Third Place - Angst

Chapter Eighteen

Harry made his way slowly up the stairs to Gryffindor Tower. He was still very surprised that after dinner Draco had told him to go away. It turned out that the Slytherins practiced Quidditch at night occasionally to go over secret maneuvers and to strengthen skills without sight. So, Harry was told to return to Draco's room in two hours or else. Actually, Draco had explicitly explained what the 'else' would be if he didn't return, Harry just didn't like to think about it.


"Hi, Neville. What are you doing out here?"

Neville stood up from sitting on the stone step in front of the Gryffindor common room. He brushed the back of his pajamas off and gave an apologetic smile.

"I don't like it when they start yelling when they argue."

Harry's face scrunched in concern. "Who's yelling?"

Neville gave a worried look over his shoulder at the Fat Lady's portrait. "Ron and the rest of them."

"What are they..." Harry sighed. "No wait, let me guess."

"Yeah." Neville shrugged his shoulders. "They've been at it since dinner."

Harry stepped past Neville and spoke the password. The portrait swung open and the noise almost knocked Harry down. He could only distinguish a few distinct voices but the words were lost in the cacophony. Harry felt a hand on his shoulder. Neville gave him a smile.

"There are only a few who are being, well, not nice. But you know I'll always support you, Harry." Harry returned the smile.

"Yeah. Thanks, Neville." Harry stepped into the room.

Almost all of the upper year Gryffindors were gathered in the common room. Some in their night wear, some not. Ron and Hermione were on one side of the room, Seamus and a couple of sixth years were on the other. The rest were evenly distributed around them. Ron and Seamus were yelling at each other only a couple of feet apart. Sam and Duncan, the sixth years on Seamus's side, were also tossing their points of view in at the top of their lungs and Hermione seemed disgusted by the lot of them. A few of the spectators saw Harry come in and he could actually see the news spread through the crowd like an extensive game of telephone. Well, if most of the other students had actually ever seen a telephone that is.

Finally, someone tugged on Hermione's arm and pointed at Harry. Hermione sent Harry a frustrated look before smacking Ron in the arm.

"What, Hermione!"

"Why don't you let Harry defend himself!" Hermione yelled. This seemed to actually breakthrough to the two combatants and they both turned to her. Hermione in turn pointed at Harry. Everyone's head spun to look at Harry and he quickly remembered why he hated being the center of unfavorable attention.

"Oh, did Malfoy let you off your leash?" Ron spun to attack Seamus but Harry interceded.

"It's okay, Ron." Harry turned to Seamus and took a few steps into the room. "Seamus, you've been wrong about me before. Why should I care what you think?" Harry spoke confidently, repeating what Draco had said not an hour ago.

"You should care about the spectacle you've made of yourself," Lavender Brown's voice came from the other side of the couch. "You're embarrassing all of Gryffindor. I mean, honestly, doing what you did. In front of everyone!"

"No, I didn't do anything in front of anyone. You and the rest of the school are such nosy gossip mongers that you had to chase after me and see what was going on." Harry started to get angry. "I was running for my life and you were just trying to be the first ones to the news!"

"You were running for a blow job," someone yelled from the back.

"Yeah, had to see the Slytherins' snakes!" A few people laughed but quickly quieted when Ron's face became a new shade of red. Harry remained quiet and remembered Draco's words. He had been right. These people were just going to be the background noise of his life, just as the rest of the people outside these walls were, just as the Daily Prophet was. In a few months, all of this would mean nothing to him. He would be gone from here, he didn't know where, but gone. And with Draco. Strangely enough, Harry actually took strength from that constancy. Ron, Hermione, Draco; those were the people who would be significant in his future.

"I'm not going to argue with any of you. You can think what you want about me."

"No, you have to explain yourself. At least give us that!" Seamus said angrily. "We were all set to help you and keep you safe. But apparently that isn't what you want. So all of Gryffindor deserves an explanation. Why are you suddenly Malfoy's new toy? What? You couldn't find anyone else with an S&M fetish?"

"Shut the hell up, Seamus. You don't know what you're talking about," Ron yelled. "Harry doesn't have a choice in this!"

"Sure. So we have to just believe that the bloke who took out You-Know-Who and about ten Death Eaters, a huge snake, and hundreds of Dementors, is not able to handle a smell?" Seamus crossed his arms in front of his chest in a superior manner.

