Drak Pack in:
"Dog-God It!"
By: Robin Maurer/Kittie

Drak, Frankie, and Howler were in monster form when they entered Dr. Dred's artificial island. They were expecting trouble. Dr. Dred wanted to show them something and it didn't sound good.

They didn't see anybody, so they split up to look around.


Drak and Frankie eventually met up again.

"Did you see anybody?" Drak asked.

"Nope," Frankie answered. "You?"

"Me either. Maybe Howler's having more luck,"

They were in front of a room with double doors marked "War Room". There seemed to be something going on inside.

Drak slowly opened one of the doors. He and Frankie entered. There were maps and charts all over the walls and in the center was a large desk. Behind the desk sat Dr. Dred with the rest of O.G.R.E. surrounding it. On the Desk was a small device of some sort.

"Ah! You made it!" Dr. Dred greeted them. "Where's the werewolf?"

"He's around," Drak answered. "What have you got there?"

"This," he announced, "Is Doomsday Device number 54!"

"What happened to the other 53?" Frankie asked.

"You happened to the other 53!" Dr. Dred answered, annoyed.

"Oh Yeah! I forgot," Frankie said.

"You're not going to get away with this one either, Dr. Dred!" Drak threatened. "We're going to stop you."

"What?" Dr. Dred asked, "You don't want to find out how it works?"

"Not really," Drak answered.

"Are you sure?" Dr. Dred pleaded. "This is my best one yet. I'm really proud of it."

Drak and Frankie looked at each other. "Oh, all right," they answered together.

"How does it work?" Drak asked.

"Well," Dr. Dred explained, "If you'll come over here and look at these charts..."

Drak and Frankie followed Dr. Dred over to one corner of the room where Dr. Dred pointed to a chart on the wall. When Drak and Frankie were in a particular area, Dr. Dred yelled, "Vampira! Now!"

Vampira hit a red button on the wall.

Suddenly, Drak and Frankie ran smack into an invisible barrier.

Dr. Dred stood there laughing maniacally as Drak and Frankie moved inside a small area like mimes, trying to find an escape. They couldn't. They were trapped.

"What's this?" Drak asked.

Frankie was beating the sides of the invisible barrier, trying desperately to break it.

"You can't get out of this," Dr. Dred gloated. "It's a super-powerful force field. It surrounds you on all six sides. You're going to stay right there and suffocate while I conquer the world with my device."


Meanwhile, Howler had found his way to the room where everyone was. He got there just in time to see Vampira pushing the button that trapped his friends. No one saw him, so he quickly darted to the side of the door to listen and wait for a chance to save them.


"Don't worry, Drak," Frankie reasured him, "Howlie will come along and spring us."

"Don't be so sure," Dr. Dred snarled. "Mummy Man, guard the button while we go and look for the werewolf."


Howler heard Dr. Dred and the rest coming, so he darted down the hall and hid around a corner.

Dr. Dred, Vampira, Fly, and Toad exited the room and went in the opposite direction from Howler. When Howler was sure they were gone, he came out of hiding and went over to the room.

He peeked through the open door into the room. Mummy Man was standing on the other side of the desk, between the force field and the button. He checked his pockets and found a couple of pennies. He then got down on the floor and tossed one of the pennies in so that it hit the wall on the opposite side of the room. While Mummy Man was distracted looking at the wall for the source of the sound, Howler quickly crawled in and hid underneath the desk.

Howler was halfway there. He could see the button on the wall just beyond the desk. He took a deep breath, tossed theother penny, and, pushing the chair between him and Mummy Man for safe measure, made a dash for it.

Mummy Man looked towards the sound, but saw Howler out of the corner of his eye. He shoved the chair out of his way with relative ease and went for Howler.

Cheers inside the force field turned to moans as Mummy Man grabbed Howler within inches of his hand touching the button. Mummy Man forced Howler's arms to his sides and lifted him two feet in the air and held him fast. Howler struggled to try and get away but to no avail. He was caught.


Kittie had been in her room reading and came down the hall in search of a snack. She passed by the room where Drak Pack was being held.

She glanced in and saw the predicament they were in. She quickly hid by the side of the door, grinning. She was bored and this was a chance for her to have some fun at her father's expense. Besides, the Drak Pack had been nice to her and she liked that.

She opened her book and pretended to be reading as she walked in. She looked up at her book at Mummy Man.

"Hi, Mummy M...*GASP*!" She dropped the book and clasped both hands over her mouth.

"Mummy Man! What have you done?" she shuddered.

Drak, Frankie, Howler, and Mummy Man looked at her, confused. Mummy Man cocked his head and grunted.

"Mummy Man don't you know who that is?" she asked, walking slowly over to the side of the desk behind Howler.

"Hawa," Mummy Man mumbled.

"No!" she replied.

"Na Hawa?" Mummy Man asked.

"Don't you recognize the Egyptian Dog-God, Anubis?" she asked, dropping to her knees in front of him.

Drak and Frankie were trying to look around Mummy Man on either side of the field so they could see what was going on. They looked at each other and said, "Anubis?"

