First Place - Action/Adventure

Chapter One

Harry left the dorm room door open and made his way back down to the common room. Once again the room was fairly noisy and full of activity. There were several people studying, but there were also groups playing chess, playing exploding snap or just talking with their friends. Harry made his way back to the chair he'd been sitting in earlier to talk with his own friends.

"Your charge is quite the character, Harry," Hermione said, as Harry sat down.

Harry grinned. "Yeah, he is," he agreed.

"Are we okay, mate?" Ron asked tentatively.

Harry shrugged. "We are, if you lay off of Draco," he said.

Ron held up his hands in a gesture of surrender. "I don't pretend to understand, but I get the message," he said in defeat.

"Good," Harry said simply.

"But why are you the one taking care of him?" Ron whinged. "I just don't understand."

"It's because they're kindred souls," Hermione piped up.

Ron snorted, but Harry nodded thoughtfully, causing Ron to stare at him in shock.

"You don't believe that crap, do you?" Ron scoffed.

"Well, I don't know about kindred souls exactly," Harry admitted. "But I do understand how the little guy is feeling."

"You used to get laughed at in classes when you were little, just like we all laughed at Draco today, didn't you?" Hermione asked. It really wasn't much of a question.

Harry nodded. "Dudley always made sure I was the center of all the ridicule in primary school," he said bitterly. "It's not a fun place to be."

Ron looked horrified. "They laughed at you like that?"

"Yeah, only I didn't even have to do anything to cause it. Dudley and his gang were always bullying me and causing trouble. It was a lot to take at times," Harry admitted.

"You also didn't have anyone to turn to," Hermione pointed out.

Harry shook his head and tried to pull his thoughts together to explain how he was feeling to his friends. He wasn't used to opening up about his past, but maybe under the circumstances, it was time. Harry really wanted Ron to understand, and for him to understand, it meant Harry needed to explain his past.

"I grew up feeling scared, lonely, insecure and unloved. It's miserable," Harry said quietly. "I managed to take care of myself, but it was because I didn't have any other choice. I had no friends and was ridiculed and bullied on a regular basis. On top of that, I was neglected and often punished harshly for things that were no fault of my own, or even if I had done something wrong, the punishment far exceeded the crime."

Harry shook his head again, trying to clear away the old memories that were attempting to bring him down. "Anyway, that's how Draco is feeling right now - scared, lonely, insecure and unloved. Like I told Snape, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. He's just a little boy. As far as he's aware, he was just thrust from his comfortable bed into the middle of that classroom where he was being laughed at."

"Even by his own friends," Hermione pointed out.

"Exactly," Harry said. "It sounds corny, but my heart just ached for that poor little boy, and I couldn't just stand there and let everyone keep hurting him. He needed someone to be there for him."

"All right, I suppose I can understand now why you're wanting to take care of him, but why does he trust you so much?" Ron asked. "He certainly doesn't seem to trust anyone else."

"He doesn't. He doesn't even seem to trust his godfather." Harry shrugged. "I'm honestly not sure why he's chosen to trust me, but I guess it's because I was the first one to help him, when everyone else was laughing at him."

"I think that's true, but I also think it's more than that," Hermione said softly. "Harry, I think Draco can sense that you truly understand and care for him. Children know these things. And with every touch, your every action, your every word, you're proving time and time again that you care for him and will protect him. He knows this, and he trusts you because of it."

Harry and Ron were both looking at her a bit wide-eyed. Then Harry smiled softly as he remembered Draco's words at dinner. "He defended me at dinner tonight. When he was asked why he was letting me take care of him, he did mention that it was because I didn't laugh at him. But he also said it was because he felt safe with me, I call him angel, I hold him and allow him to cry and because I don't hurt him. In the words of Draco Malfoy, that's why he trusts me to take care of him."

Ron hadn't lost his wide-eyed look, but didn't get a chance to respond, because all of a sudden there was a terrified scream coming from the dorms. Harry was up in a flash and jumped over the couch in his way before flying up the stairs. Harry rushed across the dorm and gathered Draco up in his arms.

