Grehatio's Cavern
As told by: Dark Lord
Grehatio was ancient dreamer one first most dreamers in the house of PoR, this room was named here because at one time the room was whole , a tavern where dreamers before the great war, came to relax and escape the heat and chaos of the city. Then one day, the chaos broke free upon the city and news came to the cavern that the Dark Mares where coming, so in order to protect the land, the dreamers present Bigibwyn's a great friend of Grehatio's used the flame and chalks and forge to covert the once pub, into a defensive postion to stop the onslaught and spread of the Dark Mares, using there flame and chalkrams coverted the cavern into a defensive postion, using the natural sorrounding of the staligmites, and staligmites, and ledges once ceiling of the cavern. As ledges, to obtain a high ground so they would be able to fire down upon the mares as they entered, during the battle Folmouth the Dark Mare engaged in life or death fight with Grehatio's, his long friend Bigiwyns watched as Folmouth took Grehatio and threw him down upon the staligmite which pierced his body. Bigibwyns hearing the cry of Grehatios, fell on his knees seeing his friend fallen and with one last breath Grehatios asked Bigibwyns to kill him so the Dark mare would not have his soul, so it was done. So it came to pass his long friend Grehatio's was slain in this cavern by the evil Folmouth and soul saved by Bigiwyns, and his friend later named this cavern the Grehatio's Cavern.
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