First Place - Action/Adventure

Chapter Seventeen
Winter Holidays

"Hold up for just a minute, Draco," Harry said.

Harry left Draco sitting on the stool at their workbench and walked down to Snape's desk at the front of the Potions classroom as the rest of the class was getting out of there as fast as they could. This was their last exam that they'd just finished and everyone was ready to begin the holidays.

"Professor?" Harry said quietly. He was fairly certain no one was paying any attention, but didn't dare use the professor's given name in the classroom.

Snape lifted a brow in response.

"I was just wondering how Draco's potion is going," Harry said.

"And why are you asking about that now?" Snape asked.

Harry grinned sheepishly. "Um, at the moment I'm still thinking about potions. I kind of wanted to ask about it now and then I don't have to think about potions again for awhile."

Snape looked at him appraisingly. "You wish to make sure Draco's potion is going well and exactly when it will be ready, but then you wish to put it out of your mind until then," he said knowingly.

Harry looked down, unable to meet Snape's eyes and unsure of how to respond. Snape was right and they both knew it.

Snape sighed heavily. "It will be ready on the second of January, right on schedule. Now go. I, unfortunately, still have work to do," he sneered.

Harry looked up and gave him a slight smile. "Thanks," he said softly, before turning to gather up Draco and finally leave the now quiet classroom.

* * * * *

"How come we're sitting at the Slytherin table again for dinner?" Draco asked, his brow furrowed. "We already had lunch here."

Harry chuckled and ruffled Draco's hair as he sat down at the table. "It's nice to know that you've got all our routines down."

"He's right, though," Pansy said, sending Harry a curious look. "Not that you're not welcome, but why are you here for dinner tonight?"

Harry realized they were all looking at him curiously, waiting for an answer. "Er, I just wanted to sit here while I still could," Harry admitted quietly, shifting uncomfortably. "I don't exactly know if I'll be welcome still after the holidays."

"Oh," Pansy said, her eyes widening in realization.

"Why wouldn't you be welcome still?" Draco asked curiously, not understanding the significance.

Harry looked at him sadly, not at all sure how to tell the little boy that Draco himself would be the one to decide whether Harry was still welcome or not. Blaise answered Draco for him.

"Harry's just being strange," Blaise said, with a smile for Draco. "Of course he'll still be welcome here at the Slytherin table after holidays."

"Good," Draco said decisively. "See, Harry, everything is just fine, so you have no reason to be sad."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Fine, Draco. Whatever you say," he said dryly.

"Oh, don't be getting all gloomy on us," Pansy said irritably. "We've got three weeks of holidays ahead of us and we're going to enjoy them and worry about anything else later."

Harry saluted her. "Yes, ma'am," he said with a grin.

"Just eat," she said, rolling her eyes even as she gave Harry a warm smile.

Harry smiled back at her, but there was a trace of lingering sadness about him. Breakfast was already promised to the Gryffindors, and then over break Dumbledore would have everyone at one table. Harry gave in and enjoyed what could be his last meal at the Slytherin table, chatting with his friends.

* * * * *

December 13

It was the last day of classes today and holidays officially start tomorrow. I didn't expect today to hit me quite so hard, but I've been fighting down my emotions all day. And to tell the truth, I've been doing a lousy job of it.

It's just that it could have been my last day being accepted by the Slytherins. I know if you decide to, you can make things really difficult. My stomach clenches in knots every time I think about what you can do if you decide to be angry about me taking care of you the last few months and everything that's happened.

I can't decide if I'm looking forward to you being back to normal or not. I'll miss the little boy and it's going to hurt like hell if you don't even want to be friends ...

* * * * *

"It's just the eight of us that have stayed for the holidays," Hermione announced. "There are a few students in each of the other years, but from sixth year, it's only us."

"Merlin, is it always this quiet over the holidays?" Blaise asked with a grimace. "I've only stayed over fourth year when we had the Yule Ball and almost everyone else stayed, too."

Harry gave him a twisted smile. "Yeah, it's usually this quiet, but it gives you pretty much a free reign in the castle."

"Oh no!" Pansy declared. "You are not going to go getting all morose on us again. We're going to change this subject right now and figure out something fun to do."

Harry shrugged. "So, what do you want to do?"

"I think we should go outside and play in the snow," Ron said with a wide grin.

"Yeah!" Draco cheered at that idea. "Can we, Harry? Can we go play outside?"

"Well, I don't know," Harry said slowly, shaking his head and attempting to suppress his own grin. "It's awfully cold out there."

