1. Open your Adobe Photoshop. *a/n: I used Adobe Photoshop CS5 for my tutorials.
  2. Click File, then open your image to be edited.
  3. Using the magnetic lasso tool, select the big yellow fruit that will serve as the head of the man.
  4. Press Ctrl+J to duplicate your selection to another layer.
  5. Now try to select the carrot using the elliptical marquee tool then press Ctrl+J again.
  6. Select the layer you formed by duplicating the carrot then, press the Ctrl+J again
    to duplicate it again. These will serve as the eyes so you need to duplicate it to form two eyes.
  7. Repeat the steps 5 and 6 in selecting the beans that will serve as the eyeballs.
  8. Using the magnetic lasso tool, you can just select the red part of the pomelo to shape it as an ear.
    Disregard the white areas.
  9. Press Ctrl+J to duplicate it to another layer, then Ctrl+T to rotate it like an ear.
  10. Duplicate the layer formed, then press again Ctrl+T to rotate it to another angle.
  11. Repeat the steps given to other parts until you have made all layers for each parts.
  12. Create a new canvass by clicking File then New.
  13. Transfer all the layers formed through it to your new canvass.
  14. Use the move tool to move all the parts to their right places like the given image.
  15. If you are now satisfied with your image, click File then save it as a jpeg or jpg.