<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/dragnwidow2/bjorn__lynne-the_enchanted_orchard.mid">
Welcome Guests!
        f�ilte � chro�!  

Welcome to Dragnwidow�s Lair . Here I hope you can find what you are looking for, or hope you can get some new information you have yet to find. I have alsways been fasinated with fantasy, and since I meet my husband I have become more intangles in the old world ways.  From the medieval castles to the ways they use to fight. I love visiting europe and have the feeling of going back into time.

Let me tell you about my name:
I was givien the name dragnwidow, because of my attitude toward life.  As a dragon, I often hide with in my lair , unless prevoked, trying to hold on to my family and my beliefs. My eyes often change colors depending on which situation I am in. I also shape shift to fit in, even tho it is not the true me.
The widow comes from the many trials and battles I have faced in my life. No I am not a real widow but  I do have scares that remind me to stay strong no matter what . Widows often learn to overcome and be independent.

Please enjoy. Please be patent for I am working on other sites to help support my never ending cause , Rescueing little wet noses in need.
Thank you again for visiting.

To see your face when I am lonely
To hold you close when I am scared.
To kiss you when I am happy
To talk to you , letting my fellings flow.
To you, my strength, my might with in this darkeness. To those who know me not, I am the Dragnwidow.
     Anita Maas 2006

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