"But, Harry," Draco pleaded. "I promise I'll dress warm. Please can we go outside," he begged. He had climbed into Harry's lap and was staring at Harry with huge, silver puppy dog eyes.

Harry couldn't resist and broke out laughing. "Yes, we can go outside and play in all that fresh snow," he said. "Let's go get you dressed warmer first."

As Draco went scrambling off Harry's lap, Harry looked to the others. "So, does everyone care to join us?" he asked with a grin.

"I'm not sure we have much choice," Pansy said with a wry smile, looking at the little boy who was bouncing impatiently as he waited for Harry.

"We'll meet you all in the Entrance Hall in twenty minutes," Harry tossed over his shoulder as he made to leave with Draco.

* * * * *

"You know what we haven't done yet, angel?" Harry asked.

They'd been outside most of the afternoon playing in the snow. They'd made snowmen, started on a huge snow fort that was large enough for most of them to stand in, and there had been several impromptu snowball fights.

There had also been dozens of drying spells and warming charms cast throughout the afternoon. No one wanted Draco, in particular, getting sick. The boys also kept teasing the girls for whinging about being cold and wet.

Now, Draco was staring around the grounds at all the evidence of their afternoon of playing, trying to figure out what they hadn't done.

Harry smiled softly. "We haven't made snow angels yet," he said quietly.

Draco's eyes lit up. "You can make snow angels?"

"Of course," Harry said. "Here, I'll show you." He grabbed Draco's mittened hand and pulled him over to an undisturbed area of snow.

"Now watch," Harry ordered. He fell back into the snow and began moving his arms and legs, swishing them through the snow.

Draco watched him curiously. "Why are you doing that?" he asked.

"Because this is how you make a snow angel," Harry explained.

Hermione and the others had come over to see what they were doing and she held out a hand to help Harry up. He crouched next to Draco and pointed to his body print in the snow. "See that? That's called a snow angel."

Suddenly, a look of comprehension crossed Draco's features. "Your arms made the wings!" he exclaimed.

Harry grinned and kissed the little reddened nose. "Yep! Now do you want to try, angel?"

Draco stomped over a few feet and flopped onto his back with a huge grin, waving his arms and legs as he made his own snow angel. Smiling warmly, Harry stepped over and carefully helped Draco up when he was done.

"I did it!" Draco said proudly.

"You sure did," Harry said, sounding just as proud and happy as Draco. "My angel made a snow angel!"

Draco soon had the whole group making snow angels. Even Pansy made a couple, despite the fact that she grumbled the whole time about snow, the cold and being wet. Hermione wasn't much more enthusiastic than Pansy. Blaise and Ron jumped into the new game of making snow angels with enough enthusiasm for all of them, though.

Crabbe and Goyle were the most hilarious. They tried, but ruined their angels every time when they struggled to get back up again. Everyone was in stitches as the two very large, disgruntled Slytherins continued to try to make a good snow angel, Draco cheering all the while.

With red noses, flushed cheeks, sparkling eyes and cold hands, it was a happy group that eventually made their way back into the castle for hot chocolate and warm baths.

* * * * *

December 17
So far the holidays have been incredible! This is by far the best time I've ever had. We spent the afternoon out in the snow again today. I've never played so much like that in my life. I'm not sure that you ever have either.

But you are absolutely adorable when you're out there playing in the snow. Your cheeks flush all rosy and your nose gets all red. I'm sure you hate that, wanting to keep your pale skin all perfect and all. But I think it makes you look sweet and happy. Your silver eyes sparkle and they're just so full of life.

I know, I'm kind of getting sappy. Ok, so I'm getting really sappy, but I don't care. It's just been so nice not having to deal with classes and just being able to play the last few days.

Of course, Severus still has me working every night after you go to sleep. We don't know what's going to happen now that your father and the other Azkaban prisoners are loose. I'm actually nervous because I haven't been able to learn anything useful through my visions over the last week. But I know Voldemort has got to be planning something.

Anyway, I don't want to think about all that again. It just depresses me.

Holiday assignments depress me, too! Severus has made sure that I spend time each evening getting my assignments out of the way. I'm not being allowed to put them off until the end of the holidays this time like I usually do.

Maybe that's a good thing. I don't exactly know what things are going to be like at the end of the holidays. Technically I guess I'll still be rooming here because of my visions, while you'll be going back to the Slytherin dorms. Although I don't know how Severus intends to explain me rooming here still.

