Photo Shoot March 10, 2001

Well, folks kept wanting more here they are. While in Nashville on March 10, a friend, Roy, did a photo shoot. This one was a bit different from the usual one...I was moving all over the place, talking with my hands, having a good time. Roy would kinda aim the camera and shoot---whatever I happened to be doing at the time. LOL Well, some of the pictures could have better lighting, in some of them my hands look like they have come to life...but that is just me. Thanks Roy...some of these are amongst the best pictures I have ever had. (smile) Ok enjoy the pictures boys and girl....I certainly did the process of having them made. BTW to see the larger copy of the picture, double click.

Black and White stripped top, blonde hair:

Cat laying on the bed Cat sitting on the bed, hands in motion Cat sitting on the bed hands in motion 2 Cat laying on the bed, those hands STILL in motion Cat standing, hands on hips


Blonde Hair, Beaded black top:

showing off beaded top and legs showing off beaded top and legs showing off beaded top and legs showing off beaded top and legs showing off beaded top and legs showing off beaded top showing off beaded top


Long Black gown with slit, long blonde hair:

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