Welcome to the Art Place!
All the new pictures are just sketches and scribbles
that she's done in her spare time.
New Stuff
Angel's Tears, DawsonPic, MAGentry, Chey's Characters #1, Chey's Characters #2

Wolf 'n Kitty Series
Bored Kitty, Arms of Comfort, A Place to Relax, A lil' Sickly

Old Stuff
MyLifeIGive, OnlyInTheseShadows, GCPIC-Slate, GCPIC-Liz,
GCPIC-Tree The Lover's Ghost, The Lover's Ghost 2,SweetRose (DrawnByRMK;ColoredByD2M,
ZackandAeris(ArtByRMK;ColoredByD2M), SilkTears, GreyTears,
ModernAngel,Dark Times, Saiyan Girl!,Simple Sketch,Shy Princess
FireSpirit, Zack FF7,SummerDays

Comics Based on Jomei and Kioko: JKComi1, JKComi2, JKComic

Guest Art: Fie-san-Jomei, Kioko-Sara

Other Manga: Wolf And Kitty (Note: This lil' manga is something of an inside joke, so if you don't find it funny, it's okay. Oh, and, yes, they are married! :P )

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