Sanctuary of Sarsipious
As told by: Black-Lotus
Along time ago when the dream was filled with chaos there was a great dreamwrite with a vision. He had a vision that the dream could someday be pure and rid of the chaos which surround him. He had many ideas on how to do this but had nowhere to carry them out. So he set forth to find a place which suited him and rid it of the chaos forever. He finaly came upon a place, Sarsipcious. He knew that this was the place which would be suitable enough for him to work on his visions. One day he entered the room in attempting to pure if forever and gathered all his great power as he concentrated. But the chaos was strong. He put so much energy and strength into purifying that one room that it collapsed him right afterwards. He never did get to rid the entire dream of the chaos. But he definatley did his part. Whenever you need shelter or safety, you know that you can always turn to the Sanctuary of Sarsipcious located on the Valley of Totality.
Planar Histories
The Slopes of Choregan
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