First Place - Angst

Chapter Fifty-Two


The figures in the picture placed on a prominent spot on the mantle grinned at him. Two very small children waved enthusiastically. They had started out scared and nervous, but for some reason trusted Harry and Charlie completely. Quickly they began acting like children their age should, complete with Carver's stubborn attachment to the word 'no'.

Molly and Arthur, much to their delight, were almost immediately dubbed Grandma and Grandpa. It took a little longer for Severus to become Granddad, and he still had to remind himself that Carver and Erica were talking to him whenever they said it.

I'm a grandfather.

Severus massaged his temples. He wasn't even forty. It had been a complete shock to discover, only a few years ago, that he was a father. Then Harry had to go and adopt two children, with no warning to anyone, almost the instant he graduated from Hogwarts, making Severus an instant grandfather.

Whenever he saw the man, Cornelius Fudge refused to look Severus in the eye and made a hurried excuse to be somewhere else quickly. After the first time Severus had made an effort to run into the man several more times to test the reaction. Fudge would grow flustered and immediately leave. Severus had been pleased, but puzzled, until he saw the adoption papers for Carver and Erica, signed by Fudge.

Every now and then Severus wondered exactly Harry had done to get Fudge to sign the papers and not leak the news to the papers. It had taken months for the world at large to catch wind of the adoption, and by then Harry and Charlie were in Romania again.

The bonding was not as much of a surprise as the adoption, at least not to Severus. For some reason the opposite seemed to be the case for most of the Gryffindors that he was surrounded with. Charlie was already essentially the other father for Carver and Erica, and he hadn't left Harry's side for more than an hour or so since the battle. The bonding was inevitable.

Of course, the two of them had completely flouted tradition by giving their guests no warning whatsoever, never mind that they didn't inform their families beforehand or register the ceremony with the Ministry. Severus was sure that they had never told the Ministry. As they planned to live in Romania for at least a little more than half of each year they technically didn't have to inform the British Ministry of Magic about their bonding.

The professors at Hogwarts had a betting pool going for how long it would take for the news to break to the media. Sinistra and Trelawney were already out of the running.

Romania was the best place for Harry, everyone who knew him reluctantly agreed. A dragon colony was not the best place to raise children, but with Harry's ability to communicate with them, and their strange acceptance of Harry as one of them, the children were in no danger whatsoever. They were probably the safest toddlers in the world. Anyone who tried to hurt them would have not only a very angry Harry Potter after them, but also several overprotective dragons.

Harry apparated back and forth for his odd work with the Ministry, meetings with the Wizengamot, and Hogwarts Board of Governors business. Harry had been offered a seat not long after he mentioned to a reporter that graduating from Hogwarts didn't mean he was unconcerned with the goings on at the school.

Lately he had also been meeting with Draco Malfoy and they were planning hard for the opening of their school. The Hogwarts year would end soon, there were only four weeks remaining, and there would be another string of marriages, including the Malfoy-Fawcett wedding. After the honeymoon Harry and Draco would send out invitations to the thirty ten-year-old muggle-borns in the British Isles for the start of the next school year.

The children and Charlie lived almost exclusively in Romania, though they all spent at least a few days each month at Potter Manor. Harry had also promised Molly a week with the children over the summer.

The school was quieter without Harry Potter's class of trouble-makers and incompetents. Neville Longbottom was out of Severus's hair forever, at least where it counted, which was anywhere near a cauldron or laboratory. There were still exploding and melting cauldrons, most of them directly due to Jackie Gudgeon, but nothing like what Longbottom had been capable of.

Severus was almost shocked to discover he missed them all. He had not fiendish plots to foil, no lives to save, no Dark Lord to spy on, just an endless supply of students to teach the same potions to.

I'm bored, Severus found himself thinking.

He still had a few potions he was working on, but tracking down the remaining Death Eaters had been left to the Aurors. Albus no longer had an excuse to interfere in Severus's life, though that didn't stop him from trying on occasion.

And with Voldemort dead, and the official Ministry pardon for any past misdeeds, Severus was no longer indebted to the old fool. He suspected Harry's hand in the pardon.

He sighed and leaned back with the book he was reading. Harry had given him copies of all his vault keys and free access to the treasure of knowledge in the piles upon pile of ancient tomes hoarded by the Black and Potter families. Severus had already found several potions thought lost and material for decades of research... but for some reason it wasn't enough.

