First Place - Action/Adventure

Chapter Five

Blaise showed his understanding of the problem when he spoke to Draco. "Hey, Draco, would you like to go for a little walk with me while Harry goes to his boring old meeting? I can show you some of the cool paintings that always have the best gossip," Blaise said, trying to entice the small boy.

Draco looked intrigued, but leery of being away from Harry. He glanced up at Harry worriedly. "It's all right with me, as long as you don't go too far," Harry said agreeably, while still attempting to address Draco's fear.

"Ah, I won't take him far," Blaise said. "Some of the really gossipy portraits are near Dumbledore's office anyway. We can just explore a little. There are also some statues near there." Blaise whispered to Draco, "I know for a fact there's a wicked statue of a dragon."

Draco's eyes lit up. "Just like my name," he breathed.

Blaise nodded knowingly. "Yeah, I know your sixteen-year-old self thinks it's really wicked," he said, sweetening the deal.

Harry was grateful that Blaise's deal-making with Draco seemed to be working since Draco wouldn't be a witness to the meeting, but Harry was beginning to regret that he couldn't go along for the exploring, too. "Sounds like you'll have a lot of fun, angel," he said.

Draco nodded enthusiastically, but then he looked worried again. They were at the stone gargoyle and Harry crouched down next to Draco. "I'm going to be right here in Dumbledore's office. If you need me, Blaise will bring you right to me," Harry said.

Draco looked up at Blaise. "Promise?" he asked.

"I promise," Blaise said solemnly.

"All right then," Draco said, brightening again.

Harry had glanced ruefully at the stone gargoyle and realized he hadn't gotten the password from McGonagall. "You can go for your walk with Blaise, but first we're going to play a little game," Harry said.

"What kind of game?" Draco asked with interest.

"We're going to start naming every kind of candy we can think of," Harry explained. "Can you do that?"

Draco nodded enthusiastically and started rattling off all kinds of wizarding candies.

Blaise raised an eyebrow in question, but Harry just shook his head and listened to Draco. Harry realized that he really should take the boy into Hogsmeade. Draco would love Honeydukes, especially, since Harry was sure that many new candies had been developed since Draco was four. Harry wasn't sure this would actually work since Dumbledore could have easily used one of the more recently developed sweets for his password.

Draco seemed to have hit on the right one finally, though, when 'jelly pops' caused the gargoyle to move. Draco gasped and his eyes bulged, staring at the statue.

Harry grinned. "Now you just remember 'jelly pops' if you need to come find me before I'm done. I shouldn't be too long."

Draco nodded solemnly. "I'll be good for Blaise and I won't go too far," he promised.

Harry kissed him on the forehead. "I know you'll be good, angel. Now off you go and have fun."

Blaise grinned and offered his hand to Draco. Draco accepted this time and they set off down the hall. Draco looked over his shoulder once and Harry waved before heading up the moving staircase.

Merlin, he was feeling about as scared about letting Draco out of his sight as Draco was scared about being out of his sight. It wasn't even quite twenty-four hours and Harry was firmly attached to the little boy. Harry didn't even want to think about what would happen when Draco was changed back.

The door was open at the top of the stairs and Dumbledore gestured him in. "Come in, my boy, and have a seat. May I ask where Mr. Malfoy is?" he asked.

Harry glanced over at Snape who was glaring at him. "I didn't want Draco around to witness this meeting. Draco semi-trusts Blaise and we managed to talk him into a walk around this area of the castle. He agreed as long as he didn't go too far."

"Ah, and I'm guessing Mr. Zabini promised to show him the dragon statue," Dumbledore said in his infuriatingly knowing way, his eyes twinkling merrily.

Harry eyed him suspiciously. "Yes, it seemed to cinch the idea for Draco."

"It is a favorite of Mr. Malfoy's, so it does not surprise me," Dumbledore said. "But perhaps we should continue before they return."

Harry and Snape both nodded. "Harry, would you care to explain exactly what happened this morning?"

