Third Place - Angst

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Harry did not sleep well that night. He couldn't get comfortable and he was so hot! Draco slept on the other side of the room on a lounge he transfigured from an armchair. Harry got up several times to open the door to the garden. Draco complained that it was October and would shut it again. Finally, at around four in the morning, Harry fell into a restless sleep.

"Hurry, Harry! I refuse to be late because of you!"

Harry threw Draco a mutinous look and stopped in the middle of the hallway. "I'm hungry and tired."

"Of course you are. We missed breakfast because we only got three hours of sleep!" Draco stomped back to Harry. "Now just because you do not function well with lack of sleep because of no practice does not mean you have an excuse for making me late!"

"What practice do you have?" Harry asked skeptically. "And if you're so worried about it, then leave me alone and go away to your precious class!"

Draco gave a very familiar sigh. "No, I am not going to let you wander the halls like a walking target for other big game hunters to corner. And I have practice at less sleep because I am popular and go to a lot of parties and on a lot of dates." Draco picked up Harry's bookbag from where the Gryffindor had dropped it and hitched the strap up on his shoulder next to his own. "Now let's go!"

Harry stayed right where he was and crossed his arms. "What parties? And what dates?"

Draco's head dropped to his chest in exasperation and he took yet another deep calming breath. It was a wonder he hadn't hyperventilated yet. "Parties that were held during the summer or in the other dorms and dates where I would take out a girl or boy and usually end up shagging them if they didn't bore me to death. Now move!"

"You date both boys and girls?" Harry asked, still not moving.

"Yes. Don't you?" Draco stepped closer and Harry moved back a step. Apparently this was what Draco had hoped would happen because he gave a good rendition of a wolf's grin and took another step closer. Again, Harry took another step down the hall, suspiciously in the direction of the classroom.

"I don't date a whole lot," Harry defended. He took another step away from the encroaching Slytherin and towards the classroom door.

"Uh huh," Draco raised an eyebrow. "So, never then?" He stepped closer.

"That's not true! I went out on a date in, well, not this year, but in another," Harry stuttered. He backed another step closer to Draco's destination.

"Yeah? A date? Who'd you take out?"

"I went out with Cho Chang," Harry stated triumphantly.

"That was like fifth year, Harry. Have you dated anyone since then?" He sidled another step closer.

"Well, not so much dates, in that we went out and spent time together..."

"That is the definition of a date, ya know." He moved closer. "So then, what exactly have you done on these not alone type non-outings?" Draco said snidely.

Harry crossed his arms but kept moving slowly backwards. "I just meant that being a mad man's target never left a lot of room for going out to restaurants or something like that. But I have spent some time with girls."

"Just girls?" Draco moved even closer forcing Harry back more.

"I didn't really know that it was okay to look at boys like that," Harry defended.

"But you did look?"

"Well, maybe I did a couple of times... perhaps." Harry bit his lip and looked away.

"So, why didn't you think it was okay to look and even date and perhaps even shag a boy, then?"

"The wizarding world and the muggle world have different views on that!" Harry moved back another small bit.

"Bollocks! I've watched muggle-borns snog whoever they wanted! They didn't seem to have any hang-ups about it."

"Okay, well, a lot of muggles think its okay and some don't!" Harry was getting more flustered and annoyed as Draco kept coming closer and the direction this conversation was going.

"Ah, so then your asinine relatives had the issues, yes?" Draco's eyes could be termed unholy at that moment, as he seemed to be circling and closing in on his prey.

"My uncle hates anything that is not perfectly normal."

"But it is normal. What is more normal than attraction? Besides, we are genderless. We naturally swing both ways." Draco swooped in very close causing Harry to take a giant step back and bang into the closed door.

"So," Draco drawled as he came within inches of Harry's disgruntled face, "who have you looked at? What boy has caught your supposed illicit fancy?"

Harry glared. "Come on, Harry. You can tell me. I won't tell anyone."

"You're a liar, Malfoy! If I tell you, you'll run all over school with it. Probably make buttons!" Draco just smiled.

"Get away from me, Malfoy!" Draco didn't move. Harry grabbed for the door handle but Draco got to it first and Harry did not want to touch him.

"Tell me," Draco said softly.


"Tell me," Draco whispered.


Draco raised his hand and slowly started to reach forward. Harry watched that hand come closer and closer towards his face.

"Rosco Peters!"

The hand immediately dropped away. "Peters? That nerdy Ravenclaw? You think he's attractive?"

"Shut up, Malfoy. He was swimming in the lake, alright?" Draco grinned at Harry's flushed face.

"So, you were peeping on a bloke in only his trunks, eh?"

"It was the bloody lake! It wasn't as if I had to skulk about!"

Draco smirked. "And does fair Peters return your affection?"

"No!" Harry was becoming truly mortified.

"Are you sure? Perhaps he was not aware that you found his package enticing?" Draco pretended to be deep in thought. "Why, think of the unrequited lust that could occur here if he was not made aware of your designs upon his person!"

"Malfoy, I swear, if you say one word! Just one bloody word..." Harry was seething.

"Although, you did choose wisely I would say. He does come across as a chap who'd top," Draco continued.

"Shut up!"

"Well, I suppose it'll be up to me to enlighten the boy as to who has set his sights on him..."

"Malfoy, please, don't tell him." Harry didn't care if he begged at this point. Draco looked closely at him at the pleading and a calculating look came over his face.

"Oh? And why shouldn't I?"

"Because you promised," Harry said quickly.

"Oh no, I did not. I rarely promise anything and the promises I make, I keep."

"Draco, please, if you tell him... I'll... I'll..."

"Yes? You'll what?" A blonde brow went up in expectation.

"I'll..." Harry exhaled deeply in defeat. "I don't know. Just please don't tell him."

"Do you still fancy him?" Draco asked.

"No, not really but he'll still be embarrassed or think that I do still fancy him. Either way, it would be bad."

"Fine. I won't tell him." Draco took a half step back. Harry looked up at him in surprise.

"You won't? Just like that, without your pound of flesh?"

"Yep. Although I do have my pound of flesh. About a hundred and thirty pounds, aren't you?" Draco smirked.

Harry ignored that. "So you're not going to tell him?"

"No. I won't." Draco leaned back in close. "But, you had best not ever fancy anyone else, or they and the world will know and then we shall set about fixing your fancy. Do I make myself clear?"

Harry stared. "You're jealous!"

"No." Draco sneered. "I'm selfish. There is a difference. Now, get to class!" Draco turned the door handle and Harry practically fell through the opening.

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