Third Place - Angst
Indago1 Story: Indago
Author: LDDurham
Category: Angst
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A missed potion reveals a secret about Draco and Snape and Harry finds out his own place in their sexually charged and animalistic hold. Will he be able to adjust to this final battle for a peaceful life?

DISCLAIMER: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Chapter One


Before Harry could turn towards the sound of his name he was enveloped in a tight hug. He pulled brown hair out his mouth and smiled.

"Hello, Hermione. Miss me, then?"

Hermione let him go and he was able to face her. They both had huge smiles on their faces as they looked each other over for the first time in three months.

"You've, uh, filled out a bit there, Mione." Harry gave her a mischievous smile as he blatantly looked over her matured body. Hermione narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms over her ample chest.

"And I see you have stayed a shrimp," she replied coolly. Harry put his hand over his heart and stumbled back a step.

"Oh, that was a cruel shot." They both stepped out of the way of two boys rolling trunks to the baggage car. The last of the Hogwarts students were getting on the train. "But, I'll have you know that I have now reached Ron's shoulder."

"Well, will wonders never cease? You are a veritable giant, then. Why, we shall probably mistake you for Hagrid with a shave."

"Ha ha."

Both friends held onto their snide faces for only a moment before they both started to smirk and then to outright laugh. Getting control of her giggles, Hermione looked about the platform.

"Speaking of Ron's shoulder, where is the rest of him?"

"Oh, you know Ron and his gut. He's already on the train hunting down the candy trolley." Harry grabbed his friend's book bag and they started making their way onto the train. Finding the compartment which held Ron and his acquired treats they settled themselves down to catch up. Hermione told of her adventures with her parents on the many trips they had taken that summer. Hermione stated that she had indulged them in their parental need to try to hang onto their child for just a bit longer before she was off on her own. Ron and Harry told of their summer hanging about The Burrow and helping the twins in different experiments. Hermione was not amused when they told her of the three days in which both boys could only talk while burping. Harry and Ron, however, laughed themselves to tears over the memory.

Forty-five minutes from Hogwarts, the three friends had dressed in their school robes and Ron and Harry were quietly discussing their plans for the year while Hermione finished reading one of their new school books.

"So, Harry, have you decided what you're going to do after this year? Still going to be an Auror?" Ron asked. Harry shook his head.

"I don't know. I guess I kind of got enough of all that when Voldemort was still around." Ron nodded his head in understanding and took another bite out of his chocolate biscuit. Harry continued, "I was kind of thinking I might go into herpetology. You know, studying snakes and stuff."

"Snakes? What do you want to study snakes for?" Ron exclaimed.

"I think it's a wonderful idea, Harry." Hermione's head was out of her book. "You should always use your talents, no matter where they come from."

"Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking. Besides, the idea of a nice quiet life sounds rather appealing." Harry leaned his head back and sighed. "No more mad people chasing after me, no more plots or wars. Just me and snakes, hanging out together, nattering on."

"Yeah, well, if you really want to learn about snakes you could always study Malfoy," Ron quipped. "The way he and his family slithered out of Azkaban and all."

"No way. I plan on staying away from all of Slytherin this year."

"Good idea, Harry. No need to invite trouble." Hermione began packing away her books as the lights of Hogsmeade came into view in the distance. "In fact, I've been saying that for the last six years."

Ron rolled his eyes and popped the last of the biscuit into his mouth.

Indago - Chapter 1

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