Harry took a deep breath and described the events of the morning. The only main details he left out were his wish to kill Lucius Malfoy and Snape's subsequent agreement on that matter. By the time he was done, Harry was seething with anger again at what the elder Malfoy had done to his son. Harry was this angry and he didn't even have any real details about how exactly the boy had been punished.

"Severus, is this an accurate account?" Dumbledore asked as more of a formality. If it hadn't been accurate, then they all knew that Snape would have spoken up immediately. Snape nodded curtly, and Harry realized that Snape's expression was just as dark and angry as it had been that morning. Both of them would willingly kill Lucius Malfoy that moment if he'd been standing in front of them.

"Well, my boys, your behavior this morning is quite understandable now," Dumbledore said gravely. "Unfortunately, I'm not sure there is much we can do. Other than what Harry is already attempting by trying to get Draco to open up and talk about what happened, so that hopefully the boy can truly heal."

"Albus, I am not your boy," Snape ground out.

Dumbledore just waved him off. Harry managed to keep the grin off his face, but he'd be willing to bet they'd had that argument before.

"I must ask the two of you to refrain from having these types of discussions in the Great Hall in the future," Dumbledore said. "I do understand that Draco is still quite uncomfortable with being out of Harry's sight, and that fact highly influenced the location of the discussions this morning. Also, your anger is highly understandable, but it was quite disturbing to witness, particularly without knowing the facts."

"I understand, Albus," Snape said, nodding curtly.

"Yes, Headmaster," Harry agreed.

"Now that the formality of chastising you is out of the way, I believe there is more to discuss regarding Mr. Malfoy's current condition."

With a start, Harry realized that Dumbledore had placed him and Snape as equals regarding the incident that morning, and the more surprising revelation was that Snape had not argued that fact. Harry shook his head, bringing his attention back to the Headmaster's words.

"I understand that you have uncovered some information, Severus," Dumbledore said leadingly.

Snape nodded. "Yes, but I admit that I do not completely understand it. I tested Draco's potion last night and discovered that it was a perfect brewing of the de-aging potion. It is an extremely difficult potion, partially because it requires precise ingredients added at very precise moments to achieve the desired number of years to de-age. Draco's potion was perfectly made to de-age him twelve years, to his current age of four years."

Snape furrowed his brow. "It does not surprise me that the boy was capable of brewing this potion. He knows his potions. But that is precisely what confuses me. I am positive that he would have to have known what he was brewing. Some of the ingredients needed were ones we were using for the assigned potion yesterday, but not all of them. I just don't see how he could've accidentally come up with this potion." Snape concluded.

"Are you suggesting that he made the potion deliberately?" Dumbledore asked in concern.

Snape shrugged helplessly and Harry actually rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was seeing things. The Potions Master he knew was absolutely never unsure of anything, but now he was showing signs of being human like the rest of them - in front of Harry, no less.

"It makes absolutely no sense that he would make the potion deliberately, but I don't see how it could be otherwise. I'm sure the boy must have known exactly how to cause the cauldron to explode without altering the properties of the potion itself," Snape explained. "Also, Draco was the only one dosed with the potion. I didn't question it until last night, but when I went back over the events, the potion was conspicuously contained to Draco alone."

"I assume there must be an antidote," Dumbledore asked.

Snape nodded. "That's the other thing I don't understand. If Draco did make this potion deliberately, I'm sure he also knew that the antidote allowing him to re-age is unfortunately a potion that takes four months to brew properly. It requires much care in the brewing process and must be drunk within twenty-four hours after the final ingredients are added. Re-aging is far less simple than de-aging."

"That, at least, makes sense," Dumbledore said. "Generally people want to be younger, not older. I would assume that the long brewing process also deters teenagers, in particular, from trying to add a few years."

Snape nodded absently. "Yes, I believe those were factors considered when the original potion was created. But why would Draco subject himself to a potion like this, knowing it would take him four months to get back to himself?"

The room was silent for a couple of minutes as the three of them thought about all that had been said.

"If that is what he did, I think I can understand why he would do it," Harry spoke up softly.

Both men turned to him in surprise. "Harry, why do you think that he would do this deliberately?" Dumbledore asked in concern.