Harry was scanning the room from the moment he entered, but didn't see any immediate threats. Wands in hand, Ron and Hermione quickly checked over the room and the adjoining bathroom, just to be sure there was no immediate danger before sitting down on the edge of Harry's bed to silently watch.

Harry rocked Draco back and forth, murmuring calming words. When Draco's sobs had calmed to the occasional hiccup, Harry tried to determine what had actually terrified him.

"What happened, Draco?" Harry asked.

Draco just shook his head violently.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Harry tried again.

Draco nodded his head, his eyes screwed tightly closed.

"Can you tell me about it?" Harry asked.

Again, Draco shook his head violently.

"Shhh, it's all right. You're safe," Harry soothed. "Just remember that nightmares aren't really real, and they can't hurt you."

Draco shuddered in Harry's arms. Ron had gotten up and poured a fresh glass of water from the jug on the bedside table and passed it to Harry. Harry shot him a grateful glance and helped Draco to take a drink.

Harry thought about that shudder and had a scary thought. "Draco, was your nightmare about something that really happened? Kinda like a memory?" he asked.

Draco hesitated, but then nodded.

"Can you tell me about it?" Harry asked again, and once more Draco shook his head violently.

"Shhh," Harry soothed. "I think you'd feel better if you told me, but I'm not going to force you to."

Harry rocked silently for a few moments before speaking up again. "Sometimes I have nightmares about things that have really happened, too." Draco froze in Harry's arms, but Harry continued to speak softly. "They leave me feeling pretty scared, even though I know they happened in the past. I don't particularly like to talk about my nightmares either, because it's scary just thinking about them, let alone talking about them out loud," Harry admitted.

Harry glanced at his two best friends who were now sitting quietly on Harry's bed, simply listening as Harry talked to Draco. Both of them were looking at Harry with sympathy. He had to wonder just how much he was going to end up exposing of himself, all for Draco's sake.

Harry could readily see Hermione taking his admission and hounding him even more to talk about his nightmares. He could suddenly see her point better now, though. Harry didn't want to leave Draco to deal with his nightmares by himself. He sighed and averted his gaze back to Draco, who was now looking up at him.

"Really?" Draco whispered.

"Yes, really," Harry whispered back. "Sometimes it's just hard to talk about them at night. You try to forget about your nightmare for now and maybe we could talk about it tomorrow instead," he suggested.

Draco nodded. "I don't want to think about it now," he whispered.

"Would you feel better sleeping with me tonight?" Harry asked, a little hesitantly. He had always hated being alone after he had a nightmare when he was little. If he was truly honest with himself, he hated being alone now that he was older, too.

Draco stared at Harry. "You'd let me?" he asked tentatively.

"Of course," Harry said. "But I'm just a little worried that I might wake you up if I have my own nightmare," he admitted.

"That's okay," Draco said. "If you have a nightmare, then I'll protect you," the little boy said bravely.

Harry kissed him on the end of the nose and smiled at the nose scrunch he found so adorable. He wondered absently if part of the reason he found it so adorable was because he knew the older Draco would likely throw a total fit about it. Harry was pretty sure Malfoys weren't supposed to be 'adorable'. "Come on then, angel. Let's go crawl into my bed then."

Ron and Hermione moved, and Hermione pulled the covers back so that Harry could lay Draco down and then crawl into bed himself. Harry wrapped his arms protectively around the small boy, Draco snuggling up into Harry's warmth as Hermione pulled the blankets back up and tucked them both into bed. She kissed both Draco and Harry on their foreheads.

"Harry?" Draco whispered.

"Mmmm," was Harry's answer.

"Mione's tucking us into bed," Draco whispered. "And she kissed me on my head."

"Yeah, she does those kinds of things sometimes. It's kind of nice," Harry whispered back.

"Oh. Yeah, it is nice," he answered, before snuggling deeper under the covers and closing his eyes.

Harry sent Hermione a warm smile, then closed his own eyes. Both were soon asleep and never heard a thing as Ron and the other boys came in and quietly got ready for bed.

