Third Place - Romance

Chapter 14

The next day Severus was taking Harry to Diagon Alley to buy new things. Draco would not be accompanying them as his life was still in danger and Albus had wanted to spend some time with him. Snape hoped that the Headmaster would manage to connect and deal with this student properly, as he had not with Harry.

Harry had worried him with his behaviour the night before and he thought it would be a good idea for the boy to get out for a bit. Even though the associations which made this shopping necessary were unpleasant.

Despite the boy's reluctance towards the method of transportation, they took a portkey to Diagon Alley. It was the only way to get there without trekking all the way out to Hogsmeade, which would have been a waste of time. Severus was always loathe to waste time.

Harry was wearing his borrowed Slytherin robes. Severus thought that they looked very good on the boy, obviously the colours that he was meant to be wearing, but he could tell that the other didn't feel truly comfortable in them.

Getting some money out of Gringotts was a hassle, as Harry no longer had his key. They had to go through all sorts of verification procedures, in spite of Dumbledore's letter. Snape was tempted to just get some money out of his own extensive supply and give it to the boy to save time, but knew from past experiences with Harry's pride that it would not be accepted.

Once that was done, their next stop was the robe shop. As Madame Malkin took her measurements she wouldn't stop commenting on how skinny the boy was, and Severus could see Harry growing tense. He silently willed the woman to shut up, Harry didn't need reminding of his problems.

When the lack of results proved that he did not in fact possess the mythical gift of telepathy, he resorted to more mundane means and scowled menacingly at her until she shut up, thoroughly intimidated. It made Snape happy to know that his glare still carried it's full potency, since he had not used it on Harry lately. They left the shop with Harry even quieter than he had been before.

Severus might not have enjoyed his eardrums being assailed with incessant noise, but found the opposite strangely eerie and certainly abnormal for a teenage boy. He deliberately altered the route to go past the broomstick shop, and noted with glee that his cunning plan had worked as Harry's footsteps slowed of their own accord. Snape turned to find the boy gazing wistfully at the window display. He nearly smiled, but suppressed it in order to keep his cold facade up in public. For good measure he frowned indiscriminately at all passers-by for a moment, which served the duel purpose of cheering his mood and giving Harry time to dream. Then he approached the boy.

"Would you like to look inside?"

He made sure no trace of the meanness he'd displayed to everyone in his gaze was present in his voice, for Harry was still far too sensitive to risk. The boy twitched as though only just remembering Snape's existence. His inner voice told him that he had once been once the same with regards to the sport, totally obsessed, before he fell in love with his academic work and had no time for anything else.

"No, thank you, sir."

Severus was surprised. Again. The boy didn't want to buy a new broom?

"Won't you need a new broom to play quidditch with?"

Shrug. "I can use one of the schools"

"I doubt that Gryffindor's star seeker should be mounted on one of the pathetic school models."

Flinch. Shrug. How was he supposed to deal with someone so uncommunicative? He knew that he'd hurt the boy in some way, and rethought his last sentence.

"Quidditch is something that you are good at for yourself. Not anyone else. Don't let them take it away from you."

When had he become so good at this counselling shit? The boy nodded, a movement so small that it barely registered.

"Well, perhaps a quick look?" Harry asked hesitantly. Severus nodded his approval, and they entered.

Harry looked at every broom in the place, starting with the older ones, before working his way up to the latest racing brooms. Snape watched the boy run his fingers reverently along the newest model, a Starburst, and recalled looking at his own broom like that. Harry's expression prompted another internal smile, the boy was practically salivating.

"Why don't you get it?"

"It's far too expensive."

Snape snorted. He had seen inside the Potter vault. "Use your money for something you enjoy. Spoil yourself." For once.

He could see that his words had hit a nerve however, and immediately regretted adding the last. Now Harry wouldn't buy the broom; for if he did then he would be convinced that everyone would look at it and think that, of course, Harry Potter had to have the best of everything. He blamed his inner voice. Usually it told him when he was about to say something insensitive. Usually he ignored it. But it had proven invaluable when dealing with Harry.

They left without Harry buying anything. Severus decided not to push him further.

The Apothecary was next. Snape had meant what he had said. The boy did show potential with the subject. There was a certain something about the way that Harry worked, a stillness, which spoke to the Potions master. The man behind the counter shouted into the back when he saw Severus and the manager came out.

"Hello, Professor Snape."


