	My days as a preschooler began when I was four years old at St. Matthew College, together 
with my cousin, Patrick. During these times, I remembered one of my adorable childhood 
memories, the time when I and my cousin were merrily drinking milk from a bottle in 
school every time before our classes start.

	Throughout this point in my life, I am still studying at St. Matthew College. This was 
among the horrid years in my life�s experiences since I incessantly lose my wallet 
considering that I occasionally do not eat just to save my allowance. Still, I have 
plenty of memories that I truly cherish when I was studying here because even though 
misfortune seems to adore me, I made a lot of friends who were always there for me.

	Unfortunately, even wonderful times must pass. But when a door closes, another one opens. 
I left St. Matthew College and transferred in an academic institution run by nuns 
known as Virgen Del Pilar School. I spent my whole secondary years here and I�ve 
made new friends along the way. However, the friends I�ve used to hang out at this 
school were mostly troublemakers. We were regularly scolded and sent to the principal�s 
office for various reasons. As I was to graduate from secondary school, I made a 
commitment that I will be focusing on crafting my future, which also takes into account 
that I will never hangout with my previous friends due to their bad influences. 

	Ah, the beginning of College life. There are a lot of opportunities that I can choose from, 
yet I am still uncertain on what should I become . . .  As of now, I am currently 
taking Computer Science because of all courses, this path soothes my interest. I 
love math and I adore programming and I utterly loathe memorization which is the 
reason why I abandoned my previous course - Geological Science and Engineering - 
since it focuses more on memorization rather than analytical skills. I hope that I 
would finally settle in this course to which I can find my life�s purpose.