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Seaworld's Bermuda Triangle - A voyage into the world's greatest mystery.

The story for this begins at the US Coast Guard, situated in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle, where two huge Volcano's have recently appeared, which have caused a few problems since several boats have disappeared in the area.

As research volunteers its up to you to go into the heart of the volcanos to find out if they hold any clues to the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, and so begins the ride...

The ride itself is one of the most impressive dark rides/boat rides in the country.  It incorporates a huge number of special effects, including Lazars, the 'old' ghost pepper trick, holograms, robots, fire and a whole heap of others to bring this ride to life.  Add to that a backwards section, and a drop in total darkness, a huge hourly capacity, and a long ride time and you have a recipe for a great ride. 

The ride has proven such a success that a clone of this ride exists in Germany at 'Warner Brother's Movieworld', where the ride has received great reviews. 

Though 8 years this ride has lost one or two of its original effects, its still a great ride, and without question a must ride at Seaworld.

Ride Specs:

Ride Length: 8 mins
Number of Robots:  22
Hourly capacity 1200
Cost:  $13,000,000
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Before it was opened, the building  Bermuda Triangle was now housed in was the home for a similar boat ride called, 'Lasseter's lost mine' which cost $3 million.  It was the same style of ride, but was not as exciting, and came minus volcanos.
The author of this site is in no way associated with Seaworld, nor does he own the above logos.  He does however, recommend you go out to Seaworld and have a great day.
The world's only unofficial guide to Seaworld, Gold Coast, Australia
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