"How can I help you? The last delivery came through didn't it? I wasn't expecting to see you for another month at least. And I'm afraid that we're all out of ladybird wings, had a big order this morning and won't be restocked for a couple of days."

Severus moved aside slightly so that Harry became visible. Gared's attention immediately switched focus.

"I'm taking this boy on as my apprentice."

Both Gared's and Harry's eyes snapped to his face in astonishment. Why was Harry surprised? He thought he had told the boy? Had at least implied it. Oh well, he didn't seem to be protesting against the idea.

"But, Professor Snape, you've never taken an apprentice!"

"Yes, yes. There's always a first time. This is an exception. He shows a great deal of aptitude, and I didn't want to waste any time before starting his training."

He allowed himself a look at Harry. The boy looked absolutely stunned. He could tell from one look in Harry's eyes that the shock came from a disbelief that anyone could find worth in him. Well, that's where he was wrong, thought Snape. Gared was nodding, somewhat dubiously, but obviously accepting that if the boy measured up to Snape's standards then he must be good indeed.

"What will you be wanting then?"

Severus produced a long list and proceeded to argue about it with Gared for the next half hour, sketching out the potions he intended the boy to learn, and haggling over the price, as was his right being an old and valued customer. He vaguely noticed Harry wandering off deeper into the store, but remained focused on the conversation.

When he had finished, a smug smirk was settled on his face, that had been fun! He walked round the shelves of potions to locate Harry. He found the boy staring at some of the slightly more shady ingredients near the back, which could be used in illegal mixtures. Gared usually hid them better. Harry gave no sign that he heard his approach. Until he spoke.

"Your apprentice?"

"I did mention it before. I said that I would tutor you in potions. While you don't have to consider yourself as such, to Gared anyone that I spend time working with would be designated my apprentice."


"I'm having your new things delivered to the school. Shall we go and look at books? You will need some new texts."

Harry nodded and followed Snape out of the store.

At the book shop, Harry browsed contentedly through the shelves. Here it seemed, was something he did not feel guilty spending money on. Severus therefore encouraged him to so.

While he despised shopping generally, looking at potions and books was always enjoyable. He found several tomes that would help the boy with potions, and a couple for himself. Harry had collected some books in addition to his standard text books as well, all of them were related to work though. Snape looked at them, and pronounced a few useless. They had the same educational value as anything written by Lockhart would have done. He directed the boy to more suitable ones instead. They paid, and Severus shrunk everything and cast a lightweight spell in order to make it all easier to carry.

They left the shop, and Snape was just preparing the portkey when he saw Harry's face go pale.

"Harry!" It was the Granger girl. Severus moved a few steps away, interested to see how Harry would handle this.

Weasley soon followed, his greeting even more enthusiastic. Children, thought Snape to himself, forgetting all that had gone before when a new event captured their attention. Voldemort's death seemed to have eradicated their memories of what terms they had been on with Harry before.

Severus could tell that Harry hadn't forgotten. He chatted with them for a while, but Snape could read the boy's contempt for his former friends in every line of his body.

"Oh Harry, I'm so glad that you're all right again."

Severus wanted to sneer at the girl. Then realised that there was nothing to stop him. He felt a lot better once he did, even though they still hadn't seen him as yet. Useless friends they were as well. All right indeed. The boy was cutting himself just last night, the bandage was still on his wrist, and she had the nerve to assume that he was alright? Apparently it irked Harry too.

"I'd better be going anyway, Professor Snape's waiting."

The attention of the others swivelled to him. He let his sneer become more vicious. Weasley spluttered.

"You're staying with him? Why? And why are you wearing Slytherin robes?"

The boy didn't possess a shred of tact, did he? Severus felt a growing need to take house points.

Harry shrugged. "I was told it was the only safe place to stay."

"Yes, but Voldemort's dead now Harry. Why don't you come and stay with us? You can't possibly want to stay with him."

A great deal of house points. And many detentions.

"I'm alright where I am, thanks."

Severus could see right through Harry's calm demeanour. He could tell the boy was becoming upset. Stop tearing him apart, he thought viciously at the children.

"You're not serious? What the hell's wrong with you?"

Detentions in the Dark Forest. And possibly the removal of a limb or two. Sylrissin seemed to agree with him, as she came out of her hiding place in Harry's robes and hissed threateningly at them.

"I like being at Hogwarts. And it's not that bad."

