The Truth behind Mirdinir and his little Mishap
as told by: LovesLight
As we learned in the history on the Mountain, Mirdinir was the youngest of the 15 Dreamwrights that set out to create the Mountain, and in his attempt to create his own room, Mirdinir was having some problems. After many failed attempts, The Other Dreamwirghts tried to convince the young lad to give up. Legath, a close friend of Mirdinir and just a hair older than Mirdinir had actually created two of the rooms himself, and offered Mirdinir to name it after him. Mirdinir refused and though he promised the others to give up his workings, he did not.

Many Moons had passed and Mirdinir had been working diligently, and finally succeeded.. but there was a backfire. Mirdinir, in his creating had not been sucked into the Chaos as the other Dreamwrights had thought, In all actuality Mirdinir, had been sucked and imprisoned into the walls of his own room. Though this had not been dicovered till many years after the Great Loss.

In Fact, Mirdinir's room was not even on the maps of the Ilapse, and Many did not know the room even existed. Till one day two young lovers were exploring and trying to find a quaint quiet place to be alone. The two lovers stumbled upon Mirdinir's room, and were quite amazed at the discovery since it was not on their map. They studied the walls with delight and laughed and giggled together anticipating their excitement to tell the other dreamers of their discovery.

Then as they studied more, the young girl, intrigued with the artwork on the walls jolted a bit as the Artwork shifted right before her eyes. A moment passed and  low moaning was heard within the walls, the two young lovers were shocked and became frightened yet curiousand attempted to make out what it was saying..

The low moaning as they listened closely became louder and a single name was able to be made out.."Mirrrrrdinirrrrrr"  and a phrase followed shortly after.."Iii did ittttttt!" 

The young couple became more frightened as the artwork began to shift rapidly around them as they headed toward the portal to the wall the young girl being so close to the wal was unable to escape as the wall sucked her up within it and the dreamstate.  The young lad ran out devastated with fear.. he found a close friend on the mountain and managed to mumble out some basic details of the even before he woke from the city with fear never to return again.

Noone knows what ever became of the Young girl, but later studies and research and "speakings" with Mirdinir after the room was discovered Researchers found out that Mirdinir really did not wish to harm anyone.. he simply wanted to get the word out that he did not fail, and that he did get his room created.

Though rumor has it that Mirdinir knows nothing of the Great Loss and that all his ancient friends are gone from the city. It is said he does not realize that we know about his creation and is still known to haunt the walls of his special room to this day.
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