By: Jo Ann/Draka/Drak/Joni Harker/Vamprina/Dractina

A little fic I wrote and sent to the Drak Pack mailing list concerning theories of Dr. Dred's origin and why his skin is blue. Old, before Kittie's stories.

What is Dr. Dred?

Good question. Except for the color, Dred seems to be human. Or possibly, a humanoid? Maybe he is a humanoid from another planet. Or a humanoid robot. That would be quite a twist: For O.G.R.E. to find out that they had been working for an android all this time:

DR.DRED: I'll get you YET, Clack Pack!
DRAK: That's 'Drak Pack'!
DR.DRED: Whatever!
(DR.DRED is hit by a stray bolt of lightning (from FRANKIE'S neck bolts, maybe?). There is a bright flash of light, a shower of sparks, and then an explosion. Metal parts lie scattered everywhere. Both the DRAK PACK and O.G.R.E. gasp in shock as they gaze at DR. DRED's remains)
HOWLER: Hey! Dr. Dred was nothing but a robot!
VANPIRA: All this time, ve have been vorking for a machine?!? I'm leaving! Maybe I can get a part in that new vampire film. Toodleoo, darlings! (VAMPIRA leaves.)
FLY: I'm heading for Wazzington. Maybe I can get a job azz a CIA agent. (FLY leaves.)
MUMMYMAN: (Mumbles something quite incoherent and leaves.)
FRANKIE (scratching head): What'd he say?
TOAD: He said that he was going home to Egypt, to see his mummy. Heeheeheeheeee!
DRAK PACK: (Groans at the pun.)
DRAK: What are you going to do, Toad?
TOAD: I don't know. Maybe find a princess and get her to kiss me. I've always wanted to see if I was really a handsome prince, changed into a toad by a wicked witch.
DRAK PACK (looks at TOAD, then at each other.): NAH!
FRANKIE: Ah guess this means that this is tha end of O.G.R.E.
TOAD: Sure looks like it. Well, have a nice retirement. Bye. (TOAD leaves.)
HOWLER: Retirement? We're too *young* to retire!
FRANKIE: Ah'm sure we'll think of something...

(A week later, a new criminal gang has emerged. The DRAK PACK, eager to fight this new threat, is back in the Drakster, already on the job.)

Dred: An alien? An android? Who knows?


The End

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