You have once again received an urgent message to appear in the courtroom of King Halvor. On your arrival, the king greets you with a grim look on his face. "The evil wizard Teraptus has once again appeared and has been causing a disturbance in our lands." he says. "Two nights ago, he managed to slip into the treasury and steal a pouch filled with magical crystals. If he discovers how to use them to his advantage, he could be almost unstoppable, so you must travel to his castle to retrieve them. The welfare of the entire kingdom may depend on your success."

Starting Treasure: 2 cards per hero
(3 if only three heroes play).

Goal: Get the pouch from Teraptus, then escape via drawbridge, the roof in tower O, or the underground passage under tower H.

- Door
- Pouch Marker

(1) Place the door as an entrance to room M as indicated on the map.
(2) The pouch is on a belt that Teraptus is wearing. He is located in room N. Be sure to have it handy for when he's defeated.

Dragon Appears In Position Shown on Map When:

Adventure Key

(B) Guard Tower 1. The Orc in this room is sleeping on a stool. If the heroes are careful and try to sneak back out of the room he shouldn't wake up. If they move towards the Orc, he'll wake up and try to attack the first chance he gets.

(C) Guard Tower 2. The Orc in this room happens to be fairly friendly. His name is Stugg and he's quite a gambler. When someone enters the room he is quick to say "Hello. Would you like to play my gambling game for treasure?" If the heroes agree, they can gamble with Stugg one at a time. Both the hero and Stugg roll the 12 sided die and whoever rolls highest wins. If the hero wins, Stugg will give them a random treasure card. If Stugg wins, the hero must give him one of their treasure cards. Stugg will continue to play either until the heroes decide to quit or he gives away 3 random treasures. Once he has given out his 3 treasures he'll explain that he's been wiped out and has nothing more to gamble with. Stugg has no desire to attack the heroes and will only do so if they attack him first (this also happens to trigger the dragon).

(D) Courtyard. Two Death Knights guard the door to the Foyer. They will attack anyone approaching it or them. As long as anyone stays on the other side of the room away from them and the door they are guarding, the Death Knights will stay in their positions.

(E) Foyer. There is a Bugbear and an Orc in this room. The Bugbear is polishing his weapon while the Orc stands guard. Both of them will attack anyone they find on sight. They are both aware of the trap located in the room and will avoid the space where it is located.

(F) Barracks. The gargoyle is hovering in this room when someone enters it for the first time. When he encounters someone, he'll say "Tell me a story or I'll have you for my dinner." If the heroes manage to tell a story that you find amusing, the gargoyle will thank them, tell them he enjoyed the story and let them go without a fight. If they refuse to tell him a story the gargoyle will just attack them outright. If they try telling a story and you didn't think they tried hard enough then the gargoyle will say "That story was terrible! I think I'll eat you anyway." and then he'll attack them. The gargoyle has a random treasure on his body if searched.

(H) Wizard's Tower. The heroes can escape the castle via the underground passage in this tower. Each hero must make a feat of strength to swim the moat. Failure simply means that they weren't successful and can try again on their next turn if they wish. Their playing piece remains in the tower with each unsuccessful try.

( I ) Great Banquet Hall. Two Bugbears occupy this room. They will fight to the death to guard the chest in the room. If asked any questions they will only growl. Inside the chest is a random treasure.

(K) Dungeon. The Troll in this room will attack anyone entering it as soon as he gets the chance. The chest in the room contains a random treasure.

(M) Throne Room. The Manscorpion in this room is Teraptus' personal bodyguard. He will attack anyone entering the room on sight and he'll do anything he can to prevent the heroes from entering room N.

(N) Private Chambers. Teraptus can be found in this room. When the characters first spot him they will notice that he has a pouch hanging from his belt that must be the same one he stole from the king. If the heroes manage to deafeat him, Teraptus will disappear in a puff of smoke leaving only the stolen pouch behind.

(O) Tower. This tower can be used to escape via the roof. One of the heroes must have a rope in their equipment and each hero trying to escape must make a feat of dexterity to climb down the rope. Failure simply means that they weren't successful and can try again on their next turn if they wish. Their playing piece remains in the tower with each unsuccessful try.

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