"Yes," Harry said firmly. "You can choose to accept it, hate it, ridicule me for it, but like I said, I refuse to argue with you or defend myself." Harry turned toward Hermione and Ron. "You guys want to go for a walk?"

Hermione came towards him with a pleased smile and Ron cast one more quelling look at the crowd before following his friends out. The Fat Lady called out warnings of cold drafts at night and then they stood silently in the corridor. Neville looked up from his seat on the step.

"You can go in now, Neville," Harry said. "I think most of the yelling is done." Neville stood up and walked towards the portrait. He looked back.

"Be careful, okay, Harry?"

"I will, Neville. Thanks." Neville nodded and went in to a much quieter common room. The three friends, by silent mutual agreement started down the stairs.

"Thanks, you guys. For defending me."

"They are being deliberately obtuse. They just don't understand." Hermione put her hand on his forearm and squeezed. "I'll make copies of the relevant material and make sure they read it." Harry grinned.

"Hermione, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. But I seriously doubt that assigning a reading assignment will do much."

"What they need is a couple of bludgers to the head. Over and over," Ron growled. The trio reached the bottom floor and started to head outside. They only passed a few other people on similar strolls, which Harry was glad for.

"It's alright, Ron. But thanks anyway." The trio fell into a companionable silence until they reached the flagstones just outside the Main Doors of the castle. They were protected from the chill breeze by the stone walls but were able to view the edge of the lake. The full moon lit up everything and Harry realized that he should write to Remus. If anyone knew what it felt like to be half human, Remus would.

"You alright, Harry?" Ron asked, leaning against the gray stone. "You went down pretty hard at dinner."

Harry squatted down and began tossing pebbles he found. Filch was getting lazy with the sweeping if he wasn't getting into the corners. The tiny rocks bounced down the steps with hardly a sound.

"I'm alright. It didn't really hurt. It was just fast."

"Well, why'd he do it?" Ron asked in irritation. Harry shrugged and tossed another pebble.

"He hadn't told me to eat yet."

Ron kicked the wall and slid down until he rested next to Harry. "This really sucks, Harry. Hermione's been telling me to cool it, but..." He blew air out in frustration. "This just sucks."

"Yeah." Another pebble bounced down the stairs.

"You handled the others very well, Harry," Hermione's voice came down from above them. "I was very proud of you." Harry looked up and smiled. Hermione also slid down the wall and tucked her robe in around her legs.

"You won't believe this, but Draco actually made me feel better about how they were acting towards me."

"How the hell did he do that? And more importantly, why would he care?" Ron grabbed a pebble from Harry's small pile and threw it. It never touched the steps but instead landed a few feet away from the bottom, coming to rest in the grass.

"He didn't. I mean he didn't care that I was feeling bad. But, he was mad that I was disturbing his appetite and told me that I shouldn't care what they think because they all wouldn't matter by June."

"He said that?" Hermione asked.

"Well, he actually said that they were all mindless sheep that only followed the loudest horn blower, so to care what they think is stupid."

"Ah," Hermione picked up a pebble and began passing it hand over hand. "That sounds more like him. But, still nice that he said it." Hermione turned to look at Harry, her brow furrowed in confusion. "Why were you disturbing his appetite?"

Another pebble bounced down each step. Harry wondered if this was how cave men kept themselves entertained; a sort of prehistoric slinky. "I think he could smell that I was upset and it put him off his food."

"Then all you have to do is be upset for a while and maybe we can starve the bastard." Ron hurled another rock.

"But that's good, Harry," Hermione said with excitement. "It means that the assimilation is starting!"

"Hermione, you've been reading ahead and not sharing again," Harry said. "What are you talking about?"

"If Malfoy is picking up on your strong emotions and he is disturbed by them then that means he is starting to think more like an Indago instead of Malfoy with super strength and aggression."

"There's a difference?" Ron asked skeptically. Hermione shook her head in disgust.

"Yes, there's a difference." She turned to face Harry fully and grabbed his arm. "The more you are around each other, the more you are exposed to each other's scent, the more you will begin to act like an Indago."

"Okay, I'm with Ron on this one, Hermione. How is that different and is it a good thing?"

"Yes, I think it will be." Sitting up straighter, Hermione began to explain. "Think of it this way, your brain and his brain have only had human information programmed into it since birth. For example, his arrogance and hatred of you. But now that you are both around each other without the potion blocking it, the pheromones you guys are putting out are causing certain reactions in your brains. It's like the key that is unlocking the instincts that haven't been needed until now."