The fire flickered and the candles guttered. He was starting to get tired, but the diary of the thirteenth century wizard who had invented Replenisher Potion was fascinating. He blinked and the words blurred.

Several pages went by before Severus realized what he was reading, "Bloody hell!"

Severus turned back the pages and read more carefully, now fully awake. He finished the entry and slammed the fragile book down on his coffee table.

"I'm cursed," Severus announced to his empty quarters.

For a moment Severus considered doing nothing at all about what he'd read. After all, there was almost no chance that anyone else would ever read that book. He could in fact ensure that no one ever read what he just did.

But Harry would never forgive him. James would never forgive him. Remus would most likely die much sooner if Severus didn't act. He wasn't blind to the werewolf's depression. Harry visited and wrote, but Remus was still alone again.

It wouldn't matter that they would never find out. Severus would know, and the knowledge would eat away at him until he did something about it.

So much for my boring life, Severus told himself.

He snorted. It figured. The man plagued him in life and would continue to do so until Severus died.

His calendar hung by the desk in his study. It was three days until he was due at Potter Manor to spend the day with Harry, Charlie, and, Severus reminded himself once more, his grandchildren. And Merlin help them Ginny Weasley had already started the potion, under Severus's supervision, to add to the family. They planned to finish the potion in one week, and then Ginny would take it and live with them in Potter Manor for a year, beginning her studies to become an Auror. The first year was all classroom studies, mostly learning the complex laws of wizarding society.

Three days. It would be enough time to see if there was any more information out there to help him, now that he had something specific to look for. He began making lists and consulting various books in his quarters. He looked over the inventories of the Snape, Potter, and Black vaults and sent a note off to Draco Malfoy requesting access to the Malfoy library. A trip to Alexandria would also be necessary.

Despite the subject of his work, Severus found himself becoming excited. He had a project to work on again, clandestine work looming before him. There was no way what he was considering could become public. If for no other reason, failure would kill the werewolf. Regardless of Harry's reaction to such an event, Severus found himself dreading the inevitable. After all those years of pranks, fear, and stubborn animosity, Remus Lupin was his friend.

Fate was an ironic bitch at times.

For three days Severus barely slept. He ignored his colleagues and snapped at his students. Albus twinkled at him relentlessly and Severus sneered in response. Severus Snape was back to himself.

"Dad!" Harry hugged him tightly when he stepped out from the fireplace.

It had been gradual, but Harry was able to have contact with more and more people. His bonding with Charlie had been the first big step. The red haired dragon handler provided grounding for Harry's empathy and magic sensing, making it possible for Harry to keep sufficient barriers.

As for the other healing Harry needed, time had done a great part. Carver and Erica played no small part, giving Harry something to focus on.

Severus returned the hug, remembering the time when he couldn't get close to his son without causing him to flinch, "Good morning Harry."

The scene in the kitchen of Potter Manor, where the family often ate despite the disapproval of the elves, was cozy and endearing. Charlie had Carver on a booster seat and Erica in a highchair. Both children were feeding themselves, though creating quite a bit of mess in the process. Charlie was eating his own breakfast while flicking his wand between bites to clean up after the children.

"Granddad!" Carver announced gleefully, despite him mouthful of pancake.

Erica twisted in her seat to see him and smiled widely, "Granddad!"

Severus kissed them both on the forehead and took a seat out of range of most of the breakfast mess. Harry sat next to him and an elf provided them with coffee, for Harry, and tea, for Severus.

"You're looking better," Harry said softly.

"And feeling better," Charlie added. Severus didn't bother to wonder how he had heard. The two of them had developed an uncanny sense of each other. Severus would not have been surprised if they had developed telepathy.

"I have been fine," Severus raised an eyebrow.

Harry turned his head and Charlie looked up. They exchanged a glance and smiled at each other.

"There's fine," Harry said knowingly, "and then there's fine."

Charlie snickered, "Like Harry's definition of 'fine' can include bleeding from multiple orifices and several broken bones."

Harry rolled his eyes and shot a short-lived glared down the table, "You know what I mean."

"I will tell you later," Severus promised.

Harry's eyes lit up, his suspicions confirmed, "Ha! I was right! Come on Dad, tell me now."

