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This picture (above) taken after the second day of work.

This picture taken a week later.


Whitehouse Bros Organ

The two manual, 22 stop Whitehouse Bros Organ was inaugurated on 17 March 1942. Since the construction of the Létourneau organ and the accompanying mobile console, the Whitehouse Bros Organ can be played from the mobile console, which allows for both organs to be played at the same time. Below are the specifications of the Whitehouse Organ: 

SWELL (expressive)
Open Diapason 16' Double Diapason 16' Bourdon 16'
Violone 16' Large Open Diapason 8' Violin Diapason 8'
Bourdon 16' Small Open Diapason 8' Lieblich Gedact  8'
Echo Bourdon 16' Stopped Diapason 8' Salicional 8'
Octave 8' Dulciana 8' Vox Angelica 8'
Bass Flute 8' Octave  4' Geigen Principal  4'
Trombone 16' Flute 4' Piccolo 2'
Twelfth 2-2/3' Mixture III'
Fifteenth 2' Cornopean 8'
Trumpet 8' Oboe


Great to Pedal Great Octave Swell Sub
Swell to Pedal Swell to Great Sub Swell Super
Swell to Great Swell to Great Super Tremulant


Swell has four adjustable pistons   Crescendo Pedal
Great has four adjustable pistons   Sw/Gt Reversible
Pedal has two adjustable pistons    Gt/Pd Reversible
Sforzando piston                 Voltmeter

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