Matalina   Title: Why I come BACK to DM

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2/16/2001 12:48:40 PM

I came to DM for the books. To discuss them, to read about the different theories ppl have.
I joined DM cause it looked like fun. And alot of ppl seemed to be having it. DM was small and had very few ppl. Those ppl soon became like family to me. DM had little problems then. Like Bravenet crashing, Beseen crashing, things we couldn't really do anything about. We had our little fights over the RP and characters and such but it never because a really big problem.

Now it's over two years later and I'm still here. Why? One cause I adore phoenix and his attempt and creating a community on the web. Two I love being a part of some larger scheme. And Three, the most importatn of all my reasons, I love the ppl here. You are my family (extended of course) You are not merely friends, you are family. I would do anything with in my power to help anyone out.

bonded to Yveva Sedai

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