Security on a Shoestring
Security without spending a fortune
There are three essential steps towards internet security and privacy.

1. Download updates and patches for Microsoft Products.
2. Use an internet firewall.
3. Use up to date anti-virus software.

If you don't believe me, have a look at the security page on the Microsoft website.

You can find information about these steps by clicking on the links to the left.

In addition, there are these steps you can take:

4. Learn about spyware and adware. Install anti-spyware/anti-adware software.
5. Block bad internet sites, dangerous internet content and Pop-Up ads.
6. Be careful what internet cookies you're eating.
7. Watch out for email dangers.
8. Clean up your internet tracks.

Again, for more information, click on the links to the left.

"Right out of the box, your PC is almost entirely unprotected from the huge array of Internet-borne attacks. If you connect to the Internet and simply hope for the best, not only are you susceptible to data loss, identity theft, and fraud, but your machine could become a launching pad for attacks against other computers. Securing your system is no longer optional--it's a matter of survival."

It's Time to Update Your Internet Security Arsenal

"Securing your home computer is not a trivial task. There are many topics to consider and many steps to follow."

Home Computer Security

None of these steps need involve spending any money.

An anti-virus/firewall security package costs £50 on the high street. An anti-spyware program will cost you £30. Even if your computer comes with an anti-virus program, or maybe a firewall, subscriptions and upgrades may come to £50 a year. For some, this may be too expensive to justify. Fortunately, home users with no budget to spend on security can still protect themselves.

dash There are security software products available free to home users.

dash These products provide effective protection, rivalling or equalling that of fee products.

Business or institutional users will have to spend some money on security. Home users who can afford it should think about paying for an anti-virus program (and for programs which request a donation.) But for the rest of us, it is still possible to be reasonably secure without spending any money.

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