Drak Pack in ID, Please!
By: Carson Demmans

Note: If Carson Demmans reads this, please send me your e-mail, so that I can make a link. Thank you.

Dr. Dred: Come O.G.R.E.! Let us rob this museum of its ancient treasures!

Drak Jr.: Not so fast Dred! We've been on a stake out waiting for you!

Frankie: What are you talking about?

Howler: Our girlfriends dragged us here, and they lost us when we snuck off to have a nap.

Drak Jr.: And which one of you wants to tell them that?

Frankie: Like he said, we were on a stake out.

Howler: Right. We were just snoring to confuse people. That's our story and we're sticking to it.

Dr. Dred: Fine, fine. Now if you're done setting up an alibi, would you mind if we started battling?

Drak Jr.: Why not? We always win.

Vampira: Not this time. We have a secret weapon.

Dr. Dred: I brought along...a lawyer!

Drak Jr.: You've gone too far this time Dred. It was bad enough the times you tried to blow up the world trade center, and when you brought disco back from the dead, but have you no decency?

Toad: My card. Toad go to night school, Toad become lawyer.

Drak Jr.: Your lawyer is a toad?

Dr. Dred: Aren't they all?

Howler: So what if you have a lawyer? It's not legal to steal stuff.

Toad: Toad no steal. Toad return property to real owner. Mummy Man.

Drak Jr.: What are you talking about? This is the treasure of King Tut Tut Shame Shame.

Dr. Dred: So you think his mother named him Mummy Man? 4000 years ago he was an Egyptian prince and now he's reclaiming his treasure.

Vampira: 4000 years old? Who's your beautician? You look great!

Toad: Here scroll. It say him really Prince.

Drak Jr.: Let me see that. I took ancient hyroglyphics in high school to get out of English class. This looks to be in order, unfortunately.

Howler: If you can read Egyptian, why can't you read the incriptions on the treasure?

Drak Jr.: It's in code. Nobody has ever translated them.

Frankie: Howlabout this stuff on my forehead? When we were napping, I mean staking out the place, my forehead pressed up against something so long the letters are still there.

Drak Jr.: You did it Frankie! The code was everything was written backwards, but now I can read it fine. It says the Prince is cursed to find the descendants of his enemies who plotted against him, and his enemies were led by a priest named Dred!

Dr. Dred: What? No relation. My family isn't from Egypt, not even my Mom's side. Mummy Man, get away from me! You're not a prince! That was just a fake ID you used to get your chariot licence two years early!

Vampira: You mean he's only 3998 years old? Forget what I said before. He looks terrible if he's only that old.

Drak Jr.: Now about that battle, Dred.

Dr. Dred: Get back, or I'll use my other secret weapon.

Howler: That looks like a cell phone.

Dr. Dred: It is, and your girlfriends are on speed dial. Catch!

Drak Jr.: Oh no, he's already called them! Hello, sweetie? Yes I'm here. No, I didn't dump you, we were on a case, and Dred made me call you, and no, I don't need super villains to force me to call you, I like talking to you, it's just...

Frankie: The horror, the horror!

The End

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