Nov 22
he is so payfull and rides with be all day cries when daddy "lamar" gets out the truck going crabbin in the mornings. His uncle roy cant wait till he can go on the crab boat. Keeep me informed on Bear and who ever is clear and not realted for fa brown female after our baby is three or four months doing good on the potty training sleeps in crate at night till about three to go out . Then a play and back so sleep till six and were off and running he was playing with my granddaughter today and jessicas 15 month old boy and he loves climing the small little tykes slide and he follows the baby and slides behind him so cute

Nov 25
Our baby

God we love him he loves us and is doing great at going outside we keep him with was at all times and he sleeps in his kennel at night t thanks

    He is wonderful smart gets on the big dogs if there too ruff but he is up by six takin dad to work and with me at the market as ll day he has had to sayat home only about two times in kennel but sleepas in kennel and wines to go out so smart we love him to pieces

        K. Parker

       Dec 26                                          Debo too of course I am in love with this dog so smart always on my hip


    Apr 28

    Well debo won second place at the CHARLESTON DOG SHOW wow so proud he a tied lie a pro working group and i made him place lay down dummy me dfidnt know they need to stand, but still got second place one proud momma red ribbon lol, I am hooked Blessing of the Fleet tomarrow so excited the whoe crew and family nd friend store closed so we can enjoy!! Beautiful dogs at the show but DEBO was the best looking Doberman lol


        (word for word, exact spelling, from Facebook conversations)