"Anubis?" Howler thought to himself.

"Nubu?" Mummy Man mumbled at Howler.

Kittie raised her arms and bowed to the floor. "Oh, great Anubis! Forgive him, for you so resemble his sworn enemy!"

"Nubu?" Mummy Man mumbled again as he turned Howler from side to side to get a better look at him. It looked like Howler. Still, could it be Anubis? It could be, although he was smaller than Mummy Man would have expected. Less grandiose too. Still, Mummy Man wasn't going to take any chances. The wrath of an angry Egyptian God or Godess could be devistating.

"Nubu," he nodded and placed Howler gently down on the floor in front of Kittie. He then stepped back, dropped to his knees and bowed low to Howler.

Drak, Frankie, and Howler watched Mummy Man bow to the ground and when they brought their heads back up, they could see each other again. Drak and Frankie looked at Howler, astonished. Howler just shrugged.

"Oh, great one!" Kittie said, sitting up on her knees.

Howler spun around to face her, startled.

"Oh great one, what do you command us to do?" Kittie asked Howler.

Howler stared at her.

"What are you waiting for, great one? Command us!" she repeated and winked at him.

"Oh! Re...lease my friends...at once...oh loyal subject!" He said, trying to sound commanding.

"At once, oh great one!" she replied and rose to go push thebutton. She remained bowed as low as possible as she passed by him as a sign of respect. She then pushed the button releasing Drak and Frankie.

They all turned to leave, still confused, when Kittie stopped them.

"Wait! Before you go, oh great Anubis, please, take this device as an offering to your greatness!" She got down on one knee, put her head down and held her arms out, palms up, toward the doomsday device on the desk.

Howler took the device.

Without looking up, Kittie added, "Take the schematics too. They're in the top drawer."

Howler opened the top drawer of the desk and found a booklet titled "Doomsday Device #54". He took that too. He looked at Drak and Frankie and shrugged again.

Drak, Frankie, and Howler walked to the door. Howler hesitated and turned back to the center of the room.

"Thank you oh...loyal subject...for this offering...to my greatness. I will cherish it alwaaa..." He was cut short byDrak who grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the room.

"Come on, Anubis!" Drak said.

Kittie remained in one position for a while after they left. Then she stood up and said, "Now for that sandwich."

She left the room, picking up her book on the way out.

Mummy Man was still in his low bow. He sat up, looked around, and said, "Nubu?"


Dr. Dred and the rest gave up on their hunt for Howler and went back to the war room. Maybe Mummy Man had him, they thought. All they found was Mummy Man who seemed to be looking for something.

"Nubu?" Mummy Man mumbled at them.

Dr. Dred was astonished. "Where's Drak Pack? *GASP* Where's the doomsday device??"

Toad jumped up and down repeating, "Bad Mummy! Bad Mummy! Bad Mummy!"

Dr. Dred swatted him with his flyswatter. "Shut up, Toad!"

Toad stopped. "Toad shut up."

Dr. Dred looked at the desk and shook his head.

Kittie walked by the the open door with her sandwich and a soda. She looked in and had to stifle a laugh. "Number 55, dad?"

Dr. Dred just growled.


Drak, Frankie, and Howler were back at Drak Pack HQ. They were in the video conferencing room. Big D was on the screen, sitting in his coffin.

Drak was pacing back and forth in front of the screen and shaking his head.

"I don't understand it, Big D," Drak said. "This is Dr. Dred's daughter we're talking about here."

"You say she valked into the room and let you boys go?" Big D asked.

"No. She walked into the room and convinced Mummy Man that Howler was the Egyptian Dog-God, Anubis. Then she got Howler to order her to let us go." Drak explained.

"Clewer," Big D said.

Howler blushed.

"Yeah," Frankie added, "Then she gave Howlie the doomsday device number 54 as an offerin'."

Howler blushed some more.

Drak stopped behind Howler's chair. "And, Mr. Ham-it-up here was all too eager too play along."

"Yeah!" Frankie agreed.

"Yeah, well, you guys are just jealous that you don't resemble any ancient Egyptian gods!" Howler said.

"Oh Yeah?"


"Boys, boys, boys!" Big D cut in, "She let you go and gave you the dewice you vanted. Vhy are you complaining?"

"We're not complaining, Big D," Drak said, "we're confused. Why is Dr. Dred's daughter helping us?"

"Maybe she has her own agenda," Big D offered. "It's not the forst time a child has rebelled against a parent."

"Yes," Drak agreed, "but normally it's the other way around. The parent is the one trying to teach the child good morals and the child goes out and messes up."

"True," Big D said, "but Dr. Dred isn't exactly...normal."

Drak, Frankie, and Howler certainly agreed on that one.

"I just want to know what's going on," Drak said.

"Perhayps she'll tell you someday," Big D suggested. "Now, I must rest."

Big D laid down in his coffin. "Ow!" he said as he brought the heavy lid down on his fingers yet again.

The boys winced and said, "Good night, Big D." as Drak shut off the monitor.

The End

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