The People To Thank For This Wonderful Site!

The Explanation

I'm Joni Quest. I suppose you wanna know why there are so many people on this page. Well, here's some explanation. At first it was my page. I loved the Slayers anime series and couldn't get enough of them. (Duh! That's the whole reason for this web page!) I didn't know any HTML so I downloaded the Geocities PageBuilder program. It worked fine for a while. My friend Jim, who is also a Slayers nut, wanted to be in charge of the info section because apparently I was getting some facts wrong. (I don't care what anybody says, I still think Roudy Grabriev is Gourry's grandfather and Gourry's part elf) So, I let him on the page.

My parents, the technologically impaired, have AOL, the WORST online program in the world. We upgraded to AOL 5.0 and then everything went to hell. PageBuilder would no longer download because it didn't get along well with AOL. So, I tried editing from school. That didn't work either. So, I was stuck. Then my friend Mike offered to edit the page using HTML. But he got busy working on his own site. Then my friend, Thanis, offered to edit, and while he was, teach me HTML. Of course I jumped on the offer. There is another member of my little page. His name is Brandon. He will be in charge of the Fan Stuff section. He will put up his own original art and story. (Sorry, Slayer fans. He's just a general anime buff) It's a really good story, however, what it's about is a secret! ^_~ Now, on with the intros!

Joni Quest

Graphics Designer

In case you can't tell, I'm a horrible speller and passed high school by the skin of my teeth ^_^* I enjoy doing lots of activities. I like hiking, rock climbing, swimming, drawing, and web surfing, just to name a few. But, just because I like those activities, doesn't mean I'm any good at any of them. Most of them I really suck at. But I have fun anyway. ^_^ I got into the Slayers about a year ago, when Slayers NEXT came to the States. I liked it and began to surf the web for Slayers stuff. I am a Lina/Gourry; Zel/Amelia bias. If you don't like that, then oh well. but that's just me. ^_^

Favorite Quote:

"Don't Regret Stupid Mistakes"


Information Gatherer and Webpage Assistant

Where to begin... Well I am a total and complete Slayers nut, as Joni likes to put it. I don't really have a favorite, but if I had to pick it would have to be Zelgadis. My anime heart belongs to that of Sylphiel. I am currently unemployed but still looking. I have finally moved out of my parents home. I now live in the seattle area, far away from my friends. I am currently going to DeVry Institute, and this is my first semester. Joni and Thanis might come down here and go to DeVry also, but I'm not sure. Real life sucks...(>'.')> kirby agrees!I have memorized almost all of the spells in the entire Slayers series, (Okay, just through Try and the america Ova's). As far as information goes Joni and I know close to the same amont of information about the series. Though I will always say that I can out do her. Though Slayers is my favorite, I do like other anime. But some of my favorites down't have endings, like: Fire Emblem, or Dragoon, or Gestalt. What's up with that!? Another thing I'm interested in is role playing games and such. For instance, I play D&D, (okay I said it!). Not only do I play it but I and a near fanatic. I can resight nearly every rule and monster stat. Now don't get me wrong I don't study them I just use them enough times that I memorized them. I also love computer and playstation games or any game for just about any system. Though you could kill a child if you drop the X-box controller on it, and smash a table with the console. I am a gamer in the true sense of the word. I have invested years of my life into those pieces of wire and electronics. I am not a nerd just a technically advanced gamer that has way too much time on his hands.

Favorite Quote:

"Never pet a flaming dog" <('.'<) KIRBY (>'.')> "When someone askes you if you like pie say no, you won't regret it"



Aim/Aimster: ThanisKartaleon � � � MSN: Cepheus712

Thanis Celune Kartaleon. a.k.a. Cepheus, Toma, Tenchi, Vash, Knives, Tall guy, etc.(take your pick). I'm yer walking dictionary and will compulsively fix other's mistakes(so you really can't tell if Joni's a bad speller). Well, anyway, I guess you could describe me as the "Nerd-of-all-trades", because I pretty much cover the board. I play D&D(they dropped the "A" for 3rd Edition), though I'm the DM most of the time. I have self taught myself on just about all I've learned in life, from reading to computer programming. I read to have fun, I write novels, and I wear glasses at times(what can I say - I read by the moonlight!) But that's not to say I don't enjoy a little outside R&R - if you can get me away from my toys... my Mac and my n64... If I can spend a week with a game, I will master it... Even with all of that... it's odd... I have a girlfriend... very pretty and smart... she's learning html from me now, so here's her site so you, too, can see her progress. I'm relatively new on the anime scene, but I think I've learned alot about it - seeing as how that's just about ALL my friends ever talk about. I know about Slayers especially from Jim and Joni. I'm the tech guy in my group of friends, so I'm the one they call when they need a website(like this one) spruced up, or made from scratch.

Favorite Quote:

"........."(Link, from the Legend of Zelda series)



Otaku Knight, or K-1 (Keiichi), or "THE PLUSHIE": Well, where to begin. Everyone working on this site lives within an hour or so of each other, me being closest to Joni. Though I almost own more anime videos than any of my friends, I'm not REALLY a Slayers fan (the movies are okay), but and my room is practically FILLED with images of different anime women, whether it be Belldandy, Yuri from the Flash series of the Dirty Pair, or ones of my own creation. If you want to see what I mean by my OWN creations, then visit the fan-art page. As for other things, I'm also an avid RPG player (D&D quite a bit, but not an enthusiast) and have much wisdom in the fields of video games. So, you have a question, I more than likely have the answer. But, I'm keeping myself busy with a new comic I'm making that I hope will be posted on this site soon (I won't reveal any details as of yet).

Favorite Quote:

"Legend has it 'dere 'dat all duh cookies baked widin duh temple of Marfa 'dere, have a taste 'dat's beyond compare..." (Dark Elf with the Sweet Tooth, from "Record of Lodoss War; Chronicles of the Heroic Knight" video 4)


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