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A Forgotten Past Discovered, Part III

by Cor Dazar

    When we finally made it to Rhuidean it was mid-day, I said farewell to Coliran and we parted ways for the time. I had promised him that I would seek him out after my business with my mother had been taken care of.  The groups broke apart each person going their own way.  I stood there for several minutes longer though, not quite sure what exactly I should do.  Finally I headed off down one of the smaller streets where the crowd was less in search of my mother.

    I followed the roofmistress instructions to the letter until I found myself in a smaller part of the city where the buildings were only several stories high.  Men and women moved in and out the doors in a broken stream sometimes there was no one sometimes groups of five or six people would pass in or out.  I walked up to the main entrance looking for someone who might be able to provide me with instructions.  A fairly tall woman was sweeping out the entrance with a straw broom.  She was dressed much like the roofmistress of Cold Rocks Hold. Gray light brown hair with a tint of red and several streaks of gray in it fell down to the middle of her back, which was turned to me.
    “Excuse me miss, I was wondering if you could help me.” I began but as she turned around her eyes widened in surprise and she threw her arms around me.
     “Rahien! You’ve come home.” She gasped in surprise.  For a second she held onto me in a hug that I thought might break my ribs, but then she suddenly released me and stepped back.
    “You are not my boy, he would not have addressed me so.”  She looked at me waiting for an answer.
     “But I am your boy, well one of them any ways.” I said before she interrupted me
     “Cor?  It can’t be they told us you were dead, that you had been attacked by wetlanders.”
     “No, I’m not dead yet, but come that’s not a story for out in the open.  Do you have a place where we can talk privately? I’ve wished for this day for a long time and do not want it to be interrupted.”
     She nodded and led me up several flights of stairs and into a large apartment that was apparently hers.  We talked for hours and when the sun went down she insisted that I stay for the night.  The next day she had more questions for me and I for her, but eventually I said good bye for the time.  I still wanted to meet Coliran and find myself my own lodging for the time that I was to stay in Rhuidean.
     After several months in Rhuidean I had become quite a highly respected member of the Far Aldazar Din, the warrior society which I had joined several weeks after my first day in Rhuidean.  I had talked with my mother many times sense then learning about the brother and sister I had never known.  I spent a large portion of my time with the Maidens though.  After I had arrived word spread quickly and pretty soon my entire past was well known to everyone.  When the Far Dareis Mai discovered that my true mother was a Maiden of the spear they took a good bit of interest in me.  Most treated me something like a younger brother, and some like a grown son that still needed watching over.  In all truths, one of them could have been my true mother.  I had learned years ago of the game Maidens Kiss and had stayed away knowing the rules far to well, but somehow I found myself often caught up in the game with the maidens.  While most treated me like one of their blood, there were still a few who still thought of me as just another man that they could toy with, and I let them.  In return I gained a good bit of knowledge about the Far Dareis Mai society, not as much as I would have liked but still more than most men learned.
 Even the wise ones took a small interest in me; I remember all to well that first meeting with them.  It was just after I had contacted several of my friends in the tower through their dreams letting them know I was all right and would return as soon as I was able.  I had blocked those who had been watching my dreams the past nights for the short time that I used Tel'aran'rhiod.  Coliran had woken me up earlier than usually telling me that the wise ones wished to speak to me.  I went to where I had been instructed and suddenly found myself surrounded.  I had thought the Brown sisters had interrogated me, but they didn’t hold a candle to the wise ones.  By the time I had my full life story out for them to analyze it was mid-day.  I had kept back some things of course but they did not seem to notice.  They talked about me like I wasn’t there, discussing parts of the tale I had told them when suddenly another appeared near by.  Lirelle, would you come over here for a second?  I knew that name and as she approached I realized I knew her face as well.
     “It was you.  You sent me from my home into the wetlands.”  She gave me a shocked look and then studying me for a second longer suddenly lowered her head.
     “Yes, I sent you, had I known what troubles were to befall you I think I might have thought differently, but it had to be done.”
     “It had to be done?” I asked incredulously “What do you mean it had to be done?”
     “That my boy is wise one business.  All will be reviled one day but for now I see that it was good that I sent you away.”
     With that she and the others left me with hundreds of unanswered questions.
     After all that time in Rhuidean I became anxious to leave, my father and two siblings were still in Cairhien, and I had duties still in the Tower that I had neglected for far to long.  Finally I got in with a large group of Warriors that were going to join the other forces.  It took a small bit of persuading but finally the allowed me to join it. After many good byes, and promises to keep in touch I finally found myself marching with five hundred other Aiel of all warrior societies.  Over the next days of traveling, I made friends with a large fraction of the five hundred that I traveled with.  By that time I had become a master of the spear and of the Aiel way of fighting with hand and foot, I knew the three-fold land as well as those who had grown up in it.  For these things I had gained a well-deserved high social status.  I even had some suggest that if the chance arose that I should try to pass through the arches of Rhuidean and attempt to become a clan chief.  They did not seem to understand that I would have to leave eventually.
