The Journey
Written By: LovesLight
I start on my journey up the Mountain of Light,
I look through the vastness of air.
Peering at the cloudless sky, no birds are in flight,
But what other creatures lurk there?

I meet a bear, gentle he appears.
Cautious I approach, his smile is soothing
Soft and sweet to comfort my fears,
I bid him "Good Day" and keep on moving.

A playful monkey crosses my path,
His eyes are cheerful with a grayish hue.
Boastful and silly, he makes me laugh,
though not to doddle, I bid my adieu.

Atop the hill what do I see?
Brave with courage so full of might,
A fierce Lion stares back at me,
Sworn to protect the House of Light.

And so I stand my journey has ended,
I gather my thoughts and think of my goals,
Such a short trip, so many befriended,
I smile to myself, off to save more souls.
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