It'll be really strange with you not here and honestly, I'm having trouble even imagining it. Well, so much for me not depressing myself.

Christmas. Christmas isn't depressing. I'm so looking forward to it. You're getting really excited about it, too! You should listen to yourself prattling on about it! I have fun just sitting here listening to you chatter about presents and trees and more presents and decorations and yet more presents. It's hilarious but you're so adorable!

Luckily I've still got a week before Christmas because I still need to get this journal copied and fixed for you. What with Severus making me do my assignments first, I haven't really had much time to work on it yet. And it's definitely something I want to do myself ...

* * * * *

"Please, Sev'rus," Draco begged. Then he turned his silver, puppy dog eyes on Harry. "Please, Harry."

Harry was sitting on the couch in Severus' sitting room, and he lifted Draco to sit in his lap. "I don't know, angel," Harry said nervously, shooting a wary glance at Snape. "I want to go, too, but ... ,"

"But, Harry, it'll be fun," Draco pleaded.

"I know it would be fun," Harry said quietly. "And it would be nice to be able to finish our Christmas shopping," he admitted.

"So, why can't we go?" Draco asked.

Harry shrugged uncomfortably and looked over at Severus. It wasn't going to be Harry's decision. He was going to leave this decision up to Draco's godfather.

"This is Dumbledore's fault," Severus snapped irritably.

Harry didn't dare respond. Dumbledore had declared at dinner the night before that the students would be allowed to go to Hogsmeade today. They would have more supervision than normal, but he said they should be living their lives as usual, rather than living in fear.

Needless to say, Snape wasn't particularly thrilled with the idea, considering that Lucius was running about free. Draco didn't know or understand this, though. Everyone had kept that little bit of news away from the small boy.

Harry wasn't sure if he wanted to go into Hogsmeade or not. He could understand both Dumbledore's and Snape's point of view. If it was just himself, he'd go. It's not like the threat of a murderer after him had stopped him from going to Hogsmeade in the past, but this concerned Draco, too.

So, Harry had decided to leave the decision up to Snape. And Snape was obviously feeling a bit torn, too. If the situation wasn't so serious, Harry would think it was funny how the small four-year-old seemed to be wearing down the man's resistance. Hell, even despite the situation, Harry was finding it funny as he listened to Draco plead with his godfather yet again.

"Sev'rus, please can we go?" Draco pleaded. "I promise I'll be good."

"Oh, for ... !" Severus exclaimed.

Harry ducked his head, attempting to hide his sudden grin. At this point, he knew they would be going to Hogsmeade, at least for a little while.

"Draco, you may go, but you have to promise to stay with Harry the entire time," Snape ordered.

"I promise," Draco said seriously. Then he grinned as he scrambled off of Harry's lap and ran across to give his godfather a big bear hug. "Thank you, Sev'rus," he said happily.

Severus sighed heavily as he gathered the little boy on his lap, returning the hug. He met Harry's eyes over the top of Draco's head.

"I don't really think that they would dare to come so close, but you will carry a Portkey in case of emergency," Severus said solemnly.

"Yes, sir," Harry said seriously. He sure as hell didn't want anything to happen to Draco either.

* * * * *

So, an hour later, a group of eight was trooping through the snow towards Hogsmeade. They decided to stop in the Three Broomsticks first to warm up and decide where all they wanted to go. Most of them had Christmas shopping they still wanted to do.

"I want to go to Honeydukes," Ron declared, while waiting for Madam Rosmerta to bring them their butterbeers.

"I want to go there, too," Draco breathed, eyes wide and licking his lips.

"No," Harry said firmly, causing everyone to laugh.

"Aw, come on, Harry," Ron said, grinning widely. "You know you want to pick up some Christmas sweets for Draco."

"Draco will have enough Christmas sweets," Harry muttered. "He doesn't need me getting him any more."

Harry's muttering simply caused them all to laugh even louder. He was grateful for the distraction when Madam Rosmerta brought them their drinks. Pouting into his mug, it took him several moments to realize Draco and Crabbe were whispering to each other.

"What are you two talking about?" Harry asked suspiciously, narrowing his eyes at the now guilty looking pair.

"Nothing, Harry," Crabbe answered quickly.

"Draco," Harry said sternly.

Draco ducked his head. "I asked him if he'd get me some chocolate frogs," he mumbled quietly.

"Thanks for telling me the truth at least," Harry said to Draco. "Unlike some people," he said accusingly, glaring at Crabbe.

