Diane E Oleksinska Resume

Diane E Oleksinska
5500 N Saint Louis Ave.
Chicago, Il 60625

Educational Backround
GED received 2006
Associates Degree in Arts received 2012

Job Experience
Target since 2005 (Deparment Manager)
KFC 2004-2005 (cashier)

Backround information
I have lived in the Chicagoland area all of my life. My relatives come from Poland

My dream job would to be an Executive Team Leader at Target

Short term goals:

  1. Graduate
  2. Buy a house
  3. Get married

Long term goals:

  1. Family
  2. Career
  3. Happiness


  1. Hiking
  2. Gym
  3. Meditation
  4. Family

Languages-able to uphold conversation in Polish ja mówie po polsku

Proficeint in:

Year GPA School
2018 3.5 NEIU
2017 3.4 NEIU
2016 3.2 Oakton