Dog Names !  Dog Grooming Schools in New York - Overview



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Grooming Schools

You will find numerous professional pet grooming services in New Yor and New York City. Many of them will pick your dog up for free, and bring them back home to you after grooming. Additionally some of them offer classes for pet owners, where you can learn how to groom your dog.

Which grooming school in New York ?

This list is not complete, just a selection to give you some good adresses:

American Academy of Pet Grooming Inc.
202 E. 25th St.
New York, NY 10010
[email protected]

New York School of Dog Grooming
455 2nd Avenue
New York, NY 10010
(located between 25th & 26th st on 2nd ave)

New York School of Dog Grooming
265-17 Union Turnpike
New Hyde Park, NY. 11040
(718) 343-3130

New York School of Dog Grooming
248 E. 34th St.
New York, NY. 10016

Demand for professional pet groomers?

Yes, there is a demand for qualified pet grooming professionals.
Pet shops, Veterinarians, animal shelters and grooming salons - use the skills you have aquired in a grooming school.


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