* * * * *

Harry awoke the next morning feeling truly refreshed for the first time in ages. It may have had something to do with being back at Hogwarts and the fact that he'd gotten to bed fairly early. But as he felt the warm body snuggled into his side, and the memories of the day before flooded back, Harry had to admit that it also probably had something to do with the little boy he was now in charge of temporarily.

The little body shifted and Harry opened his eyes to see silver eyes staring back at him. Harry smiled and those eyes crinkled as Draco's entire face lit up into a bright smile.

"Morning," he said cheerfully.

"Good morning, angel," Harry said tenderly. Already this little boy had stolen a piece of his heart, and as sappy as it sounded even in his head, Harry wasn't sure he'd ever get it back.

"Ready for your first day of classes at Hogwarts?" Harry asked.

Draco nodded enthusiastically. "I can't wait!" he exclaimed.

Harry grinned at the boy's enthusiasm. A good night's sleep seemed to have done wonders for Draco, too. "Why don't you go pick some clothes to wear then," Harry suggested.

Harry chuckled as Draco scrambled from the bed and stumbled in his hurry to gather his clothes. Draco just gave Harry a wide grin as he got his things. Harry climbed out of bed and began gathering his own clothes for the day.

Slowly the other boys in the dorm began waking. Ron woke up grumbling as usual.

"Why are you so bloody cheerful?" he grumbled at Draco, who was grinning broadly. His grin faltered though at Ron's words.

"Just ignore him," Harry said, buttoning up Draco's robes. "He's grouchy with everyone in the mornings."

Ron scowled at Harry. "See, he's grouchy with me, too," Harry said with a smile, as he finished up with the buttons and smoothed the front of Draco's robes.

Ron blinked his bleary eyes and took another look at what Draco was wearing. "You're putting him in red robes?" he asked incredulously.

Draco frowned down at his clothes. "I picked them out myself. Is there something wrong with them?" he asked quietly.

Seamus grinned at him from his side of the room. "There's not a thing wrong with them, little man. Ron's just jealous because you look better in Gryffindor red than he does." Seamus ducked, laughing as Ron threw a pillow at him.

"They're not even Gryffindor robes," Harry explained. "Unlike our black robes with our house crest, Draco's wearing children's robes. These just happen to be a basic red color." Harry was only going to admit to himself that he found Draco's color choice amusing as well.

"It's still a Gryffindor color," Ron said wryly. "I just can't believe he's wearing red robes."

"I think they look good on him," Neville spoke up quietly. "He looks like a little wizard should."

At Neville's words, Draco finally lost his frown and he offered Neville a shy smile, and Neville offered Draco his own shy smile in return.

For Harry's part, he sent Neville a grateful smile before turning back to Draco and straightening the hood on his robes. "See, listen to Neville, Draco. I think you look fantastic. And if anybody tries to give you a hard time about your robes, you can just proudly tell them you look like a little wizard should."

Harry grinned to see the proud smile Draco was now sporting. "Now run in and use the loo while I finish getting ready, so then we can go down to breakfast," Harry said.

Draco scampered off to the loo to do as he was told, as Harry started quickly getting himself dressed for the day.

Soon enough, Draco was proudly wearing his bag, arms in both straps so that it was resting snugly on his back. He tucked his hand into Harry's and they made their way down to the common room with Ron in tow, still grumbling about mornings being too early in the day.

"Good Morning, Draco," Hermione said brightly from where she was waiting for them.

"Good Morning, Mione," Draco said, offering her his shy smile.

"Ready for breakfast?" she asked.

Draco nodded. "I'm starved."

"Now that I can relate to," Ron declared, causing Hermione and Harry to laugh as they opened the portrait hole to leave.

Harry was only a little surprised when Crabbe and Goyle stepped forward, as the Gryffindors, along with Draco, emerged into the hallway. He was surprised they'd come up here this early in the morning, but they had escorted him and Draco up to Gryffindor tower the night before after all.

Ron and Hermione, though, hadn't witnessed that, and they were completely shocked at the sight of the two very large Slytherins.