     We entered the Aiel camps in Cairhien just a few hours before the sun had set.  The group broke apart each society splitting to find where they were set at.  Much of the Aiel forces were still camped beyond the city’s walls, although some had been sent inside usually those who had duties guarding the Car’a’carn.  I discovered quickly that both my brother and sister were in the city, of my father I could get no report.  I would have left that very minute but it was already dark and I had several things to take care of before I was free to go.  Tomorrow would be time enough to find the rest of them.  It took me all night but I finally discovered what where my father was.  He had gone to Tear with to help in the invasion of Illian and still had not returned.  That night I was cornered by several of the maidens, they had apparently heard about the many times I had played their game and wished to see if it was true.   So I for the next several minutes I found myself surrounded by a ring of maidens with spears pressing lightly against my throat.
     I was awake with the rising of the sun; a few trickles of blood still came from the few tiny nicks I had received the night before.  These maidens were much harder to please, but it was still fun.  I still could not explain why it was that I could no longer refuse the game; it was like I had left some part of me behind when I started this journey.  I felt as if a tightness had left me, that I was free to make my own decisions in life without having to think of what the consequences to others might be.  I stretched my tightened muscles, a grin which had replaced my normal emotionless stony face several months ago covered my face, and my eyes glinted with a hint of knowledge that no one else knew.
     I went straight to Cairhien, and directly to the where the Aiel warriors were housed.  From there I gained directions to the Far Aldazar Din’s quarters.  I felt their eyes staring at me, they did not know who I was, for all they knew I was Rahien.  They knew though, the ones I asked for directions knew for sure after that but the other on lookers must have noticed something.  Perhaps it was the way that I walked or the tone of my voice, or the way that I spoke.  I had learned early on to control which accents I spoke in, carefully listening to and mimicking the Aiel sounding voice instead but I could have let it slip.  The only other possibility that I could think of was the Rahien himself had just passed the same way only a short time earlier.
 When I reached the Far Aldazar Din quarters I got the strangest stares of all.  Even in Rhuidean for the first few weeks I had many people stop and look to make sure they were seeing right, just last night people looked at me oddly until someone explained it to them, but never had I gotten such strange looks as these.  I knew then that I must not be to far behind my brother and that he must have entered only a few minutes possibly seconds ahead of me.  I walked up to one of the men staring with a completely puzzled look on his face, and asked for directions.
     “Excuse me Sir, but I’m looking for my brother Rahien Dazar, could you direct me to him?”
 The man’s eyes remained glued on me, but he nodded after a little while.  He led me himself right to Rahien’s door and even knocked on it for me.  It was strange watching him, so much wood had never existed in the waste and they were still getting use to doors.  After a few seconds the door was pulled open and stepping through the doorway was my exact double.  It was like looking in a mirror, we even moved the same way each of us moving a hand to touch the others, in the exact same spot, to make sure it was real.  I know I had been told that I had a twin that he looked exactly like me but just telling can not come to actually meeting him.  The man who had led me there had disappeared, probably to tell the others what had happened.  We stared at each other a few moments longer and then finally he spoke breaking the silence.
     “Who?  I mean how…” the words fell dead in his throat.
     “I’m Cor Dazar, your brother.  The pattern may have not wanted us to grow up together but it can not keep us apart forever.”
     “A brother, but I already have a twin sister.  How is it that you have the same face as me?”
     It was like talking to myself I thought the same pale gray eyes stared out at me above the same carefree grin, which appeared suddenly on his face, sometimes breaking past the shock and curiosity.
    “It’s a long story that would be better told some place where we can sit.” I replied.  He nodded and led me into his room so we could talk in peace.
     “You know I always seemed to have a memory of another sibling when I was young but it always just seemed like a person I had created in my imagination.  When I mentioned it to Tai, our sister, she said that she too remembered the same.”  Rahien talked more to himself, but I nodded in accordance as he spoke.  “I had wanted to ask father about it but he was sent to Tear before I got a chance.”  He looked straight at me, his eyes scanning every inch of me.  “How is it possible?”  He muttered to himself but I caught it and smiled.
     “I don’t know everything myself but I will try to explain it as best I can.”  I said.