"He just wants some chocolate frogs, Harry," Ron said. "It's not like we'll be as stupid as you and let him eat them all at once."

Harry groaned, trying to ignore the round of snickering. "Fine, you guys go to Honeydukes, but leave me out of it. I'm taking Draco over to Zonko's."

"I kind of need to go to Scrivenshaft's," Hermione said.

"Me, too," Pansy agreed. "The quill shop is the main place I need to go today."

"I need to go to the Owl Post Office," Blaise said. "There's a package there I'm supposed to pick up."

"What kind of package wouldn't have been delivered to the school?" Hermione asked curiously.

"One I didn't want everyone seeing," Blaise said with a smirk. "So, I had it delivered there instead."

"Well, you can't go there alone," Hermione said firmly.

"Greg will go with me. Won't you Greg?" Blaise asked, flashing him a puppy dog look.

Greg rolled his eyes, but nodded in agreement.

"But that'll leave Harry and Draco by themselves," Pansy said worriedly.

"We're only going to Zonko's," Harry said calmly. "Besides, we have to all split up some if we're going to get everything done that we want to. You know we only have two hours before we have to be back."

"It won't take me long," Blaise added. "So, Greg and I will just meet them over at Zonko's as soon as I'm done."

"Won't take me long either," Ron said.

"We know exactly what we want in Honeydukes," Crabbe agreed.

The girls nodded reluctantly. Harry could see the hints of nervousness in the others as well. He wasn't about to tell anyone that he wasn't exactly confident about this arrangement either. It was a lot different when he was responsible for Draco, than it was when he was just responsible for himself, but they really wouldn't be split up for that long.

The group left the Three Broomsticks, in a hurry now that they'd decided. Harry and Draco headed towards Zonko's, Draco's hand held tightly by Harry's. Harry made sure Draco was on his left side, leaving his right hand free, just in case. He rolled his eyes at his paranoia, thinking that Snape must be wearing off on him. He'd never been this nervous in Hogsmeade before.

They passed by Tonks on their way, and Harry grinned, feeling much better. As Dumbledore promised, there was more security in Hogsmeade. Several members of the Order were patrolling the streets.

Harry and Draco slipped into Zonko's and set about selecting the items they wanted to buy. Harry had most of his Christmas shopping done. This stop was mainly because Draco had decided he wanted to give his friends some of the joke shop items for Christmas. Harry thought it was kind of funny that as sixteen-year-olds they were all as easily entertained with the joke items as the four-year-old was.

"I want to get them some of these, too," Draco said enthusiastically.

"You want to get them Hiccup Sweets?" Harry asked dubiously. "Sure you don't want them for yourself?"

Draco looked up at him innocently. "They'll like them."

Harry sighed and grabbed a bag full of them, knowing Draco was going to be trying to eat them even as they wrapped them up for Draco to give to their friends for Christmas.

Harry and Draco quickly selected the items they wanted to purchase, wanting them paid for and hidden away before the other boys caught up to them. They must have been faster than they realized, because when they stepped outside the store, none of the others had shown up yet.

"Hold on a second, Draco," Harry said. "Let me just shrink this down, and then we'll see if we can't find the others."

"Okay," Draco said easily.

Harry had to let go of Draco's hand to get his wand out and shrink their bag down. Once he had it pocketed away, then he would have both hands free - one to hold Draco's hand and the other with free access to his wand. He pocketed the now tiny bag with their purchases, and turned to take Draco's hand again. And panicked.

Harry couldn't figure out how Draco could've disappeared. It had only been a few seconds and Draco was just right there. Whirling in a circle, hoping to catch sight of the small blond head, it didn't even occur to him to shout for help.

Harry spotted Draco walking into a nearby alleyway, and he ran.

"Draco, no!" Harry shouted.

Turning the corner into the alley, Harry saw Draco slowly reaching for his father's outstretched hand and Harry just knew that Lucius was holding a Portkey, ready to whisk Draco away.

Draco startled with Harry's appearance and began backing away from his father immediately. Harry didn't have time to wonder what kind of spell Lucius might have cast on Draco or how the man had managed to escape detection from all the Order members watching over the students in Hogsmeade. As Lucius lunged to grab his son, Harry leapt the final distance and grabbed hold of Lucius' hand holding the Portkey.

Harry wasn't surprised when Lucius activated it immediately. Harry went whirling as the Portkey dragged him away from the alleyway, landing in a heap on a cool marble floor.

That was all he had time to register before he was knocked out and blackness overtook him.

Malfoy's Child - Chapter 18

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