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Laqril Radyak's Letters From Home


Laqril was still sleeping when a soft knock came at her door. She bolted upright in bed, and quickly
went to the door, poking just her head out. A Novice stood there holding a piece of paper. Laqril
thought it would be a request to do chores; however, she was wrong. The Novice handed her the
paper, curtsyied, and ran off. Laqril closed the door, and realized she was holding a letter.

The script on the outside was that of her brother, Dal. He was the youngest boy of the family, just
a year older than Laqril who was the youngest. She began reading the letter, wondering why Strad,
her favorite brother, hadn't written in Dal's place.


I have been elected by the rest of the family to be the one to write to you. We are all very proud of
your accomplishments, and await your return to Saldaea as an Aes Sedai. First, I must inform you
of the terrible news that has befallen our family.

Laqril felt her heart drop to her stomach. She always feared bad news when she recieved letters,
even though it was usually a foolish idea that never was true.

Trollocs crossed the Blightborder a few weeks ago, and the army was sent to fight them back.
Supposedly there were 30 Fetches leading the Trolloc bands. Strad and Matias were among those
who went with the army. Matias' wife fortunately was not there when he was killed by one of the

Tears began forming and dripping down Laqril's face. The man she had loved her whole life was
dead. And he was married! She hadn't even heard about Matias getting married. Strad had probably
held that back from her, knowing how much it would hurt her.

Strad was injured during the battle and is still feeling the effects he suffered from a concussion,
which is why he did not write. I am sorry Laqril. I know how much you enjoyed Matias' company.
Strad managed to bury his body in the battlefield- that's what he would have wanted. You and I
both know it is respectable to die fighting the Shadow, sodo not mourn Matias's death. Hopefully,
the next time I write, I will have better news. We all send our love.

Dal Radayk

Her brother had told her not to mourn Matias, but Laqril knew that wasn't possible. She crawled
under her sheets and cried.

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