I would greatly appreciate feedback, especially constructive criticsm.
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Buffy Fanfic

The Doppleganger series
It starts from the idea that it was Faith who was sent to kill Willow in the episode 'Dopplegangland'.

Part 1
Faith/Evil Willow, Buffy/Willow
Faith is sent to kill Willow and instead finds a vampire double of Willow who wears even more leather than Faith herself.

Part 2
Faith has been brutally injured, what will Buffy do when she discovers who the attacker is?

Part 3
Buffy/Willow, Wishverse Buffy/Wishverse Faith
How far will Buffy go to save Willow?  Pretty damn far actually.

Short Stories

otherwise known as PWP's

The Spell
Willow does a spell to try and win back Oz which has unforseen consequences.

Willow gives Buffy a lesson in magic.

The leather jacket and hot sex one page challenge
I was challenged to write a story that took no more than one page and was entirely hot sex and featured a leather jacket.

Brand new toy
Parody without plot.  A buffy PWP done in the style of a children's story but definitely not suitable for children.

All tied up and no place to . . . oh!
Buffy/Willow, Willow/?
Willow, bondage, sex.  That's pretty much it actually.

Dawn/Faith, Buffy/Faith
Dawn is out for blood.  Faith killed her sister and now she's going to pay.  Written for Secret Slasha.

Set shortly after Hush, Willow is uncertain of how Tara likes her.

Cordelia/Angel, Buffy/Angel
What Cordelia experienced as a higher being and what she did to stop being one.

Willow, waiting
Willow is waiting for a test result.
Crossovers and other fandoms

Dream a little dream of me
Buffy/Sandman crossover
Willow is trapped in the dreaming and the only way out is through the dreams of a comatose slayer.

The Witch
Buffy/Smallville crossover
Before moving to Sunnydale Tara used to live in a town called Smallville.

Town without pity
Buffy/Sin City crossover
Prophecy dreams cause Faith to go to Sin City where she encounter vampires, occult mobsters and Nancy.

Buffy/Mage: The Ascension crossover
While Willow starts to awaken into a true mage, Buffy starts having romantic dreams about her friend that warn of something coming for her.

Planet Buster
Political Satire
Bush has a new weapon and means to test it.

A New Hope
Political satire
Charles Kennedy has a new hope for British politics.

Five routes out of Kansas
Political satire
Angel / Captain America / X-men movie / Scooby Doo / Star Wars
The America/Iraq crisis is complicated, if only life were more like Sci Fi.

A Really Good Broomstick
Harry Potter
No Pairing
Hermione has a new hobby.

Cluedo slash
Just to show anyone can do cartoons really.  Of course I'm not saying anything about quality.

�It was a normal shopping trip until...�
Danny the street/Diagon Ally
Doom Patrol/Harry Potter

I think the pairing is enough of a synopsis for that one.

The Fandom Exchange Project
The Bible/Chronicles Of Narnia/Harry Potter/The Invisibles/Preacher/Sherlock Holmes/Smallville/South Park/Winnie The Pooh

Take two writers and swap them so they are writing each other's fandoms.

New School
Gwen Raiden/Emma Frost
Btvs/New X-men

Gwen�s thoughts on the way to a new school.

The way of all flesh
Harry Potter
No pairing

A scene from book six.

Mr Benn: Invisible
Mr Benn/Invisibles/Pop

Jack Frost and Jolly Roger need to infiltrate a recording studio with airtight security so they call upon the services of one of their strangest agents.

A thing for witches
Charm School / Ats / Btvs / HP / Avengers  / Fairy tale
Fairer Than / Ginny, FT/Scarlet Witch, FT/Tara, FT/The fairy godmother, FT/Bunny, Dean/Bunny, couple of others.

Fairer Than has known a lot of women over the years and she has a particular weakness for witches.
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