Third Place - Drama

Chapter 6


(Friday Afternoon)

Lunchtime rolled around again. Another meal with the Gryffindors. I tried to curb my excitement. Oh, what the hell. It wasn�t as bad as I once thought it would be. The Gryffindorks weren�t all that bad; with the exception of Weasley. The others had accepted my position as Harry�s caretaker once they�d seen Granger accept it. I rather found it funny, that. Harry was the Boy-Who-Lived. Weasley was the pure-blood. But Granger, the Mudblood, was in charge of Gryffindor.

Apparently, she felt that she was also in charge of anyone who sat down at the Gryffindor table. We were eating for perhaps two minutes when she carefully set her fork down, took a sip of pumpkin juice, wiped her mouth and turned to me.

"Draco," she began, a hesitant smile on her face. "How are your NEWTS classes going?"

I also placed my fork on the table, wiped my mouth and set the napkin back into my lap. "I suppose as well as can be expected," I returned.

A tiny worry line appeared between her brows. "I was wondering how much time you�ve been getting to study, having someone to take care of now." The object of the conversation didn�t appear to notice. He was happily munching on chips, playing some ridiculous spelling game that the Weaselette...that Ginny came up with. She�d spell out a word in chips and if Harry could say it, he�d get to eat the chips.

I sighed.

"It�s...difficult. Sometimes," I lowered my voice just in case Harry turned to me for congratulations, as he sometimes did. "Study time isn�t really the problem. Classes are. I�ve spent more time dragging Harry out of problems these last two days than I have doing the class work." I realized that I�d just sounded rather helpless. "But I manage," I ended awkwardly.

Granger nodded and pulled her eyes from Harry as well. She leaned forward. "Perhaps arrangements could be made so that someone takes care of Harry during the day and you get him after classes until the next morning. That way, you�d get to spend your classes actually learning."

I both hated and loved the idea. In my own way, I was as retentive about studies as Granger. But I had taken on the responsibility of Harry and I certainly wasn�t going to slack off in that either. I don�t know how much of my expression she read, but I knew from the brisk logical tone her voice took that she saw me vacillating.

"The rest of us can watch Harry every now and then as well when you need to get homework done. It�s very important that you succeed on your NEWTS, you know." Her voice softened as she took in Harry�s laughing countenance. "And we�d love to spend time with him, no matter what."

Harry grinned up at me, happily chewing on a chip, having no idea that we were planning his life around him. That someone was always planning his life around him. I smiled back wanly and he went back to spelling. "I�d feel like I was deserting him," I said softly, forgetting for a moment where I was. Of course Weasel had to remind me. He snorted at my proclamation. I could feel my spine stiffening and my lip curling.

"Shut the hell up, Ron. Draco is doing a fine job!" It was only Malfoy upbringing that kept my jaw from dropping when Neville Longbottom of all people huffed up in indignation for the slight upon me.

"It�s true, Ron." Finnegan? Agreeing with Longbottom? In my defense? "I�ve never seen Harry so happy."

"He�s clean and well dressed," Thomas piped up. "He never goes hungry. He�s always smiling and laughing."

Weasel looked pained. "But what about how Harry feels about him?" he whined.

I frowned. "What does that mean?" I demanded, determined not to sit back and let Gryffindors defend me. "Harry likes me just fine."

Weasel glared at me again. "I�m not talking to you, Ferret." He looked beseechingly at the others in his house. "You know," he waggled his eyebrows. "How Harry feels?"

Granger rolled her eyes and sighed. "Very clever, Ron. I�m sure no one got the inference."

Inference? Feels? What the hell were these psychotic Gryffs babbling about?

"Just say it, Weasley!" I snapped.

Ron just snarled at me. It was Neville's turn to roll his eyes and sigh. "Harry has a crush on you."

"Neville!" Ron screeched, causing Harry to flinch and squeeze into my side, dropping his gaze to his lap. Oh, how I hate that redheaded freak.

I wrapped an arm around Harry and pulled him closer, leaning down to whisper in his ear. "Don�t worry, pet. He just likes to hear himself squawk. He won�t hurt you. He loves you very much." Harry eyed the Weasel with trepidation, but nodded and gave a wavering smile in his direction.

Weasel smiled back cautiously, looking a bit embarrassed, and Harry went back to eating. "What did you tell him?" he whisper snarled.

I opened my mouth to respond when I heard an actual growl from beside me. I turned quickly to see Longbottom glaring daggers at Weasel. "Ginny, could you take Harry over to see Professor Dumbledore for a moment?" She didn�t ask questions. She just stood and whispered in Harry�s ear. He glanced up at me with sparkling eyes.

"Can I go with Ginny, Draco?"

