The Radiant Gateway
Quite a few dreamers pass through the Gateway Of Radiance, but few know what hallowed ground they walk upon. Most think that the Gateway just serves as a Fancy name for an archway, but this is not the case. For many dreams ago, before the first Protectors there was a woman named Nthshir . She was of a great glow and for a long time many thought she was just very beautiful and that's where the rumors of her glowing started. However, in fact she DID glow and often times was found staring up in the place now known as the Radiant Gateway. Now, everyone knew she was special that talked with her, but no one knew she was also an heir to an ancient artifact, which to us is now known as the artifact to the PoR house. Upon her death bed she wanted everyone to know of her radiance so she donated the artifact to the towns people who later named the Gateway after her Radiance and her kindness of her donation.
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