"You said he will likely remember all this when he's re-aged, correct?" Harry asked.

"Yes, considering the unknown yesterday, we could not know with certainty, but with these potions, it is a definite that he will remember everything that occurs while he's de-aged," Snape explained, slipping easily into his professorial mode once more.

Harry nodded. "Then, I think that reason alone would be a good enough one for him to contemplate the idea. The more that I learn about Draco himself, and the more I learn about his father, I can understand him wanting to go back and essentially re-create better childhood memories," Harry explained almost wistfully.

Snape and Dumbledore were both looking like they understood Draco's possible motives now, but Harry went on. "Unfortunately, I don't know Draco nearly as well as I would like to, but I can guess at many other possible reasons for doing something like this. I don't know how close he was to his mother before she died this summer, but I do know that he has not asked about her even once since the accident. At this point, basically both of his parents are gone. It's got to be difficult realizing your parents are gone, whether you particularly liked them or not. Parents are parents and you love them regardless because that's what you do," Harry said softly.

He swallowed hard before he continued, uncomfortable with what he was revealing about himself at the same time he was talking about Draco. "We don't know exactly what Lucius has done to Draco all these years, but we know that it was bad. Draco was angry with me because I put his father in Azkaban last spring, but I'd bet anything that it was a front and inside he was feeling relief. No, he may or may not have wanted his father in prison, and as a proper Malfoy he needed to retaliate against actions against his family if he could, but deep inside he could be glad that his father was in a place where he couldn't hurt him this summer."

"I think you may understand Draco better than you realize," Snape said quietly.

Harry shrugged. "I spent a lot of time thinking about him over the summer."

Snape raised an eyebrow in question, but Harry ignored it and went back to his theories regarding Draco's motives for dosing himself with the de-aging potion. "I'm sure Draco had a lot of time to think this summer. With your father suddenly in prison and your mother dead, it would make almost anyone sit down and think and reevaluate their life. What if he realized that he didn't particularly like what he saw and wanted a fresh start? A highly unusual method maybe, but going back and redoing a bit of your childhood makes a bit of sense when you stop to think about it."

Harry looked over at Snape, somewhat curious as to the fact that Snape was allowing him to ramble on about his theories, but continuing regardless. He had the advantage of spending countless hours thinking about Draco over the summer, and this potion de-aging business was actually fitting into his thoughts about Draco pretty neatly.

"Draco is in Slytherin for a reason. It would be a very cunning plan to revert to a four-year-old in his position. He knows very well that overall he is not well-liked in this school outside of Slytherin house. It would take far longer than four months to convince people he'd changed his attitudes, if that was what he was choosing to do. Instead, if he dosed himself with this potion, he could become a lovable four-year-old with a far better chance of getting people to like him. Knowing he wouldn't remember everything about his past while he was a four-year-old, it would also give himself a chance to get to know what he could be like without the influence of his father. Well, not the same influence, anyway. Even if Draco decided that he wanted to change, he would know that his ingrained habits would be hard to break. Particularly if his father ingrained them into him personally," Harry ended with a scowl on his face.

"I think you may have a very valid theory, my boy," Dumbledore said contemplatively.

Snape narrowed his eyes at Harry. "Potter, how did you come up with this theory of yours? Are you sure that you should not be in Slytherin?" he asked suspiciously.

Harry grinned. "Are you saying that my theory of Draco's possible plan is worthy of a Slytherin?" he asked.

Snape glared at him and Harry relented, still grinning. "The Sorting Hat wanted to put me in Slytherin," Harry admitted.

Snape pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. "It figures," he muttered. "Only a Slytherin could come up with a plan such as that, and whether that was Draco's plan or not, you deduced the theory on your own. Merlin, no wonder I've struggled with you all these years. You slip through my fingers because you have the cunning of a damn Slytherin," Snape was still muttering.

"Thank you, sir," Harry said cheekily; his grin even wider, if that was possible.

