Table of Contents

Chapter 11: The Triumphs and Travails of Jeffersonian Democracy (1800 - 1812)

"Timid men . . . prefer the calm of despotism to the boisterous sea of liberty." - Thomas Jefferson, 1796


1800 - Jefferson defeats Adams for presidency
1801 - Judiciary Act of 1801
1801 - 1805 - Naval war with Tripoli
1802 - Revised naturalization law
Judiciary Act of 1801 repealed
1803 - Marbury v. Madison
Louisiana Purchase
1804 - Jefferson reelected president
Impeachment of Justice Chase
1804 - 1806 - Lewis and Clark expedition
1805 - Peace Treaty with Tripoli
1805 - 1807 - Pike's Explorations
1806 - Burr treason trial
1807 - Chesapeake affair
Embargo Act
1808 - Madison elected president
1809 - Non-Intercourse Act replaces Embargo Act
1810 - Macon's Bill No. 2
Napoleon announces (falsely) repeal of blockade decrees
Madison reestablishes ninimportation against Britain
1811 - Battle of Tippecanoe
1812 - United States delcares war on Britain
1813 - Battle of the Thames
1814 - Battle of Horseshoe Bend

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