Ron immediately had his wand out. "What are you two goons doing here? Aren't you a little out of your territory?" he shouted.

Crabbe and Goyle both stepped forward threateningly. "We're not going to take that kind of talk from you," Crabbe sneered.

Draco was already clutching Harry's leg tightly and trying to hide behind Harry's robes. Harry refused to let this go any further. As far as Harry knew, the Slytherins meant no harm, and Harry wanted to stay on their good side. Besides, this rivalry stuff was getting really old.

Harry held his hands up between Ron and Crabbe and Goyle, giving them all a hard glare. He was kind of surprised when that was all it took, but went with it.

Ron was totally freaked out when Harry's glare was just as effective on the large Slytherins, and they backed off a couple of steps, even as Ron lowered his wand.

Hermione had been standing there looking torn and she too stared wide-eyed when the two Slytherins backed off without even a word spoken by Harry.

"Good morning," Harry said to the two Slytherins. They both nodded to Harry.

"Draco," Harry called softly.

Draco cautiously inched out from where he'd hidden behind Harry. "Everything's fine. Let's head down to breakfast," Harry said calmly.

Draco looked up warily through his fringe at the other four teenagers and blindly reached for Harry's hand. Harry gave him a reassuring smile and they started off without another word. Crabbe and Goyle immediately fell into step slightly behind and to either side of them.

Hermione and Ron were left standing, staring after the others for several moments.

"What was that all about?" Ron asked, bemused by the events.

Hermione was sounding almost as confused as Ron. "I guess they're still looking after their friend," she said with a shrug.

"But since when do they listen to Harry?" Ron asked plaintively.

Hermione gave another helpless shrug. "I don't know." They exchanged confused glances, then hurried to catch up with the others. They glanced warily at Crabbe and Goyle, but fell into step on either side of Harry and Draco.

Draco may have been a little unsure still about the four people walking with them, but he seemed to appreciate the protection they offered all the same. The closer they got to the Great Hall, the more people there were, and he walked just a little closer to Harry.

As they stepped into the Great Hall, the group paused and Harry crouched down to eye level with Draco. "Draco, where do you want to sit this morning?"

Draco's gaze flicked nervously between the Slytherin and Gryffindor tables. He was obviously still wary of both. Harry was, too, for that matter, but he was hoping to put Draco more at ease.

"How about this," Harry said. "We can have breakfast at the Slytherin table and then we can try lunch at the Gryffindor table."

Draco's gaze flicked back and forth once again, but then he gave a firm nod in agreement. Harry gave him a smile and then stood up again.

"We'll meet you guys after breakfast, then to go to Transfiguration," Harry said to Hermione and Ron.

Ron was glaring and started to say something, until Hermione elbowed him in the ribs. "That'll be fine," Hermione said. "Enjoy your breakfast, Draco," she said, giving the boy a smile. "You, too, Harry," she said, with a slightly worried glance at the Slytherin table.

Draco and Harry both smiled at her and, ignoring Ron's gaping like a fish, they followed Crabbe and Goyle over to the Slytherin table.

Snape had stalked over from the Head Table and stopped them before they could sit down between Crabbe and Goyle.

"Potter, why is my godson wearing red?" Snape asked, sneering in disgust.

Draco stood up to his full height proudly. "I picked my robes out myself this morning. I look fantastic, just like a little wizard should," he said haughtily, with his nose in the air. It was behavior so reminiscent of his sixteen-year-old self that several of the Slytherins snickered quietly.

Harry coughed, covering his mouth with his hand, attempting to cover up his grin and the laughter that was threatening to escape. It was even more hilarious because Draco was parroting Neville's and Harry's words from that morning.

Snape closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Dumbledore," he muttered.

Harry nodded, still trying to suppress his grin. "I didn't buy his clothes, sir."

Snape glared at Harry, but then he sighed and nodded. He looked down at his godson. "Draco, are you doing all right?" he asked the little boy.

"I'm fine, sir," Draco answered, sidling a little closer to Harry.

"Very well, then," Snape said. "Potter, come to me immediately if there are any problems," he demanded.