Snape sent him a glare but Harry could tell it was only half-hearted. Snape turned on Dumbledore all of a sudden. "You knew about this, didn't you, Albus?" Snape demanded, expecting an answer.

Dumbledore's eyes were twinkling like mad. He nodded. "Yes, I believe I had a discussion with Harry about it at the end of his second year."

"It just explains so much," Snape muttered, shaking his head.

Harry decided to take pity on the man and went back to his theories about Draco. "I can think of another reason why Draco would do something so drastic," he said.

"And why is that?" Dumbledore asked.

"Particularly through the Christmas holidays, Draco would be safe from Voldemort. If he's chosen not to follow in his father's footsteps, then he's going to be hyper aware that he'll be a major target. A four-year-old boy would be much safer than the sixteen-year-old son of Voldemort's right hand man. If nothing else, he would be free from receiving the Dark Mark for at least four more months," Harry explained.

"Well, it would appear that Mr. Malfoy likely had many reasons for choosing to do something so drastic," Dumbledore said. "And many of those reasons would be quite valid and worth the risks."

"I'm sure he weighed all of his options quite thoroughly, sir," Harry said. "If this was deliberate, then I'm quite positive that he minimized the risks as much as he possibly could. That would be why he waited until school to do it, too. Over the summer he would have been far too vulnerable as a young boy. Here, he would know that he would be protected. Also, there is the fact that this is neither an OWL nor a NEWT year. He's extremely intelligent. He'll be missing half of the year, but he'll also have the second half of the year to catch up. I'd be willing to bet that he studied all of this year's assigned course books thoroughly before school ever started this year and he will likely not really be that far behind."

Snape was back to eyeing Harry suspiciously, almost curiously. "Potter, I am loath to admit this, but I think at this point I am willing to admit that you are probably the best possible caregiver for my godson over the next few months. You seem to have a far better understanding of him than I ever would have expected from you."

"Thank you, sir," Harry said solemnly, recognizing the tremendous compliment for what it was from this man.

Dumbledore cleared his throat, bringing their attention back to him. "Well, it seems that things are as settled as they can be then. I think that the possibility that it was deliberate, rather than an accident, should remain between the three of us. There is no point in putting the boy at further risk. Harry, Draco will continue to be under your care then over the next four months until the antidote is finished."

Harry nodded. "It will be my pleasure, sir, but can I ask a favor?"

"Certainly, my boy," Dumbledore said.

"I was wondering if I could take Draco into Hogsmeade on Saturday to do some shopping. I realize that it's not a Hogsmeade weekend, but if Draco is going to remain this age for the next four months, then he will need more things," Harry explained his request, leaving out the fact that he wanted to buy Draco sweets.

"Particularly new robes that aren't red," Snape muttered.

Harry and Dumbledore both grinned. At that moment, they could hear, through the still open doorway, the staircase beginning to move. Scant seconds later, Draco was scrambling into Harry's lap. He threw his arms around Harry's neck. His "I missed you, Harry," was muffled into Harry's robes.

Harry stroked his silky hair. "I missed you too, angel." He readjusted Draco on his lap so he could look at him. "Did you have a good time with Blaise?" Harry asked.

Draco grinned and nodded. "He showed me lots of things. The dragon was 'mazing, Harry," he breathed.

Harry smiled. "Then you'll have to show me later."

"All right. Besides, it just didn't seem right without you there anyway," Draco said softly.

Harry sent Blaise a questioning look, who had sat down in the chair Dumbledore conjured for him. Blaise shrugged. "He did okay for a little while, but then he just kept getting more anxious to return to you. I distracted him for a little while to give you more time, but I wasn't particularly good at it," he admitted.

"I didn't want to be distracted," Draco said defiantly. "I wanted to be with my Harry."

Blaise smirked at Harry. "I told you that you'd been claimed by a Malfoy."

"And I told you that I was already well aware that he's got me wrapped around his little finger," Harry retorted.

Draco looked down at his hands curiously, causing the others to chuckle.

Snape snorted. "And you want to take this boy shopping?" he asked.

Harry grinned ruefully. "I never said that it wouldn't be an expensive shopping trip."

