Hello all and welcome to the NEW "Muscle Men and Kinnikuman" page!  Brought to you by myself and my lovely wife Tsubasa.  If you have been a fan of the site for awhile, I hope you like the new look of the site.  It has been a long while since I did anything major to the site.  I never was pleased with the look of the old page but was too computer illiterate and too lazy to really do anything about it.  I am excited about the look of the new page, and I hope you are as well.  Most of the old content and alot of the information is the same as the old site, however, I am working hard on getting more fun biographies along with correcting old ones and adding content to the more vague and less interesting ones.  This will be a continuous process until I either have every Kinnikuman character with a complete bio or I die from exhaustion.  Be sure to check all the new sections of my site because I am excited to bring you more pics of my collection and show you new and fun items not previously posted.  Be sure to check out my "News and Blog" page too to keep updated on whats going on with the site and what is going on in my life in general.  Since this site is mainly picture based, it may load slowly on dial up connections, I am sorry for that and I am trying to keep file size down.  Stick it through, it will be worth the wait.

As my last welcome page stated, I had several reasons for creating this site.  One, for the love of Muscle Men and Kinnikuman, Two, to bring you detailed information on your favorite Muscle characters that you may have never known anything about, and Three to share and show everybody fun pieces from my collection.  I have collected muscle men for about 20 years now but just recently over the last five years started to know about Kinnikuman.  My first and one of my best Kinnikuman memories was after I started to collect Muscle men again I recieved a large lot in the mail after an Ebay purchase.  My wife (who happens to be Japanese) saw them and got totally excited.  I was totally confused, how would my Japanese wife know anything about Muscle Men, and furthermore, why would she be excited?  Thats when I found out that Muscle Men came from Japan and they were really called Kinnikuman.  I then learned from her that each figure that I loved yet knew nothing about had a name, story, friends, enemies, etc...  Not to mention I learned there had been about twice the figures and characters than those that came to the states as Muscle Men.  They had movies, TV shows, Manga comic books, clothes, large toys, small toys, pretty much anything you can think of, even dishware (rice bowls for gyudon).  It wasn't long before I wanted to know everything there was about Kinnikuman, because if you are like me, and I know there are many, you absolutely worship Muscle and think it is one of the greatest toys ever made.  Thats when I joined the online Muscle community, visiting every site on the web and meeting veteran collectors and hundreds of people like myself who may have forgot about muscle, then for some reason decided to re-live the dream of collecting all of the little guys.

Page locks!!!
Ahh yeah, the dreaded page locks.  This has been one of the most frustrating things about my site.  Along with the pesky advertisements.  I am sure there have been visitors that do not return because of the nasty page locks thinking that the site may be broken.  One thing I can not quite understand is why Yahoo will give you 1GB for mail storage, as well as 1GB for photo storage, but they only give you a measly 15MB for a full blown website, unless you pay them a ridiculous amount of money.  Well, as stated before, I do not know enough about web design to create it by myself so I have decided to stay with Yahoo.  I did however finally choose to purchase a larger site.  With the larger site and Yahoos new generous increase in space I hope this site will never lock up for the fans who visit it.  Plus it will be nice to view my pages without them getting locked up all the time and without the annoying pop-ups.

Not What You Are Looking For???
There are hundreds of Muscle Men and Kinnikuman related sites out there.  Many with different and fun information.  If you are looking for more information about the toyline itself, different sagas and tournaments in the Kinnikuman manga, or Muscle and Kinnikuman information not offered by my site be sure to check out my links page.  Rather than plagiarizing information and photos from other muscle sites, I have chosen not to put several aspects of Muscle collecting on my site.  I chose the things that I am the most interested in and wanted to share.  There is a lot of information out there and no one site is the "Complete" guide to muscle collecting or Kinnikuman info.  I suggest visiting them all!  I also highly encourage fans in creating new sites as well.  The Muscle Community gets a little stale at times and new blood and new fun sites to look at keep collecting interesting.  There are many free sites that allow you to make small web pages, all it takes is a little time and creativity before the next great muscle site is born.  If you create a muscle page, drop me an Email and I will link it to my site.

Thank You!!!
Thank you for visiting our site, feel free to
EMAIL ME with any questions or concerns.  I am always eager to share friendly emails with fellow "Muscleheads".  Thanks for the great fan support, without you guys, I would not even bother with the site.  I hope you enjoy the site as much as I enjoy trying to make it better for you.  Thanks to all the veteran collectors (Johnny, Nathan, Darrin, Taka) who helped re-kindle my interest in the toy and for bringing all of us Muscleheads together through the online sites.  I'd also like to thank all of those who I have traded, were given, or purchased items for my collection from.  They helped me obtain the amazing collection I now have.  A special thanks goes out to Tsubasa for helping me with all of the translations and ideas, without her, this site would be nothing.
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