Weasley opened his mouth to say something else which could have led to him suffering the same fate as the Dark Lord, but Granger grabbed his arm. Wise girl.

"I'm sure Harry will be fine. He'll have a chance to do some studying."

Weasley was diverted. "Merlin, is that all you ever think about Hermione! Harry's being corrupted and turning into some kind of..."

Severus grabbed Harry's hand and activated the portkey before they heard the rest of the sentence.

Harry gave him a shadow of a smile.

"Thanks," He murmured.

Severus enlarged the books again, and made a new shelf in the living room so that Harry could store his belongings on it. A cupboard as well.

Altering the furniture for the boy, said his inner voice, he's probably here to stay then. He told it to shut up, but without much venom.

They went into the lab, as Harry's things had already been delivered. Over the next hour Severus showed him how to sort them into groups, and store those with special requirements. Harry's new cauldron was placed into a corner.

Then Severus went through the boy's potions books and found something suitable for working on the next day. He instructed Harry to read it and be ready to prepare it.

"I will not expect a report in from you. Nor will I be grading your work. However, I want you to understand how the potion works, and why the ingredients react to form it before you attempt it. If you are in fact interested in the subject, then you will research into it of your own accord without me reminding you."

Harry nodded. Severus knew that the boy would do the work.


Draco came back around six in the evening. Before he left, Albus gave Severus a small nod and a wink. Good. That one at least was under control then.

At dinner, Snape made sure not to push Harry into eating anything. Forcing him to eat apparently wouldn't work, as it just made Harry feel sick. He tried not to watch the boy. As they rose from the table, Harry thanked him with his eyes, but as Severus summoned a house elf to clean up he noticed that the boy had only had a quarter of a piece of bread and a little fruit. He really needed to talk to him.

Harry and Draco sat and talked about what they had done during the day. Harry showed the other boy his new books.

Severus went into his room.


It was late. Severus was trying to read. Trying to. Trying to distract himself from his thoughts. Thoughts of all the things he could have done better. If he had reacted differently in his past, then he could have saved so many.

He should have ignored Dumbledore's warning. If he had been there, then he could have taken down the Death Eater which killed his friend before it had a chance. He should have been there. What was the point in him hiding away, when everyone else was in danger too? He didn't need to be protected. He wasn't even worth being protected. What was he good for if he wasn't allowed to fight?

He didn't even hear the knock, he was so wrapped up in his thoughts. He only looked up when a tousled head timidly poked round the door.

"Harry." He couldn't keep the weariness out of his voice. Of all the times for the boy to come and see him! He tried to force a smile on his face, but it felt more like a grimace. The uncertainty on Harry's face solidified.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have...I'll just go and..."

"No," he said forcefully, perhaps a little too forcefully, but if Harry had dared to come and see him then there had to be a reason. It might even distract him from his own troubles. "Come in."

Harry crept tentatively further into the room. Severus tried to decide if it would be more awkward if he stayed in bed or showed off his black silk pyjamas by getting up.

He got up, pulling on a robe.

"What did you want to talk to me about?"

A mug of hot chocolate appeared for the boy, and some tea for himself. He thought he'd save the cookies until they were really needed. The hot chocolate had marshmallows in it though.

Harry seemed to have some trouble finding a way to start whatever he wanted to say.

"Was it your friends?"

The boy nodded dumbly. Severus sighed.

"Harry, they don't comprehend what you've been through, what you're going through. For them, Voldemort's defeat is the most important thing. They are only children, Harry."

"And I'm not?"

"No, I don't think that you are. I don't think that you ever were." Snape said thoughtfully.

"But they said, Ron said...There's something wrong with me! I'm a freak!"

Severus had a sudden flashback to the boy's uncle saying the same thing. Calling Harry a freak. He wanted to give the Weasley boy a potion that would cause him intense agony for hours on end.

"You are changing. They are not. That is why they cannot understand how you feel now, and how you act. What they think shouldn't rule you. I know that it does matter to you. That is something which cannot be stopped. But they should not be able to force you to be someone else. The way that you stood up to them today was well done Harry, it proved how much more mature than them you really are."

"It doesn't feel like that," was the whispered reply.

"I know."

Harry made a move as though to leave, then paused. "Sir, what were you thinking about when I came in?"

It was a very personal question. It must have taken a lot of courage to ask. He wasn't sure that he wanted to share his demons with anybody. But then, surely Harry had felt the same way?