"Actually, Harry, that does bring up the concern of Draco's finances," Dumbledore began, but Harry just waved him off.

"The money doesn't matter. I've got both the Potter and Black vaults. I might as well spend a little of it having fun with Draco," Harry said easily, making it clear that it was no big concern to him. He was actually thinking that Sirius would have approved of Harry spending some of the money.

Blaise was spluttering, however. Harry looked at him curiously. "What?" he asked.

Blaise took a deep breath in an attempt to regain his speech. "You inherited the Black vaults?" he finally asked.

"Yeah, why?" Harry asked, confused by Blaise's reaction.

Blaise looked at Snape. "He doesn't have a clue?" Blaise asked the Potions professor.

Snape shook his head. "I don't think so. It doesn't appear to matter much to him."

Dumbledore smiled, nodding his agreement. "Harry actually walked out at the reading of the will. Losing the last member of his family was more important than the inheritance. Sirius Black was his godfather."

Harry was impressed that Snape heard all of that and managed not to sneer at Harry. It didn't stop the flicker of pain from the memory of that day, or of losing Sirius in the first place, but the pain was manageable now and he was still impressed with Snape's lack of sneering response when Sirius was mentioned. It somehow made Harry feel a little better, despite the fact that Snape and Dumbledore were actually revealing more about him. He had to wonder at the fact that as much seemed to be revealed about him, as it did Draco, with the way things were going. His swiftly revolving thoughts were derailed with Blaise's next outburst claiming his attention.

Blaise's eyes widened even further. "Sirius Black was his godfather?!" he exclaimed incredulously.

Snape gave him a curt nod, and Harry frowned, wondering why Snape and Dumbledore were actually revealing this information to Blaise. Was this their way of telling Harry that Blaise could be trusted?

"Merlin, Harry, I've learned far more about you in the last twenty-four hours that I never would have guessed in a million years," Blaise said.

"Haven't we all," Snape muttered.

Harry just shrugged. "People just see what they want to see, or they believe what they read about me. Not too many take the time to get to know who I really am."

Blaise studied Harry for a moment. "I'd like the chance," he said, giving Harry a friendly smile.

"Sure," Harry said with a return smile.

"Yes, it looks like you will have time over the next four months to get to know each other better as you care for young Draco," Dumbledore interjected.

"Four months?!" Blaise exclaimed.

Snape nodded gravely. "Yes, it will take that long to brew the antidote, unfortunately."

"Wow!" Blaise breathed.

"I'm going to be four years old for four whole months?" Draco asked quietly.

"Yes, Draco," Snape said seriously. "You will remain in Potter's care during that time, until I have finished the antidote."

"Oh! Well that's all right then if I get to stay with Harry," Draco said, snuggling up closer in Harry's lap.

Snape rolled his eyes. "I'm pleased that you find this arrangement and your predicament so agreeable," he said sarcastically, but the sarcasm rolled right over Draco and he grinned at his godfather, simply causing Snape to roll his eyes again.

Snape looked at Dumbledore and took a deep breath. "Perhaps, Albus, I could take these three boys to Diagon Alley on Saturday."

All three boys in question perked up and looked hopefully to the headmaster for his answer. "I think that is an excellent idea, Severus," Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling merrily. Harry was sure the old man thought it amusing for Snape to not only be taking Harry shopping, but actually volunteering to do so.

"Fine. Potter, Zabini, meet me here at nine o'clock Saturday morning, prepared to leave," Snape said sharply.

"Yes, sir," they chorused.

"Fabulous! I think that'll be all for this afternoon," Dumbledore said with a benign smile. They all stood to leave. "Oh, and Mr. Zabini, I will let Professor Sprout know where you were this afternoon and that you were an invaluable help."

"Thank you, sir," Blaise said. In all the excitement, he'd forgotten that he was still supposed to be in class.

Back in the hallway once again, Blaise asked if they still wanted to head down to the Slytherin rooms. Harry and Draco agreed, and they began the trek down to the dungeons.

Malfoy's Child- Chapter 6

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