"Okay, I get that part. But what does acting more Indago mean?" Harry asked worriedly, visions of claws and de-boned lizards floating through his mind.

"I don't think it will mean a big difference for you, per se. The Subicio is fairly domesticated in the greater scheme of things. But what it does mean is that Malfoy may start seeing you more as just that, a Subicio. Not Harry Potter, long time rival and hated schoolmate."

"Does that mean he'll quit knocking Harry around?" Ron asked.

"Not necessarily, but it would stop being induced by revenge. Dominants are still fairly brutal, but it should lessen considerably and the outright degradation may come to a stop."

Harry nodded his head as he contemplated the new information. "Is there a way that I can get him to hurry the process along?"

"Proximity is the biggest stimulator. He needs the key of your scent to open his eyes, as it were. Also, the more docile you are the more... well, the more protective of you he will become."

"Oh, gross." Ron turned to look at Harry. "I'm sorry, mate. But if he carries you over a mud puddle I'm going to vomit."

"I didn't say he was going to gain a sense of chivalry, Ron. I said he'd be more protective, which comes with its own set of problems. But, at least he may not be so rough with you." Hermione patted Harry's arm and went back to playing with her pebble.

The three sat in silence again for a while. Each of them was occupied by their own thoughts and rocks.

"So, why's he being such a bully to Hermione?" Ron suddenly asked. "I mean, he always has been, but it almost seems more vicious or personal or something."

"He sees her as a threat. She's behaving like a dominant and so he is treating her like a dominant poaching on his turf," Harry stated matter-of-factly. His friends stopped and looked at him. A moment of silence and then Harry realized he was being stared at.

"What?" he asked.

"Now who's reading ahead?" Hermione cocked her head in question. "I haven't come across any information regarding Superos' reactions to full-humans in such a way. Where did you read that?"

"Oh." Harry stared at Hermione and then gave a perplexed shrug. "I didn't read it anywhere. I just...knew."

Hermione gave a satisfied nod. "You see? It's beginning to work on you too. You are clicking into your Indago-ness."

"But I thought they weren't monogamous? Why would he care if she were tromping about?" Ron asked.

"They are not exclusively monogamous, but they are possessive and territorial." Hermione explained. A moment of silence and then Ron thought of something.

"Hey! If she's a dominant, what am I?" Harry bit his lip and gave his friend a sheepish look.

"Um, I don't think you really register as much to him." Harry gave an apologetic half-smile. Ron threw down the rest of the rocks in his hand.

"That's just great! How come I'm nothing, but she's the dominant?"

"Well, when Draco first came in to the Great Hall the other night Hermione stood between me and him. And during the meeting she spoke on my behalf. She's also the one that gave the distraction today and also the one who is...uh, bossy. Sorry, Hermione." Harry looked at her in apology.

"Don't worry, Harry." Hermione wore a smug smile and was obviously pleased with her heightened position.

"Great," Ron muttered. "A regular dominatrix." Harry laughed. Hermione glared at Ron and tossed a pebble at his head.

"Yes, well perhaps it's time I start doling out punishment." Harry looked up in shock at Hermione's words.

"Oh bollocks! What time is it? Has it been two hours since dinner?" Harry jumped up.

Hermione and Ron climbed to their own feet with concerned confusion. "Yes, I believe so. Why?" Hermione asked.

"Because I have to be at Draco's room before he gets back. He told me two hours." Harry started to walk quickly back inside, his friends following.

"Wait, why do you have to go back? It's after dinner," Ron said bewildered. "What could he possibly want..." Ron grabbed Harry's arm and brought him to a standstill. Ron's face was nothing but dawning horror. "Harry, you can't go back! He'll...he'll... Well, you are not going back!"

"I have to, Ron." Harry pulled free and resumed his brisk walk.

"But, Harry, if he wants..." Hermione trailed off. "What are you going to do?"

"I have to go back," Harry said again. He didn't want to think about what would happen tonight. They came to the corridor that led to Draco's room and Harry stopped. "Good night."

"Wait. Harry, just remember, he's starting to view you through Indago eyes. The more docile you become the more he should feel more protective of you. Try to use that."

"I will. Thanks, Hermione."

"Be careful," Hermione whispered. Ron nodded, his eyes betraying his fear for Harry.

"I will," Harry said again. The three stared at each other for a moment and then Harry began his way down the darkened hallway.

Indago - Chapter 19

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