian plumbers.
51) Vegetable: Peas! Lol & sweet potatoes, cabbage, carrots, green beans
52) Website: TANYA�S!!! lol
53) X-treme sport: windsurfing
54) Yogurt Flavor: Wow. I didn�t see this question, well if it�s just regular yogurt (unfrozen) then Blueberry!!
55) Zoo animal: Seals! Or elephants,


56) Pepsi or Coke: Neither
57) Tattoos or Body Piercings: Piercings
58) Shower or Bath: I like baths, but I take so long
59) Chocolate or Vanilla: Depends on my mood
60) Money or Vacation: Vacation
61) Sleep on your back or stomach: Back
62) Khakis or Jeans: Jeans
63) Ends or Means: Means
64) Mustard, Mayonnaise, or Ketchup: (*Note* I assume she likes/dislikes all three? hehe)
65) Dogs or Cats: I say both, but anyone will tell you that I lean towards cats
66) Spring or Fall: Both!!
67) Rural or Urban: Rural as in a meadow, not hickville
68) Night or Day: Night
69) Kisses or Hugs:Hugs
70) Corduroy or Plaid: Corduroy
71) Boxers or Briefs: On guys I assume, umm I don�t care, whatever tickles their pickle. Okay, that sounded very wrong (*Note* hahahahahhahahhahahaha)
72) Truth or Dare: Dare, Actions speak louder than words, & besides it�s more fun.
73) Candle or Incense: Usually candle, unless I�m in an incense kind of mood.
74) Coffee or Tea: Tea
75) Sunrise or Sunset: Both! Because a sunrise lasts longer than but a sun set, because the end result.
76) McDonalds or Burger King: Gag. Why do ppl allow teenagers to fix there food is beyond me
77) Silver or Gold: I like both, but I have no preference I guess
78) Single or Taken: Taken if it�s someone you truly care for & love, otherwise Why be burdened?

Dream: Okay� guys just bear with me and answer these questions�humor me!

1. Bedroom (Don�t ask! Some people do have one!): Umm� very romantic with flowy curtains� and a stripper pole in the corner. lol
2. Car: One that gets me where I�m headed without eating up my gas
3. Date: I more of a take me somewhere fun type of girl
4. Job: I don�t care, just something I love. That way I never have to actually do any work.
5. House: A big, but not too big, one with an amazing view of either the water, mountains, or trees
6. Vacation: Traveling around the world, learning about different cultures and having indescribable experiences.
7. Wedding: Small, outside wedding with beautiful but remote settings


1) What languages do you speak? English
2) What do you use for shampoo and conditioner? Uhh Garnier Fructice I think
3) Do you collect anything? Not at the moment, but I used to collect beanie babies. lol
4) Do you have a cell phone? Yep
5) Do you wear perfume, cologne, or something else? What type? Dream Angel, from time to time
6) If you could have any type of magical power what would it be? To� morph
7) What time do you go to bed? When I get tired
8) When do you wake up? Usually around 9
9) Where have you traveled to before? Around the states, England, and Scotland.
10) Are you usually on time or late? On time, almost late.
11) What habit annoys you? Ones that make a constant sound over, and over
12) Can you cook? Somewhat
13) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? My name is Alia, and yes, I sleep with a stuffed animal! (*Note* Stuffed animal sleepers unite!)

10 Things you love:

Learning (interesting things)
New experiences!!!

10 Things you hate:

Basically all chauvinist traits

10 Things about you:


10 Things about your friends:

They have good morals/views,
Fun to be with, hilarious,
Like me for me,
Care about each other,
Care too much about grades,
Make me laugh,
Makes me happy!! (That counts for 3!!)

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