"I was thinking of the past. Of all the many deaths that I feel responsible for. I was thinking how I could have acted to prevent them."

"But it is too late now."

"Yes. It was all in vain. So many dead."

"I know."

His own words turned back on him. The understanding in them somehow lightened his heart. Harry slipped fromt he room as quietly as he had come.


It was just after breakfast when the mail came through the fireplace. Harry was amazed at the number of letters there, Snape got post very rarely aside from the deliveries of potion's ingredients. As the professor picked the bundle up a bright red envelope signifying a howler became visible. Snape's expression turned sour. The man dumped the rest of the pile on the table and retreated into his room with the letter. Harry and Draco waited with baited breath to see who would actually dare to send a howler to Snape.

Just before a silencing spell cut in, Harry made out the irate tones of Mrs. Weasley. He still remembered the howler that Ron had received in the second year, and he was sure that the voice was the same.

A few minutes later Snape stormed out of his chamber and scowled when he found them openly staring.

"I shall be absent for a time. I trust that you will behave appropriately while I am gone. Do not destroy, burn, disintegrate, transmutate or cause any damage in any way to my property. The same rules apply to each other. And the rest of the school." He paused in thought for a moment then added further clauses. "Though you may have free reign with anything belonging to Gryffindor and also Professor Trelawney. I personally think that she would be spectacularly well suited to the form of a bat, but if you want to poison her instead then you can find the appropriate ingredients on the shelf at the back of the lab."

He strode into the fireplace at the last. Harry and Draco stared after him, dumbfounded.

"Haven't seen him like that before," said Harry.

"Oh I have," replied Draco airily. "That's how he gets when he's really pissed off but trying to contain it. So lucky he wasn't angry with us."

The other boy picked up the post and shuffled through it. There were three letters for Harry. Three! And two for Draco. Draco looked as though he didn't want to open his. Harry was starting to have a sneaking suspicion who his own might be from. He opened the first. It began:

Bloody hell Harry, what were you...

Harry threw it into the fire, not bothering to read the rest. Ron's opinion just didn't matter to him anymore. He stopped to consider before opening the next.

Dear Harry

I heard that you met up with Ron yesterday. He told me that you weren't acting like yourself. Are you alright dear? Are you being treated well at school? I hate to think of you all alone in that big castle. You know that we'd love to have you come and stay with us, it's always nice to see you. Please let me know how you are doing,

Love from Mrs. Weasley.

Well, that explained the howler then. Ron had obviously convinced her that Harry was being mistreated. In a way Harry knew that getting help from others was what a friend would do, but it wasn't what he needed. He needed understanding, and he certainly hadn't got that from Ron. He got that here.

Mrs. Weasley had gone to a lot of effort though, and deserved a reply. He just couldn't think of anything to say at the moment. And he had no owl. So he would leave it until a little later.

Over the top of the paper, he saw Draco cautiously tearing his letters open, as though he expected poisonous gas to come out. When he read them the boy's face went slightly pale. Harry considered asking him about them, then decided that Draco would tell him if he wanted to.

His last letter then. Hermione had been far more understanding than Ron, she seemed to know him much better. She deserved to have her questions answered.

Dear Harry,

I realise that you're angry with us for not understanding what it is that's troubling you. I know that you have reasons for acting the way you are. I may even be able to guess some of them. Would you like to tell me? If you don't then that's okay, but I thought you might want to share it with someone. Ron isn't exactly the most sensitive of people. I'm glad that you're there at Hogwarts, for I think that you are the most likely to be happy there. It is your home. I'm always willing to listen, and will do my best not to judge.

Love Hermione.

She wasn't trying to push. She didn't say anything insulting. She really was a true friend, and he had treated her terribly, just because he had been feeling bad at the time.

He thought for a while, then to Mrs. Weasley he wrote a note telling her that he was fine, and that others were staying at Hogwarts as well, so he had company. He hoped that would alleviate her concerns. And he thought that Snape might have already talked to her.

To Hermione he told the truth. He said that he had had a very bad time with his relatives over the holidays. He knew what she would read into that, and it was easier than actually telling her the details. He said that Sirus's death had tormented him. He told her about how bad the dreams had been. He admitted that he had tried to kill himself. Sort of. It did feel better, telling everything, even if it was just on paper. He reassured her that he was getting all the help he needed here. He knew that she would accept that if he said so.

