The M'Hael   Title: Time to think back.... why'd I help create DM....

Posted By:

Mazrim Taim

Posted On:

2/16/2001 1:18:46 AM

Like Joe, I've been here since the beginning. It was actually a funny start. I was sitting on my computer and got an ICQ from some guy named Phoenix. I'd never seen him before and it was amusing to get a random ICQ.

The first thing he said to me was, "I saw your name, are you a Wheel of Time fan?"

To which my answer was, "Duh. What do you think? My parents got me the first three books for christmas a couple years ago."

"Well, I'm starting a fan website for the series and need to find some org leaders. Would you be interested?"

"Sure... sounds like fun. Where are you hosting it?"

"Right now, I'm just gonna put it up on Angelfire. I don't have anyplace else right now."

"Well, I do web hosting. I have a small company and only a couple clients. I'll host you for free if you give us credit on the site."

"That sounds great! I'll get back to you when I have some more people."

Thus began the happy association of Dragonmount with Neon Knights. Well, Neon Knights ran into some trouble... it happens with hosting companies... our clients sorta went out of business... but through it all, we've managed to keep Dragonmount running.

Of course, there were some bumps along the way *cough*the breaking*cough* but we've managed.

Way back then, Dragonmount was lucky to have more than a couple dozen members.... and we didn't have much. We custom wrote a message board application and used as much of the "easy to use FrontPage components" as we could. Of course, unix machines don't really like FrontPage. I think it is an unspoken boycot against Microsoft.

But I digress. :) My reasons for being here. At first... it was because I was curious... then my business sense kicked in and it was because I could build some brand recognition for Neon Knights... but as Neon Knights stagnated, I developed a love Dragonmount.

I grew to know my Asha'man (all 25 of them) and watched them grow. Worked with them to build the foundation for the Black Tower, which at it's core hasn't changed since I founded it. (Yes, having to get people to nominate you for promotions can suck, but it helped force you to not only be active, but to make friends along the way)

I got to know Jason err... Phoenix and the others who dedicated their time (right mommy?). Made some good friends, many of whom either either still at Dragonmount or still write me. A few who, through no fault of their own, lost their lives. One to sickness, one during surgery and one in an accident.

I watched a community of friends build... especially when unfortunate things happened. I helped to enhance that community by bringing new ways of interacting... the different iterations of chat (web based, irc, java), the message boards, the Online CCG. I laughed as people begged for features that I knew I couldn't create with my programming knowledge or available resources (individual message notification... updatable personal icons). I grew unhappy and depressed when I saw dissention and distrust amoung the people I called friends... when I realized that things I had worked hard to build were falling apart. I became frustrated when others schemed to do things I knew were wrong or tried to push for things different than the ideals that Dragonmount was created on.

It is because of this love that I am here... that caused this dedication... that prompted me to make sacrifices in my personal and profesional lives to ensure Dragonmount would survive. It was this love that prompted me to do anything and everything I could to make people happy and let them enjoy their time.

It is also this love that caused me to have a breakdown at the thought of loosing Dragonmount because of harassment... and to overreact to the comments made by a few. It is also my love for Dragonmount that is pulling me away.... for I can not stay at Dragonmount and grow to hate something that I've dedicated so much time and energy to. Hopefully in time, I will be able to set aside the things that built up to the point they are at. I pray that I will be able to come back to Dragonmount and still be welcome.... and I hope that those who dislike me for things I have done or said will forgive me because the things I've said and done were always done in what I thought were the best intrests of Dragonmount.

-Robert Colbert aka Mazrim Taim
 M'Hael of the Black Tower
 Lead Programmer and Admin of

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