How could I say no? I nodded. "Just mind your manners," I reminded him. He nodded and took Ginny�s hand, practically bouncing all the way up to the Head Table. And then Neville let loose.

"He told him not to be scared of you because you love him and wouldn�t hurt him. I�m glad to see Draco has such a high opinion of you. I�m in doubt actually." What the hell? "Yep, that was ever so wicked, don�t you think?" he continued. "Pure evil Malfoy right there, folks."

Weasel flushed. "There�s no need to be sarcastic, Neville," he murmured.

"I think there is," Longbottom retaliated. "Draco has been honest with Harry to the point of painfulness on his part. He�s been forced into an awkward position and the least we can do is clear up any questions he has. Harry may never...may never recover," his voice broke on that. "We have to keep that possibility in our minds. Of all people, I can tell you that. You know that Harry was planning on telling Draco how he felt before the end of the year. It�s our responsibility to carry out his wishes if he can�t. Harry would have done the same for us."

Weasel stared at his plate and slowly nodded. He blinked rapidly and I could tell he was one more hurtful remark from crying. The old Draco Malfoy would have pushed that to its limits. This new Draco, the one that held hands with the mental equivalent of a 4-year-old Harry Potter, couldn�t do it.

"I think he�s getting a bit better now," I said hesitantly. All eyes were on me now. "That first night, when he woke up, he remembered me. Not who I was," I hastened to clarify, "but he did know me. And he�s been remembering things about when he was little. He remembered his family made him wait for leftovers, and that they made him sleep in the cupboard."

I was glad that the looks of anger weren�t for me. In that anger, at least, the Gryffindors and I were kindred spirits. But I knew I had to tell the rest. "A-and then there was the bath time." I hesitated as I saw the embers of fury spark in Weasel�s eyes again. "I didn�t hurt him," I glared.

"We know, Draco," Granger said softly. "Ron isn�t angry about that. Please continue."

I continued, but I kept one eye on Weasel nonetheless. "I think someone tried to drown him in the bath." Gasps came from around the table.

"How so?" Granger asked, her eyes falling closed in resignation.

"He completely lost it when I tried to get him into it. And when I got to washing his hair he kept mumbling �not under� under his breath."

Silence fell at the table.

I watched perfect Hermione Granger lay her head down on the table and begin to cry quietly. Crap. Harry, I could figure out. Granger? This was entirely different. Ron looked as though he wanted to crawl across the table and wrap Granger in a nasty Gryffinhug. I�m assuming that my presence was his reason for staying seated. No one else moved to do anything. As a matter of fact, no one else even made eye contact with each other. What the hell? I noticed that that was quickly becoming my catch phrase when dealing with Gryffindors.

Oh, well. If it worked on Harry, surely it would work on Granger. I took a deep breath and cautiously lifted a hand from my lap. It seemed like hours before it finally reached her back, and when it settled there I half expected it to be slapped away. "He remembers good things too, Gra-Hermione," I said softly. "He remembered Snape comforting him when he was sad. He remembered feeling safe."

She sniffled and looked up, her eyes red rimmed and her lashes spiky. "That�s true," she sniffed, trying for a faint smile. "And he remembered you."

I snorted. "I don�t know that that was a good memory." She looked at my hand, still on her back, and her smile grew.

"I think it was," she said. Embarrassed, I pulled away. But the damage had been done, I could tell. She wiped her eyes and sat up straighter. "He is seeing parts of his life. In time, he may see more. I still think you need to ask Dumbledore for a caretaker for class time, though."

I sighed. "All right. If you think it best."

She grinned. "I know the perfect person."


(Friday Evening)

We were in the common room, drawing silly pictures together when the tiny origami phoenix sailed in and landed at my feet. Opening it, I found a summons and a password for the Headmaster�s office. Granger worked fast. I forced Harry into shoes and we headed out. I had been in Dumbledore�s office perhaps three times in my school career. Harry, I knew, practically lived there. I was curious to see if anything would spark for him.

He sat down in the chair next to Dumbledore�s phoenix and stared enraptured as the bird broke into song. The old man smiled gently and beckoned me to take a seat. He offered a tin of sweets that I declined and then leaned back in his chair. "I have been speaking to Miss Granger," he began.

"He�s not a burden," I blurted out. "I can handle it. She just�"

He raised a hand to shush me, the smile still on his face. "I know you can handle this quite well, my boy. I would never have allowed you to care for him if I didn�t believe that." He leaned forward as if imparting a great secret. "The best person for any job is the one who can admit when he needs help. It doesn�t make you weak or incapable, Mr. Malfoy."

I let out the breath I�d been holding. "I-I just don�t want to fail my NEWTS," I whispered.