 He nodded and then after a second for me to gather my thoughts I started in the telling him of my life.  I figured it would be the easiest way and also I wanted him to know everything.  I did not want secrets between us.  He listened tentatively, never asking any questions or interrupting like most people liked to do when I told them this same speech.  I demonstrated a few simple tricks with the one power for him.  I told him about my visits to Cold Rocks Hold, and to Rhuidean and of all that had been told me, time past quickly as I told my tale explaining to him all that was in my power to explain.  When I finally finished he looked at me thoughtfully for several long seconds.
     “Well brother.”  A toothy smile flashed on his face as he said it.  “Since you have told me everything about yourself, I think it is only fair that you knew about me as well.”
     I was glad he had decided to open up to me, for the whole day I had been wondering what would happen if he did not accept me, but he seemed to believe every word I had said.  Rahien had led almost as interesting a life as I had myself, although he faced a few different challenges that I had.  I was very relieved to find out that he had not yet developed the ability to channel.  Even if he had the ability he would not be tested and so at least his life would not be ruined like mine eventually would.  He told me about our sister, of the things they had both gotten into together.  She also did not have the ability to channel.  Finally when everything had been told we just looked at each other.  Neither one saying a word, just thinking about all that we had learned about each other this day.  The silence was broken by the door being pushed open, and several Aiel men pushed their way in.
     “I see you Rahien Dazar.”  One of the men intoned  “I see you Cor Dazar.”  He then added  “May you find shade this day.”
     “I see you Rinard,” Rahien replied.  “May you find shade this day.”  I thought about responding also but Rinard rushed in before I could open my mouth.
     “Rahien, your sister has heard tales of your double walking the streets and wishes to speak with you.”  He gave me a pointed look.
     “Why the others?” I asked gesturing to the three men dressed in white standing slightly behind Rinard.  Such a message as that would not require such formality or gai’shain.
     “Tai is not the only one who has heard the stories.  These men are with me under orders to see if the rumors are true.  I happened to meet up with them on my way here and they decided to follow.”
I nodded thoughtfully and then looked to Rahien, who had turned to look at me.  We both smiled at the action and then both turned our heads to see the other men’s reactions.
    “I hear it is not wise to keep Far Dareis Mai waiting.”  I said finally
    “Come, let us see what other stories we can start today.” Rahien added
     Rinard and the other men left slightly before us each returning to report on what they had seen. Who would send gai’shain to look for me? I thought to myself.  I had lived in too Tar Valon and been a player of Daes Dae'mar to long not wonder why three gai’shain of the Shaarad, the Miagoma, and the Taardad had been sent out to check and see if another man who had looked like Rahien truly existed.  Any number of Aiel had gai’shain.  A clan chief or wise one seemed the most likely choices since they usually have the larger numbers of gai’shain in there service. I knew the clan chief of the Taardad by name but the other two where mysteries.  The wise ones could have had word of me as soon as I left Rhuidean and been asked to keep an eye on me, but then they could just have easily asked any of those in the party I had traveled with if I had come into the city. From there it could be easily guessed where I went.  My thoughts were cut off abruptly as we arrived at a hallway with several Maidens sitting about the entrance.
     “I see you Rahien.”  A short maiden with red hair, but she cut short when I stepped up behind him.
     “I see you Anay, may you find shade this day.”  Rahien said,  “I had a message that my sister wished to see me?”
 The woman still looked uncertain about it all, but she nodded slightly in reply to his question.  Rahien took no notice of it, but the woman’s hands flashed quickly and one of the others who had been watching us quickly rose to her feet and headed off down the hall.
     “I was only expecting one.” She began again but then stopped not sure how to continue.
     “My brother insisted that I meet my sister while I had a chance.”  I said looking up to see where the other maiden had gone but she had disappeared from view.
     “Yes.” Rahien put in. “Our brother Cor has just arrived today after a long journey.  He has been away for many years and wished to catch up on old times.  When I received Tai’s message I thought it would be good for them to meet.”
     The woman only nodded her head turning back and forth from each of us trying to keep track of it all.  Anay took a quick glance to her side and I noticed that the girl that had been sent off had returned.  Their hands flashed back and forth for a brief second and then Anay smiled at us.
     “I shall not hold you longer.  I trust you know where Tai is lodged.”  She said it looking at me, but I knew whom she meant it for and nodded.  We both started off down the hall Rahien a few steps ahead of me.  The doors had been taken away in these halls, bright colored pieces of fabrics in their place.  We turned several corners until finally we reached our destination.  Rahien walked right in brushing the cloth aside.  I followed not far behind.
     Inside a woman as tall as myself had her arms wrapped around Rahien, she did not notice my entrance.  After a second she released him and stepped back a second.
