Second Place - Romance

Chapter Four
Getting Around the Run-Around

Kingsley Shacklebolt frowned as he came against another dead end in his search for one Severus Snape. If he didn't know any better he would have sworn that the man had just disappeared from the wizarding world. But the Auror did know better and he could smell a diversion when he saw one. It was obvious to Kingsley that the lowly Ministry lackey seated in front of him in the dingy, badly lit office knew more than he was saying, but the Auror was at a loss as to how to get the information out of the lowly-paid young man. If this were a suspected Death Eater the methods available to the tall bald man would be greater. But as it was, he simply could not go about torturing Ministry employees, no matter how annoying they proved to be.

Rubbing a hand across his smooth head, Kingsley tried again. "I just need to speak to the Auror who was in charge of arresting Professor Severus Snape. Now, surely you can give me that information?" It was a gift that Kingsley had, to be able to ask for information while giving the impression that it was the most reasonable thing in the world for the other person to comply.

The young man nervously swallowed. He was seriously beginning to doubt his career choice at this point. When the newly graduated Hufflepuff had entered the Ministry he had never envisioned being relentlessly questioned by an Auror. Of course the employee in question had the information the insistent man wanted, but he had been given strict orders to keep it confidential.

Kingsley had one last card to play, knowing that the Ministry worker had just graduated from Hogwarts. "I really must insist that you give me the information I want, as it involves an important and much beloved war hero."

Without thinking the young man responded. "How can you say that, sir? This is Severus Snape we are talking about. You will never meet a more disagreeable or selfish person. Snape is no war hero," the man sputtered.

Smiling, Kingsley said, "So I see that your memory has improved. Now won't you tell me the rest that you know regarding the arrest of Severus Snape?"

The nervous man gulped. "Brighton Smythe is the Auror in charge of the case against Snape, but don't worry about him getting off, because there isn't to be a trial. He already is in Azkaban and he won't be leaving," the now flustered man quietly answered. He had already messed up in admitting anything to the Auror. He figured he might as well finish the job of ruining his life.

Hearing all that he needed to know, Kingsley Shacklebolt left without saying anything else. For now there was nothing the tall Auror could do but to report back to Dumbledore. Together they might be able to find a way to get Snape released, but they would need help. If Smythe was involved then the case against the potions master was solid. The experienced Auror never left anything to chance and he would not have taken the spy without due cause. While the loyalties of many in the Ministry were suspect, Brighton Smythe was known as being a by-the-rules straight shooter. He never did anything by half measures and he never deviated from the letter of the law. Kingsley was worried. If Smythe had found reason enough to arrest Snape then they were in deep trouble.

The Great Hall was overflowing with exuberant celebrants as the festivities raged. Fred and George Weasley had managed to procure a few barrels of butterbeer from The Three Broomsticks and were gleefully doling out the contents to happy students, professors and Order members. Laughter was ringing throughout the large room and witches and wizards rejoiced in carefree celebration at the final and definite destruction of the most evil wizard in centuries to threaten the wizarding world.

Remus Lupin sat in the quiet infirmary listening to the soft even breathing of the seemingly frail young man lying in the hospital bed. Of all the things Remus regretted in life, one of the utmost was his inability to have been there more for Harry. The werewolf sighed as he shifted in his chair. He reflected that most of the time he had spent in the infirmary had been spent with him lying in a bed and not sitting in one of these rather uncomfortable chairs.

Poppy had not stopped worrying since the infirmary doors had opened admitting Harry Potter. Of course the dear boy would be all right given some rest, but what truly concerned the medi-witch was the news that the Ministry had taken Severus Snape. Although the man went to great lengths to keep others emotionally distant from him, she had always had a soft spot for the formidable man. She had spent too much time tending to his various wounds over the years to not feel protective of the potions master. From his time as a student when he would cautiously sneak in so that she could patch him up from his father's beatings, to the time he had been attacked by Remus as a werewolf, to the countless times the proud man would return from a Death Eater meeting hurting from the punishments or from the attentions of the Dark Lord.

