Manokwari West Papua

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Title: Irai River

Size: 2,35 m x 1,13 m

Oil on Canvas


Irai river is located in District Anggi of Manokwari West Papua. It flows from Anggi lake to lower region. It is one of the purest and the most beautiful place in West Papua. People who used to visit this place usually call it, "Paradise on Earth".


If you are interested in buying this painting, please, contact the painter at the following address:


West Papuan Artist from Manokwari, Lucky KaikatuiPainter: Lucky Kaikatui


Jalan Brawijaya 88, Jati,

Manokwari, 98311

Papua Barat (Indonesia)

Tel: (62) (986) 213466



e-mail the webmaster at:

[email protected]

Irai River - painted by West Papuan Artis Lucky Kaikatui

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