1. Open your Adobe Photoshop. *a/n: I used Adobe Photoshop CS5 for my tutorials.
  2. Click File, then open your image to be edited.
  3. To delete the background, use the magic wand, uncheck the Contiguous then, click the white background.
  4. Using the magic wand again, set it again to Contiguous and set to Subtraction. Click the middle of the green lens.
  5. Press Ctrl+Shift+I to invert the selection, selecting only the parts to be used.
  6. Press Ctrl+J to duplicate the selection to a new layer.
  7. Create a new canvass by clicking File then New.
  8. Transfer all the layers formed through it to your new canvass.
  9. To color the other rectangle to blue, use the paint bucket tool using the color code #66CCFF.
  10. Use the move tool to move all the parts to their right places like the given image.
  11. If you are now satisfied with your image, click File then save it as a jpeg or jpg.