Severus just smirked at the puppy-dog look Harry had turned his way. It was nearly identical to the one James used to get his way... and Severus only gave into that one when James's way was also what Severus wanted, which was frequently.

"You will have to wait," Severus told his son, who huffed as though he was five years old, instead of nearly nineteen. "Now what did you want to show me today?"

The pout disappeared and Harry's eyes lit up. Severus was almost thrown at how happy Harry seemed. There wasn't even a hint of depression or darkness in the emerald eyes.

"We'll be back for lunch Charlie," Harry told his bondmate, who was busy trying to stop Erica from redecorating the room with the remains of her breakfast. From the way Harry and Charlie were reacting, this was an entirely normal mealtime occurrence.

"Good," Charlie vanished the remaining food with his wand and summoned a stuffed animal to entertain the girl, "it's your turn." He then had to obtain another stuffed animal for Carver when the boy realized his sister had one and he didn't.

Harry went to the other end of the table and kissed his family goodbye. Erica and Carver both clapped loudly when Harry and Charlie kissed and Severus had difficulty containing his amusement.

Severus raised an eyebrow at his son's flushed face, "They've been to far too many weddings. They clap when any couple kisses."

"You would think their hands would be sore by now," Charlie commented with a grin, causing Harry's flush to turn a deeper shape of red.

"Ready?" Harry asked. Severus nodded and felt the pull of Harry apparating him. It was not the same as tandem apparition, but much more pleasant, with a slightly warm tingling sensation.

They were in front of a large manor home, Tudor in style. Harry was nearly bouncing at his side and Severus took his time to examine the structure. The sign over the main door told him why he was there, but there was something off about the situation. The wards on the property were far too strong.


"Whose house was this?" Severus asked with a small smile. Harry had refused to let anyone see the building until he and Draco had deemed it ready.

"It was in the Black inventory," Harry grinned. "Draco scouted out all the properties we both had, those he could get to that is, and this was the most suitable. I think he also liked the irony of teaching muggle-borns on Black property."

"No doubt Belletrix is rolling over in her grave," Severus shared a smirk with Harry, an expression that brought out the Snape in Harry. Severus had not been at all surprised to hear that it was Longbottom who finally killed her, though he hadn't expected the normally shy Gryffindor to learn the killing curse.

"Along with her aunt and uncle, her husband and brother-in-law," Harry added, bringing just a hint of the darkness that had plagued his life back. With customary Gryffindor stubbornness Harry shook it off and smiled, leading Severus inside the house.

They toured the whole building. The ballroom had been converted to an auditorium which would also serve as a banquet room for larger gatherings. There were classrooms, brightly decorated and ready for students. Several bedrooms were set up for teachers who wanted to stay the night. Harry led him to the last door.

"My office," Harry announced as he opened the door and gestured for Severus to enter.

He stopped on the threshold, "You didn't. Please tell me that's an ordinary portrait Harry."

"Severus!" The portrait greeted him and Severus groaned.

"Does convention mean anything to either of you?" Severus asked in irritation.

"Now Severus...," the portrait began.

"Albus," Severus snapped, "as a portrait you have nothing to threaten me with, no infernal lemon drops to push on me, and you are no longer my boss." Harry was laughing at the entrance to his office. "I fail to see the humor in the situation."

"You're arguing with a portrait!" Harry pointed out. "The real Albus is only a Floo away."

"What possessed you...," Severus started his lecture, but Harry interrupted.

"James and Lily had to have activated their portraits before the Manor was attacked," Harry explained calmly, not at all fazed by the frustration that had to be pouring off of Severus. "We were wondering what effect it had on them, and their portraits couldn't explain it, so we decided to try ourselves. I figured Albus was already a little crazy..."

"Harry!" the portrait objected.

Harry waved it off and continued, his stride unaffected, " if having an active portrait messed with his mind at all no one would notice."

Severus couldn't help but agree with the logic of using Albus as a test subject and was impressed with Harry's calm manner when explaining it with Albus, or his portrait anyway, there.

"And you told Albus all of this?" Severus questioned.

Harry nodded, "He agreed."

"That's true, I did," the portrait Albus interjected.

"Of course, I had replaced his Cheering Lemon Drops with drops that the twins infused with Careless Content," Harry smirked at the portrait.