"Yes, sir," Harry said calmly.

Snape stared at Harry momentarily, then spun on his heel, his robes billowing behind him.

Harry sighed and picked Draco up and set him on the bench, helping him to take his bag off his shoulders. Harry was grateful when Pansy passed him a plate already loaded for Draco as he sat down himself. It was going to be another long day if Harry continued to get into confrontations every time he turned around.

"Did you sleep well?" Pansy asked innocently after they'd all been eating for a few minutes. Draco's spoon promptly clattered against his bowl of porridge as he dropped it.

Harry sighed and put his own spoon down. Pansy looked at Harry questioningly, even as Blaise gave him a knowing look. "Nightmares?" Blaise asked.

Harry nodded, even as he turned to face Draco. "Draco, I told you we could talk about it today if you wanted, but we're certainly not going to worry about it during breakfast."

Draco still had his head hanging down and Harry tipped his chin up, giving Draco a kiss on his forehead and hoping the reassuring gesture would help. "Just forget about it for now and finish your breakfast. Remember, we have classes to go to in just a little while," Harry said.

Draco stared at Harry for a few moments, then squared his shoulders and went back to his breakfast.

The three Slytherin boys, who normally shared a dorm with Draco, all exchanged glances. Blaise raised an eyebrow in question to Crabbe and Goyle and they both nodded after glancing briefly at Harry, then Draco. Harry raised his own eyebrow in question after witnessing the silent exchange.

Blaise still seemed to be debating with himself for a couple more moments, then he nodded at Harry before turning to Draco.

"Hey, Draco," he said, getting the boy's attention. "Would you mind if I borrowed Potter, er, Harry, for a few minutes? I'm just going to take him right over there and you'll be able to see him the whole time," Blaise said, pointing over to the side of the Great Hall.

Draco looked at Harry worriedly.

"It'll be fine, angel. I won't be far and you can just yell if you need me. I'll only be a few minutes," Harry tried to reassure his charge, who had barely left Harry's side since the accident had happened the day before.

"You're not going to hurt him?" Draco asked Blaise suspiciously.

Blaise shook his head. "No, Draco. I know better than to hurt anything of yours," he said with a smirk in Harry's direction.

Draco still eyed him suspiciously for a moment, and then he nodded. "All right," Draco said to Blaise, even though he still looked a bit worried.

Blaise got up and walked around the table and Harry gave Draco another kiss on the forehead, telling him to finish eating while he talked to Blaise. Harry and Blaise met about fifteen feet away from where Draco was eyeing them in concern. They were still close, but far enough away to remain out of hearing range.

"You are aware that you've been claimed by a Malfoy?" Blaise asked, smirking at Harry.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Yes, I'm very aware that he's got me wrapped around his little finger," he said wryly.

Blaise let out a burst of surprised laughter. "You've got it figured out better than I realized," he grinned. Then he sobered. "So, do you also realize that what I told Draco was the truth?"

Harry looked at him confused.

"It wasn't a joke when I told Draco that I know better than to hurt anything of his. And you seem to be essentially his now. There's at least a few of us, if not all of us, that will be leaving you alone while you're caring for Draco," Blaise explained.

Harry was very thankful to hear Blaise's words. If the Slytherins were really willing to let rivalries go, at least for the duration of Draco's unusual circumstances, then it would be a whole lot easier on everyone. Harry didn't want to make a big deal out of it though.

Harry shrugged as he stared over at the small boy who was still watching them worriedly. Harry smiled and gave him a small wave. "He has to have someone and I'm just grateful it can be me," Harry said softly.

"You really are looking out for his best interests, aren't you, Potter?" Blaise asked.

Harry nodded. "I'll do whatever is necessary to protect him," he said simply.

"Yeah, well, we're noticing that, and that's kind of why I asked to talk to you," Blaise said, sounding a touch nervous.

"What do you have to say, Zabini?" Harry asked.

"You might as well call me 'Blaise'. I think Draco will insist on it, anyway," Blaise said with a wry smile.

