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*GATECON 2003*
Sorry for the lack of updates, life has been wierd and I haven't had much to update with anyway! lol.

I'm debating on whether or not to make a Stargate Atlantis page...so stay tuned.

As for Gatecon 2004 it's about 12 days till I fly out to Vancouver for that!  I can't wait!!!

Designed a new look for the main page, hope you all like it!

Hey!  Happy new year!  I finished putting up the last few pics from Gatecon 2003.  I had gotten them developed a while ago but couldn't find the ambition to get them up here.  I was just depressed looking at my pics think I'd not be going to Gatecon again....but that's changed!!!  I AM going again this year!  YEAH!  So expect to see pics from Gatecon 2004 coming this July!

Okay I have all the photos up that I have developed.  Unfortunately they're all text links because Geocities won't let me put all the picutes up on the pages.  But enjoy!   I should have the rest of the photos (basically all from after the con) in a few weeks.

Gatecon 2003 Pictures are up!  Well...almost all of them are up.  If you want to see all of them right now head over
my Yahoo!Group that's specifically for my Gatecon 2003 pics, and anyone else's pics if they want it to be!
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