He put the letters on the table ready for delivery. Then he considered what to do with the rest of the day. It didn't look like Snape was going to be back anytime soon. Sitting around and thinking was not an option. He could read...

Draco was staring blankly out into space, as though he were trying to avoid thinking about something. Looking round the room, Harry was struck by inspiration.

"Do you want to play chess?"

Maybe he did still have some Gryffindor traits after all. Sacrificing his own dignity to lose to Draco. Still, it might cheer the other up.

They set the board up. It appeared that the comment Harry had received from a piece when last he played it had not been an isolated incident.

"Oi! Get your fingers off my knob!"

"Keep your hands on the table where we can see them!"

When he translated their remarks to Sylrissin, she found them amusing, though added that she found the pieces barbaric and uncouth.

"Take the queen. Take the queen. Then the king will be free at last and the bishop won't forbid some knocking around."

"It's the class difference really, can't have a king having kinky sex with a mere knight."

"I rather thought that the fact that the king was already having an illicit affair with the other bishop would put a damper on his chances."

"Frederick! You aren't! My own twin! We who share everything!"

Draco and Harry burst out laughing at the discovery that the bishop was called Frederick. Harry wondered if the other might be a George?

"You're just jealous. Do you fancy a threesome then?"

"Might have to make it more than that if the filthy human can't keep it's hands to itself."

"Who does he think he is, listening to the tales of our sordid sex lives?"

"When they come to the chess set looking for excitement, that says something about their lives, hmmm?"

"Awww, look, he's blushing."

"Did you say a threesome?"

"Oh, he's going to move now. No, wait, don't put me there! That castle and I had a really bad breakup once. I smashed his walls down."

"Hah, bloody, hah! Just because you couldn't control your perverted urges."

"Don't call me perverted. That one with the dark hair who keeps feeling up the pawns, now he's perverted."

Harry snatched his hand away. Draco just sniggered.

Harry lost. As they sat back and watched the pieces crawl around and squabble amongst themselves now that the game was over, Harry couldn't help but wonder where Snape had acquired such an unusual chess set. And where the pieces had acquired their unusual sense of humour.

Playing the game seemed to have loosened Draco up a bit.

"I got a letter from my family."

Harry looked at him in surprise. He'd thought...

"No, not my parents. My grandfather. And I know I should ignore what it says. How disappointed in me they are."

"But it still matters."


"Who was the other one from?"

"Anonymous. It was a hate mail. They're like howlers, except that they only play in your head, and they look like ordinary letters. It was from someone who thinks that I was really serving the Dark Lord and havn;t changed. Nothing I ever do will be enough will it?" By the end of this rant Draco's voice was filled with despair.

"No, it will never be enough. You can never please everyone else. So just do what matters to you."

"Snape's words?"


"Just sounded like something he would say to you. Like something you would need to have said to you too."

Harry gave a little half smile. "Well, maybe. You did the right thing you know."

"Is that supposed to be comforting?"

No, Harry thought. There is no comfort. There is never any comfort. Except that which we find in others.

"No, just the truth," he said seriously.

Draco snorted unhappily. "Truth!"

The conversation was starting to edge into things Harry wasn't sure he wanted to explore. What he really wanted to do was play around with his new potions things. He had been reading his new books the night before and found some things he was dying to try out. But he probably shouldn't go into the lab until Snape...

Stepped through the fireplace. He didn't look in any better a temper than he had when he set out.

"Harry, the lab. Draco, the Headmaster wants you."

The chess pieces made insinuating commentary about what precisely the Headmaster wanted Draco for. Harry picked up his potions manual and moved through the door.


Snape's mood improved drastically once they were in the lab. Harry knew that the man was happiest surrounded by his cauldrons. How then did he manage to look so miserable when teaching? Maybe it was all a front? Considering Neville's history of incompetence, maybe not.

His professor merely sat down on a stool in front of a workbench and gestured for Harry to get on with it. Harry wasn't sure if this was good or bad. What if he completely messed up the potion? Snape wouldn't think he was good enough anymore. His hands were getting slippery with sweat. He would be thrown out.

The glass vial of worm plasma he was holding fell through his fingers.

He watched it drop in slow motion, horrified. Relying entirely on his instincts, he brushed his fingers against the wand in his pocket and speedily muttered a levitation spell. The tube stopped just above the floor. He dragged his eyes up, awaiting censure.