He nodded understandingly. "You are a smart young man, Mr. Malfoy. You cannot provide for young Harry if you are too burdened with work or with heavy thoughts. Choosing to seek additional help is a demonstration of your mettle. I have taken steps to find a most intriguing caretaker for your approval."

I frowned. "My approval? Why do you need my approval?"

His eyes twinkled. "Would you let just anyone take care of our Harry?"

"No," I shot back immediately, and then blushed as it dawned on me. "Oh. Never mind," I finished lamely.

He nodded. "Just so. Dobby?" he called into the air. A pop later and a small house-elf appeared next to the desk.

"Yes, Dumblydore, sir?" his ears waggled with excitement. "Is Harry Potter ready to meet Dobby?"

Dumbledore smiled and nodded. "He is indeed, Dobby. This is Master Draco, Harry�s caretaker."

It clicked. Dobby. "You were a Malfoy elf, weren�t you?" I asked. "You were the one Harry freed."

Dobby nodded vigorously. "I is indeed, Master Draco. I is hoping that will not be a problem. I is wanting to help Harry Potter."

I shook my head. "No, it won�t be a problem," I said faintly. I watched Dobby go over to Harry�s side and I wondered just how many people, or creatures, in this world had Harry Potter�s touch on their life.

Dobby bowed slightly and waited for Harry to notice him. Harry started a bit at the sight of the elf so close to him, but then his eyes narrowed and his head cocked sideways in a thinking position.

"I know you," he said.

Dobby almost preened. "Yes, Harry Potter knows Dobby well."

Harry squinted. "Was there...a cake?"

Dobby looked embarrassed. "Yes, Harry Potter, sir. There was a cake. Does Harry Potter like cake?" Sneaky, I thought. Little elf just redirected that question like a true veteran of Malfoy Manor.

Harry nodded and Dobby looked thrilled at the change in conversation. "Perhaps at teatime Dobby and Harry Potter can make a cake while Master Draco is in class." Harry looked startled at that comment.

"But, I�m supposed to go with Draco to classes," he said plaintively.

I couldn�t stand that lost look. I dropped to my knees at Harry�s feet. "Harry, pet, I�m very distracted during classes by worrying about you. I can�t focus on what the professors are trying to tell me. Do you understand that?"

He looked so sad; I thought my heart would break. He nodded. "You don�t want me anymore."

"No!" I grasped his thighs with twitching fingers. "Never that. I�m sure it�s no fun for you to sit for so long during the day, being quiet and having nothing to do, is it?" He slowly shook his head. "Dobby can play with you. You can run around the castle. Maybe even go outside for short walks. And we�d eat lunch together. And I�d take you back at suppertime and we�d be together all evening and night. And we�ll spend weekends together. We can spend this weekend together. We don�t have to start until Monday. I only need you to be with Dobby when I�m in classes."

I realized halfway through my determined speech that I was begging, but Harry�s frown was easing and the lost look was slowly leaving, so I didn�t really care what I sounded like. He eventually nodded. "I understand," he said. "Can I draw pictures for you while you�re gone?" he asked hopefully.

I smiled in relief. "I certainly hope you will."

Harry nodded again. "Okay." He leaned forward and wrapped his warm arms around my shoulders. "I�ll stay with Dobby. I love you, Draco."

His arms warmed my shoulders. His heart. "I love you too, Harry."

Interlude 4

Written by C. Dumbledore



It�s difficult to talk about. It�s difficult to even think about. He was one of my best friends and now he doesn�t even remember me. I think I frightened him in Care of Magical Creatures. I didn�t mean to. I was just so angry with Hagrid for being so stupid. It�s just.... well, it�s just hard.

Ron is a wreck. I�m a wreck for that matter, but I think it�s worse for him. He�s lost a mate. His best mate. And yet he isn�t lost. His body is there every day reminding us. When he was lying there unconscious in the hospital, I thought things couldn�t get any worse. I was wrong.

Dumbledore was right, of course. Neither Ron nor I would have been a good choice to take care of him. I would have been weeping all the time. And frankly, though I admit some prurient interest, I don�t think my bathing my seventeen-year-old male best friend would have been healthy for either of us.

But Malfoy? That was a shock. He protested at first, but he was obviously the best choice. Who would have thought? Well, who would have thought he would have rescued him and brought him back? That couldn�t have been easy. And I cannot even begin to imagine killing my father under any circumstances.

I think I�m developing a whole new perspective on the man. Maybe even respect. Definitely respect. As scary as it is, I might even end up liking him.

He obviously has something more for Harry than he ever let on. And if that�s the case I�m not even going to think about his bathing him. I guess I am thinking about it. Wow.

I�ve watched him deal with frightened Harry, guilt-ridden Harry, uncertain Harry, bored Harry and just plain five-year-old Harry. It�s pretty amazing.

