Alliance Victory Song
Written By: OfF KiLTeR
The Light does shine
The Radiance does glow
The Entranced sing forth
In a song both sweet and low

For the three have won
In battles most hard
In Fights and Wars that
Win renown from every Bard

For now the alliance of the three
True to their hard toil
Showed the Freesoul community
That their Illumination does not spoil

When all was said and done
And the war has come to is close
The Freesouls have run, and subsided
In fear of their Dire Foes

The Illuminates have won the war
And have had victory.
For the End of the Battles is nigh at hand
And the Freesouls will all Flee.

The Radiance glows from within
And those who see it know
That the Mighty house of PoR
Has no equal foe.

The Gathering head back to their home
To revel in their gains
As staunch Allies of other houses
Have cause the freesouls pain

And the Dreamers of Light
Do Shine Forth clear for everyone to see
The Illumination, and the drive
To set all souls Free

Poetry & Songs
Anthem of the Light
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