There was nothing but a raised eyebrow. "Good reflexes. All that seeker training?"

He picked it up and carried on, relieved that Snape had not seen fit to punish him. He didn't seem to be going back to his classroom persona. Which gave Harry no end of relief.

Soon his mind was entirely focused on his potion. Add the dandelion seeds now, they would react with the acid. He had almost finished. Just a pinch of lemongrass to increase the potency and make it smell better. Stir it again. Bottle it. Label it.

He straightened, and looked at the clock. He had been in there for two hours. And it barely felt like any time had passed at all.

"Why did you add that last ingredient?"

Was that a trick question? "Wasn't I supposed to sir?"

"It was not in the instructions. Why did you add it?"

Shit. Shit. He had done it wrong. He had proved he couldn't even follow simple instructions. He was useless.

"It made sense, it would make it stronger. I'm sorry sir, I'll study more carefully."

Harry prayed internally that Snape would let him get away with it this once. He would try harder next time.

"No. You made a superior potion to the one described. Although your accuracy was off, your common sense and knack for potions have been shown to be very good. As long as you can justify any alterations you make, then playing with the recipes is not amiss."

Nod. It was alright. He was safe. Snape wasn't angry.

"I might ask that you warn me, however, before experimenting. It could be dangerous."

Now that Snape seemed more relaxed, Harry worked up the nerve to ask him about earlier.

"Was that howler from Mrs. Weasley?"

Snape looked at him sharply. "How did you...? Yes. She thought that I was torturing you down here and demanded to speak to me. It was not a pleasant conversation."

Harry felt sorry for Ron's mum, he rather liked her. Though perhaps from the state of him, he should be more sympathetic towards Snape.

"And it was all that young Weasley's fault too. I have a mind to..."

"I got a letter from him today."

Snape looked at him again, this time there was a slight tinge of concern in his eyes. It was moments like this which reassured Harry that the professor was genuine, that he could trust him.

"I threw it in the fire after reading the first line. I didn't really feel like reading the rest."

"I'm sorry. But he won't be doing that again. Not after what I said to them."

"Did you tell them?" Harry whispered. He wasn't sure that he had wanted Ron to know everything.


He nodded again. Now he would get even more pity. And Ron wasn't one to keep his mouth shut. Snape rose and stretched.

"Now, I think we missed lunch. Let's have something on the couch, I think Draco will be staying with the Headmaster."

"I'm not really hungry," he protested as Snape ordered food from a house elf. He received a glare which, though it didn't make him quake in terror as it would have done just a few days ago, was still fairly powerful. "Well, I'm not," he repeated.

"And why is that Harry? You need to eat more. You know you do."

"It just makes me feel sick, that's all."

Snape seemed to be getting frustrated. "Why on earth would it make you feel sick? I would have thought that not eating would have had that effect."

"Well, I feel sick all the time, It just gets worse when I eat."

"You feel sick all the time? Why didn't you tell someone?"

"It's not that bad! I didn't want anyone making a fuss."

Snape sighed. "You must tell me if there is something wrong Harry. Now, how long have you felt this way?"

"Ummm, I think I first noticed this weird pain in my stomach when I woke up here after I left the hospital wing, after I...."

His professor thought. "I doubt Pomfrey would have, hold! Harry, you didn't swallow any of the basilisk poison did you? Even a tiny bit? Just brush your finger over your mouth?"

"I don't know. I can't really remember."

Snape fetched a potion. "This should purge any residues from your body. Whatever it is, this will get rid of it. If that doesn't work then you could be ill. We'll have to take you to the infirmary again."

"No," Harry protested, swallowing it obediently, trying to block out the foul taste. He felt dizzy immediately and leaned back on the couch. When his head stopped spinning he was feeling better.

He thought he might try and eat something. at least the smell of food wasn't nauseating anymore. He nibbled on the things that came, though he still didn't eat too much, his stomach being unused to it.

Snape watched him. He seemed pleased that Harry was trying at least.

"I feel better now sir. I think the potion helped."

"You wouldn't just be saying that to try and avoid being outfitted in those hospital pyjamas again, would you?"

Harry laughed. "No, sir." He would never do such a thing. Well, maybe he would. But he honestly did feel better.

Sometime later Snape appeared to remember something, and broke some news. "School is starting up again in a couple of days, and you're going to have to move back up to the Gryffindor Tower."

Flawed Lines - Chapter 15

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