Quietly she went over to check on her current patient. The other injured battle participants had been treated and released and Poppy imagined that they were now celebrating down in the Great Hall with the others. The medi-witch smiled as she saw her former student and patient Remus Lupin sitting in the hard hospital chair by Harry's bedside. The poor man looked to be absolutely exhausted as well as uncomfortable so taking out her wand, Poppy waved it as she softly spoke an incantation. She watched in amusement as the man gasped as the wooden chair underneath him changed into a squishy arm chair with an ottoman to match. Looking up, Remus smiled his thanks to the medi-witch and watched as she checked on the sleeping young man in the bed. She nodded to Remus, indicating that Harry would be fine and turned to go back to her office. Poppy had no desire to partake in the festivities in the other part of the castle as her place was here in the infirmary with her patient. Besides, seeing Harry walk out of the hospital tomorrow would be celebration enough for the matron.

The members of the DA and the Order of the Phoenix, as well as the staff and students of Hogwarts reveled in the impromptu victory celebration. The adults felt the relief of freedom from a maniacal half-blood who had dared to try to rule their world. The children and young adults had never known a time without He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, as even after his first downfall at the hands of the Boy-Who-Lived, fear was still rampant in the wizarding world.

Having been assured of Harry's well being, Ron and Hermione danced to the magically created music that Professor Flitwick had charmed into being. Ginny and Draco were talking over by the punchbowl. They had a quiet area for conversation as most present were opting to indulge in butterbeer instead. Neville had finally found his Gryffindor courage and had asked Luna Lovegood for a dance and had been genuinely shocked when she had dreamily accepted.

Kingsley Shacklebolt entered the boisterous Great Hall in his search for Albus Dumbledore. Absently he smiled and nodded at the celebrants as he made his way slowly across the large room. Finally he spotted the headmaster in quiet conversation with Professor McGonagall. Passing through the silencing spell the two had erected around them, Kingsley shook his head at the sudden drop in volume. In truth, he wasn't one for loud parties and he appreciated the calm atmosphere in this corner of the room.

"Albus, I have been able to find out a bit about Snape, but we will have trouble in getting him back," Kingsley said by way of greeting. This was not the time for idle pleasantries.

The headmaster and Minerva turned to the newcomer and waited for him to continue his report.

"I am afraid that Auror Brighton Smythe is in charge of the case against Snape. That means that the Ministry has a good case against him, as Smythe is a tough, by-the-books type. And I have been informed that there will be no trial. He has already been sent to Azkaban. I'm sorry, Albus," the Auror finished.

The famous twinkle was absent from the older wizard's eyes as he contemplated this information. His biggest fear had been realized as Cornelius Fudge had gone around wizarding laws and had managed to sentence Severus without benefit of a trial. Without due process, there was little chance of finding an easy release. But already, an idea was forming in the master planner's mind. It was extreme and unorthodox, but it would work and it would be unimpeachable. Not even the slippery fool Fudge would be able to gainsay the solution. Albus began to smile as the idea solidified in his mind. Yes, this would do quite nicely. This plan would also serve to further his own agenda. All in all, Albus was pleased with his ingenuity.

The tall Auror and the transfigurations professor silently watched as the headmaster pondered the problem. If things had not been so dire for their colleague they would have found the process fascinating as one could almost see the gears turning in the old man's head as he plotted and schemed.

Finally Albus chuckled and said, "Yes, well thank you, Kingsley. I do think that I see the way out of this, but that will have to wait for tomorrow. But as for today, I do believe that a celebration is in progress and we have been absent from it for far too long. Minerva, my dear, would you care to take a spin around the dance floor with me?"

Gaping at the sudden change in the headmaster's demeanor, Minerva could only nod numbly as she allowed her friend and boss to lead her out to the center of the room. Kingsley shook his head as he followed the two out of the corner and prepared to join in the party. He knew the old man's ways enough by now to know that Albus had figured out an answer and that somehow it would all work out in the end. There was a reason the Dark Lord had feared Albus Dumbledore. No one could match the man in wits or shear brilliance.

The Flipside of Sanity - Chapter 5

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