Favorite Things

Colors: Green, Red, Black

�Foods: Peanut Butter, Grapes, Sweet Potatoes, Burritos�

Music: All music..just depends on the mood and the person(s) I am with

�Place: Las Vegas and Palm Springs. Any tg friendly club that has a good show and a fun crowd

�Clothes: Anything with sequins/beads/fringe/tassels. I love dressy things, short skirts, V neck sweaters, 3" thin heels, and jewelry (especially diamonds).�

Fun Time: Being with other tg friends, dancing, being with daughters and grandchildren, Florida State sports events

�Reward: Being able to help another tg realize it is okay to be themself.

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(all links mentioned are on the Links page...)

�I am 5'5, unknown weight, blue eyes, hair varies from day to day.� I love to travel and meet new people, especially other tgs and admirers.

�I have been on a self regiment of hrt since December 2, 2000 (my real birthday - helps me not to forget!).� My earliest memory of being "different" from others was in high school.�� I found the feel of stockings and lingerie to be absolutely thrilling...and it felt so right for me to wear them.

�I experimented on and off for years until early 1998.� Then I visited a club in Clearwater, Florida and met some great people.� With the help and encouragement of people I started to go out weekly...and even ended up performing in a couple of amateur shows.�� Late in the year I moved to South Carolina and the next year was spent in limbo. I found that my desire to explore my feelings was very strong and dominated most of my thoughts.� Late in 1999 I started going to a few clubs in the Charlotte area and my feelings of who I am were becoming more clear.

The year 2000 was the� year in which I fully accepted who I am.� It was a year during which I met two sisters who are as close to me as if we were born of the same family.� I met a sister from Tampa who helped me through the most trying year of my life.� Her calm, reassuring advice is a major reason why I am where I am today. I will never be able to thank her enough for "giving me life".� Please be sure to take the link to Lauren Elaine Thomas and meet not only a truly wonderful sister, but a tremendous person!�� The other special sister to come into my life in 2000 is Ms. Samantha V. Sheer.� Since we met in March, we have truly become best friends.� It is amazing how our minds are in the same thoughts at times. She has been my sounding board and my "partner in travel".� Please take her link to see a sexy sister and beautiful person.�

In 2000 I attended an event that I believe is a required function for every person who is transgendered or cares about someone who is tg. The Southern Comfort Conference held in September in Atlanta truly covers the entire spectrum of our community.� The week I spent there did more to educate me on our community than all my years before combined.� I also gained the confidence to let my family know about CAT.� While not all understand my decisions, they all still love me and support me.� I even feel much closer to many of my family. And, I even had my stock of outfits and makeup expand thanks to gifts from my gg sisters!

�Please take the time and follow the link provided by the "alumni button" to find out more about this great time and how you can experience it yourself.

�The new year of 2001 has begun in such great fashion!� I have met sisters from many parts of the country.� Every time I meet someone new, there is an instant connection due to our being "family".� One of the sisters I met in Nashville is really astonishing to me.� Not only did Ms. Vickie Collins and the girls of Nashville make sure that I was able to have a Southern Belle Social, but she has been the catalyst for this web page.�� It would have been months, if not years, before this page would have been posted had it not been for her efforts.� (And, she loves the same type clubs I do!)� Be sure to take her link to find out more about a truly remarkable and fun sister.

�This year I have left the warm sunny south for the cold, but friendly, plains of Nebraska.� And, thanks to our community, and the friendships that are developed, I had someone to contact upon arriving in Omaha.� The efforts of Ronnie Rho to make sure I felt welcomed reflects the feelings I have always experienced within the tg community.� She and Barb sacrificed sleep and suffered the winter weather hardships to treat me to a wonderful time.� To find out more about a very versatile advocate for our community go to her link.

This website is dedicated to all the transgendered community.� I have a belief that we all are part of each others lives for a reason.� Whether we are in someone's life for a short time or forever, each one needs the other person for that time.� I love to travel and I plan on keeping the world posted with pictures of my adventures.� (Hint: I am always looking for some reason to have to visit a new town!) There will be links to the fantastic people who influence my life as well as the different groups that I will be honored to be a member of. As we all need to learn more about ourselves, I intend to have links for organizations that offer services, information or support for our community.� In the future I also plan on having a page with MY review of clubs and towns I have been to.

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