"True, so if you can bear the misery, you can call me 'Harry' as well," Harry said, smirking at Blaise.

Blaise rolled his eyes, but nodded regardless. "It just might take a little getting used to."

Harry shrugged. "Yeah, but worth it for Draco's sake."

Blaise eyed him contemplatively. "Good answer. What I'm about to tell you is for Draco's sake. If you ever dare to use this information against him, particularly when he's back to himself, then you'll pay dearly."

Harry shrugged off the threat easily. "I'd never do that to him. I gather you've got information regarding his nightmares and if you can offer me any help, then I'll gladly accept it. Whether a person's four or sixteen, they don't deserve to be dealing with that kind of misery."

Blaise looked at him suspiciously. "You're speaking from experience, aren't you?"

Harry ran a hand through his hair agitatedly, even as a look of pain flicked briefly across his features. "Yeah, I am." He locked eyes with Blaise. "I wouldn't wish nightmares like mine on my worst enemy," he said firmly, his voice low and full of conviction. "And judging by what little I could determine last night, Draco is dealing with his own personal torture when he sleeps at night."

Blaise nodded slowly and when he spoke his voice was just as low and intense as Harry's had been. "I didn't realize Draco's nightmares had started so early, but he still deals with them fairly frequently. I would guess they've eased up some since you got his father locked up in Azkaban, though."

Harry closed his eyes as Blaise continued talking, confirming his suspicions. "Draco has nightmares about his father. His father punishes him - rather severely."

"That's what I was afraid of," Harry said quietly, running both hands through his hair now in his agitation. "How am I supposed to help him deal with that?" he asked helplessly. He could feel the frustration and anger building inside him.

Blaise shrugged. "I don't know, Harry. I just thought you should know. Draco refuses to talk about it at all. The only reason I know anything, really, is because there's been a few times that he forgot to put up silencing charms around his bed and we could all hear him pleading for mercy from his father in his sleep." Blaise was looking miserable and somewhat helpless himself.

Suddenly, Harry turned and slammed his fist into the stone wall, needing some kind of release for his anger. "I fucking hate that man," he said, anger blazing in his eyes and the fierce expression on his face making him look dangerous.

Blaise stared at him wide-eyed. Draco came running over, wrapped his arms around Harry's legs and glared at Blaise accusingly.

"You said you wouldn't hurt him," he said as fiercely as he could.

Blaise was still speechless over Harry's show of anger, but Harry took a deep breath and crouched down to talk to Draco. "Draco, Blaise didn't hurt me," he said firmly. "I chose to punch the wall because I got angry about something and I didn't want to hurt Blaise or anyone else here."

"But Blaise is the one who made you mad," Draco still sounded accusing and shot another glare at Blaise.

Harry realized that Snape was now standing there, but ignored him in his attempt to reassure Draco.

"No, Draco. Blaise told me a few things and it just made me think about someone else. That someone else is who I'm angry with, not Blaise," Harry explained.

Draco eyed Harry and then Blaise suspiciously before turning back to Harry. "So who are you angry with then?" he asked.

"Just an old acquaintance of mine that I've had a few run-ins with in the past. It's no one that's here now," Harry explained. He wasn't about to tell Draco that he was angry with Draco's own father. Harry locked eyes with Draco, making sure he had the boy's full attention. "You just remember that I'm not angry with you at all," Harry said tenderly, yet firmly.

When you were the one that often took the brunt of other people's anger, it tended to make you a lot more fearful when people were angry. Harry knew he probably looked pretty angry still, but he didn't want Draco thinking that Harry was angry with him, or that he'd be hurt at all because of it.

Draco stared for a moment, and then flung his arms around Harry's neck. Harry hugged him back.

"Potter, I'd like a private word. Draco, go with Blaise back to the table and finish your breakfast," he commanded, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Draco knew what that tone meant and pulled away from Harry. He looked horribly torn and on the verge of tears.

"Go with Blaise while I talk to your godfather. I promise I'll be back soon," Harry said, smiling reassuringly at Draco.

Malfoy's Child - Chapter 4

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