The reaction of the entire Slytherin House has been a shock. Pug-nose, excuse me, Pansy Parkinson is motherly. I know it�s enough to put one off their meals, but it�s true. Crabbe and Goyle didn�t surprise me as much as they�re so childlike themselves. They�re all taking care of him. I can�t help wondering what will happen if their parents find out.

Today at dinner, Draco brought Harry over to the Gryffindor table. It was a very brave thing, and one he certainly didn�t have to do. He really is trying. I know I keep saying that, but it still takes me by surprise. It was a bit tense for everyone. Most of the Gryffindors couldn�t figure out what to do with a Slytherin at the table. Malfoy didn�t look too comfortable either.

I watched how Harry behaves around food, and around people in general. I want to hurt the Dursleys. I doubt I�m alone on that.

Classes have been.... interesting. I think Professor McGonagall was down to her last nerve by the end of Transfigurations, and Harry was standing on it. I tend to forget about the strength of his innate magic. How powerful is he really? Makes one wonder.

I know everyone was ready to kill me when I asked about homework at the end of Potions, but really I didn�t have much choice. It was either say something really stupid like that or burst into tears. I saw a side of Snape I�ve never seen before. I think it was a shock to Slytherin as well. He was almost human. Even as a child, Harry can bring out the best in people. He�s pretty amazing.

Which brings me back to the same thing that keeps going through my head. Why? Why did this have to happen? I suppose I should be worrying about how we�ll defeat Voldemort with Harry in this state, but honestly at the moment I don�t care.

All I know is that I want my friend back. I don�t even care if he brings Malfoy with him. Honestly.

I�m not sure Ron will survive this. He�s like a lost child himself. He spends most of his time blaming himself and berating himself for every unkind thing he ever said.

Whatever gods there may or may not be, please give us Harry back. Please.


(POV Neville)

If you had asked me a few years ago who the most important person in my life was, I would have told you it was my gran. She raised me after my parents were.... well after that.

If you asked me today, I would say Harry James Potter. I wouldn�t even have to think about it. Harry James Potter. He is my friend. It took me a long time to believe that. At first, when he was nice to me, I was in awe. I thought �Wow! The boy-who-lived spoke to me.� I even wrote Gran and told her.

Then I realized that he�s just Harry. Under all of that, he�s just Harry. He is one of the most powerful wizards in the world and he�s only seventeen. He has faced Voldemort and death eaters and Dolores Umbridge and he has not wavered; he is still just Harry.

I honestly believe that the most difficult task he took on was pulling me out of my shell. I was pretty deeply entrenched. It comes from years of people thinking you�re a Squib. That and being overweight and forgetful and blowing up cauldrons. As far as I know, no one ever got on a chocolate frog card for being good at Herbology.

I remember the first time I did a spell right in a DA meeting. Harry beamed. Harry Potter beamed at me. �Good job, Neville,� that�s what he said. Something changed. Something shifted inside me and I.... changed. I�m not saying Harry Potter made me into something different than I was. What I�ve become, what I�m becoming was there all along. What Harry did was bring it out.

That night in the Ministry, I was so scared I almost peed myself, or worse. But when that Death Eater had Harry by the neck, I saw red. Poking a Death Eater in the eye with a wand will probably never make the Auror training program, but it was effective.

I never thanked Harry for what he�s done. I don�t know if I thought he knew or that there would be plenty of time. It just kind of got away from me. And now I can�t. It would mean nothing to him.

Dinner earlier � I�m not sure I even want to think about that. Ron was being such a prat. I know he feels badly that he�s not able to take care of Harry. We all do. But what�s best for Harry is what�s important here, not what�s best for Ronald Weasley. Draco�s been so good. He was even telling Harry that Ron cared about him and wouldn�t hurt him and then Ron has to be nasty about it. I just had all I could take, that�s all.

And I wasn�t going to tell Draco about Harry�s feelings, but after what Ron said, how could I not? The Kneazle was out of the bag so to speak. Then Ron has the nerve to be mad at me for telling? What an oaf. Unfortunately, my voice carries (it comes from spending years with an old lady who doesn�t hear very well) and I�m sure half of the Great Hall knows now. I hope I�m right and Harry won�t kill me.

Oh. The stuff about the Muggles he grew up with. I�m surprised the entire Gryffindor table didn�t walk out the door and catch the Knight Bus to Little Whinging. I�m not a violent person unless defending myself, but I really, really want to hurt those people.... bad.

Draco Malfoy is good for Harry Potter. I can�t believe I�m saying that. If Harry comes out of this... No, when Harry comes out of this, I hope the two of them get together. It would be the best thing that could happen to either of them.

Retreat - Chapter 7

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