"That explains a lot," Albus the portrait said calmly, and his portrait self took a lemon drop from his robes and popped it in his mouth.

Severus shook his head. Careless Content not only made whoever took the potion rather happy, but also mildly open to suggestion. He just hoped the twins weren't selling it. That was potential for disaster. It was bad enough that Harry had decided to start giving Albus a taste of his own medicine.

"So why are the wards here so strong?" Severus asked bluntly.

"Well, I will be here on a regular basis," Severus just lifted a single eyebrow and Harry sighed, seeing that his father was not buying the explanation. "You know that Draco's in the Order now, and that Grimmauld Place gets a bit cramped." Severus nodded warily. "All our teachers are Order members. The uppermost bedrooms are for members who need them, and the garret isn't for staff meetings. It's for the Order to meet."

"And it will not be at all unusual for Hogwarts staff members to visit here, or any of the Weasleys, or a number of other people," Severus continued, shaking his head. Only Albus and Harry would make a school that was also a secret meeting spot for an underground organization.

"And any of them can communicate with Albus through, well... Albus here," Harry explained smugly.

"They're aware of each other?" Severus's mind was boggled at the implications.

Harry frowned, "Not entirely. They can get each other's attention, and communicate, but it's not like Albus can be watching us now from Hogwarts."

"Thank Merlin for small favors," Severus grumbled. "Please tell me you had the sense not to create a portrait of yourself."

Harry shook his head, "No way. It's all I can do to control my own mind."

"Give my regards to your counterpart," Severus told the portrait, who just twinkled at him as he left the room. How does a portrait twinkle?

Harry led the way back outside and Severus watched him tilt his head back and stretch in the late morning sun. With the changes to Harry's own physiology when his dragon adopted him Severus had a few concerns about any children Harry sired. He could just pass along the protection from his dragon mother, or something entirely new could happen. Severus did not like unknowns.

"I think lunch will be outside today," Harry commented before reaching out for his father.

"Easier to clean up?" It was a bit disconcerting to start a sentence on one side of the country and finish on the other, but Severus had done this enough times that he didn't show it.

Harry grinned, "There is that. I just can't get enough of the sun. I'll be back in a minute."

Harry transformed and disappeared in a flash. Severus knew from Charlie's letters that Harry still spent a small portion of each day as a phoenix. He knew Charlie was unconcerned, but Severus couldn't stop the little bit of fear that crept into his heart every time Harry took his avian form. What if it was the last time?

The phoenix returned with Carver and Erica, depositing them at Severus's feet. Both toddlers grinned up at him and Severus swallowed his dignity and folded himself to sit on the ground with his grandchildren. They seemed unfazed that their father was a bird, at least for a short time.

The phoenix flew in a circle above them before gliding back inside the Manor. When he returned he had a basket of what was presumably lunch in his talons, and another large bird following him. They both landed beside Severus.

Severus only kept a little attention on the children, who were cheerfully babbling to each other and pulling up grass, while he examined the bird. It was some variety of hawk Severus decided, though its feathers were a bit redder than he had ever seen...

He looked more closely. The feathers were spotted, as if with freckles. The phoenix nuzzled the hawk, which was only slightly smaller.


With a soft 'pop' the two birds were replaced with Harry and Charlie, "I told you I was keeping him company."

"Did you register?" Severus questioned, wondering how he missed this development.

Charlie nodded and smiled mischievously, bringing the twins to mind, "Just last week. It's been a bit longer, but this is the first we've been here since, or the first I've been here anyway."

"Who wants lunch?"

Near pandemonium ensued as two hungry toddlers abandoned their pile of unearthed grass to get to the food. Charlie cast cleaning charms on their hands while Harry fished out sandwiches and juice boxes, a muggle thing that made quite a bit of sense for small children.

"So what is it you have to tell me?" Harry questioned Severus again. The Boy-Who-Lived, now the Man-Who-Killed-You-Know-Who, was sitting comfortably on the ground with the two children almost in his lap. Severus was constantly amazed that Harry was such a good parent despite having nothing in the way of an example to follow from his own childhood. He watched them fondly, wishing he had had the chance to raise Harry.

"Harry," at the seriousness of his tone Harry's head snapped up and Severus noticed Charlie's did the same, though all his attention was on his son, "I don't think Black is dead."



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