     “Brother I’ve heard rumors of a man who looks like you walking through the city.  It is said he’s a dark friend here to kill you and take your place.”
     “That would explain the gai’shain.”  I said interrupting whatever else she was going to say. It was the first time she noticed me, the shock plain on her face.  She looked Rahien over quickly for a knife to be sticking out of his back or something.  He looked back at be with a slight grin.
     “These children today.  Always believing rumors that were started by one of wetlander servants.”
 Her eyes widened slightly and then narrowed “Who are you calling a child?  I’m the same age as you.”  She shoved him hard and he took a few steps back.  He grinned at her and then turned to me as if asking for help.
     “Don’t look at me.” I chuckled.  “I’m just the dark friend
    Tai gave me an angry look that I knew all to well; I received it an awful lot from the novices and accepted when I over stepped my bounds back at the tower.
     “Now sister, don’t go scaring away our brother before he has a chance to get to know you.”  Rahien said
     “Brother?  He certainly looks like us but how do we know he’s not one of those male channelers who had disguised himself to look like you?  What if he’s here to kill the Car’a’carn?”  She persisted
     “Because, If I wanted you dead I would have killed you already.”  I said, a grin flashing across my face before disappearing into my old stony look.
     She laughed slightly and gave me a look that equaled my own.  “You couldn’t have gotten within five feet of me before I had a spear through you.”
     “Perhaps, but we will test that theory later.  Would you permit me to share my explanations before you decide my fate?”
 Rahien laughed until Tai gave looked at him and then he was quiet, although a grin still held firm on his face.  She looked back at me and motioning for me to take a seat on the floor. Rahien and herself followed after I was set.  I went through my life all over again, like I had done with Rahien I left nothing out, hoping that they both would be able to keep my secrets.  Pale gray eyes were locked onto my own as each of them listened intently.  I it me suddenly as I was finishing up my story how much alike I was to my sister as well, we were not as completely identical as Rahien and I were but it was still very close.  When I finally finished she just looked at me thoughtfully for a long time.  Eventually she looked over to Rahien at the same time the he turned to her.
     “You believe him?”  She said and after he nodded she added, “Then I do as well. Welcome back brother.”  She smiled then for the first time since she had seen me and hugged me.
     I spent several more months in Cairhien staying with my brother and sister, taking up guard duties with them and without.  Eventually everyone became use to all of us being around and some were even able to distinguish between Rahien and me.  Rhuarc, the clan chief of the Taardad was one of those people. The day after I had met with Rahien and Tai for the very first time he had sent word that he wished to meet with us all.  He had been in Cold Rocks Hold when we were children and wished to see what we had become of us all.  He had been informed of my life and asked me several questions about the blight and several of my hunts.  It had not been a long meeting but a pleasant one, it turned out to be more eventful than I had even expected.
     As we left I felt the presence of another man who could channel.  Instinct made me turn around to see who it was, and I was shocked to see the Car’a’carn coming toward us.  Our eyes met briefly in recognition, but other than that I saw nothing else on his face.  We continued on in the opposite direction, the Car’a’carn stepping into the room we had just left.

     “So you see Maihgread Sedai.”  I summed up  “I have not been lax on this trip.  I will be back in a few days.  I need to get away from the city and people before I can open a gateway.  Make sure the proper people know.”
 She laughed at me a smile spreading across her face.  “Don’t worry Cor, I will take care of things.”
      We stood in her room at the Tower; light seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.  Maihgread was dressed in a white silk dress that fell to her feet.  I was still in my brown and gray cadin’sor, I doubt I would ever go back to my black and green ones that I had once worn.  We had met every month in this same place since I had contacted her from Rhuidean.  It had been more of an accident than anything else that had led to the meeting.  I had gone into Tel’aran’rhiod to reach the dreams of my friends Rillian Thandril and Sorhan Gaidin.  That had gone off well enough, I had delivered a short message but I didn’t want to leave just yet I decided to wander about the Tower and see if anything major had been added or removed from the place.  I had met up with Maihgread during this wandering.  I did not ask why she was there and she did not ask me my purposes either we simply talked.  After that we had arranged a meeting place and she had agreed to let people know I was still alive.
     “Hurry back.  The Tower just isn’t the same without you.”  She said bringing me back out of my thoughts.
     “I’m sure you would get along fine if I stayed where I was.”  I said, a smile just barely touching my lips.
     “Cor.”  She said as I began to leave.  “Come back with this new attitude if you can.  I like this new you much better.”
     I bowed low to her, “As you wish Aes Sedai.  I will try my best.”  With that I left Tel’aran’rhiod, returning to my normal dreams.

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