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An Unexpected Discovery
by Soroya Ahlar

This story is based on Robert Jordan's magnificent story "The Wheel of Time". Some of the facts are taken from "The World of Robert Jordan's the Wheel of Time". Now when this little explanation is finished let's begin the story.

The White Tower holds many marvels. One of them is the hope and fear of almost every novice in the tower. The silver three-arched ter'angreal deep within the heart of the White Tower. The original use of the object is not known, although its modern use is widely known. The ter'angreal was found during the Trolloc Wars, and the story about that is a story worth to tell.

The land was ravaged and burnt after hundreds of years of war. Kira Toran Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah looked sadly at the landscape as she rode by. She had been born in the town Shanaine in Manetheren, already then the world was ravaged by war and armies of Trollocs lead by Myrddrals and dreadlords destroyed everything in their way and slaughtered the people. The world was on the brink of falling apart with the nations government and administration in chaos and the people starved. The only place in the world where one could find some peace was in the White Tower. Kira wondered if the war would end during her lifetime, she wondered if it would ever end.

Her Warder Christol felt her mood and kept one eye on her as he constantly kept watching the surrounding landscape. Christol would have preferred to have his Aes Sedai back in the tower. There she had helped the people who had fled their homes and come to the tower in hope of a sanctuary. But now he and Kira had left the Tower and travelled deeper and deeper into the troubled land. Soon they would reach the most recently battleground. Christol didn't like to be there but he could understand her reasons. The sorrow and fear that Kira felt he shared.

Some weeks ago a message had reached the tower by pigeon. Manetheren had fallen, the thorn in the Dark One's foot and the bramble to his hand had fallen. After that the rumours had come, some said that the capital city had been totally destroyed and others that the Dark One himself had appeared and crushed Manetheren under his foot. Kira just knew that she had to see for herself what had become of her birthplace and the people she loved. She and her warder left the tower as fast as they could. They had met the first refugees from Manetheren a week after they had left Tar Valon. Kira had heard about the destruction of the city Manetheren and the deaths of the King and the Queen. But none of the refugees knew anything about the fate of the city Shanaine. But there were rumours about fighting down in Manetheren. Kira healed the ones she could help and wished that she could do more. "If I only could split myself in four parts, she sighed." Even if I could each quarter of me would be busy."

They had not met any hostile forces yet. The worst thing so far was some bandits, which robbed the fugitives of their last possessions. The bandits had tried to rob Kira and Christol to but they quickly changed their minds. A bolt of fire had taken the leader in the chest and Christol took care of the others. The bandits booty was distributed among those who needed it better. The trail of fugitives had ended and they hadn't seen any buildings and people for a couple of days now. The only life signs were some ravens and a hawk. One thing gave them some trouble though. A raven had followed them yesterday and when Christol had killed it with a wellaimed arrow a new bird had taken its place today.

The sun would soon set now and it was time to look for a place to make the nightcamp. Christol rode forward alone to find a suitable place while Kira followed at a slower pace. The land was not burnt hear and the green grass and the trees made her feel better. Suddenly she felt her warder return and from the bond she knew that he was worried. She stopped her horse and soon he came in sight. "Kira, I found a farm, he said." It looked abandoned but it was not plundered. I thought it could be a good place to spend the night so I went inside. And there were dead people inside. But they don't have any markings of violence on them so I don't know how they have died."

It was almost dark when Kira had finished her examination of the farm and the bodies. It was four bodies, a man, a woman and two boys. Kira frowned as she always did when she was worried. "They have been killed by the One Power, she said." It is an easy conclusion to draw, for the one who committed this crime was either very clumsy or she left signs of saidar because she wanted me to see. And two of the people who lived her are missing. Here are clothes suitable for two girls between twelve and sixteen. Whoever did this terrible thing took them," Kira said furiously. Christol nodded thoughtfully. "I found tracks outside, he said." After six horses and eight Trollocs. The tracks lead west, towards the Mountains of Mist. What shall we do?" Do we follow the tracks?" he asked although he already knew the answer. Kira was fierce enough to be a green. Kira didn't bother to answer him. "At first light tomorrow we leave," she said as she stroked the pouch hanging from her belt. Inside the pouch was a small angreal in the form of an ivory wolf. Somehow she had known that she would need some extra strength. Now Kira was glad that she had brought the angreal with her.

The camped outside the farm and Kira set wards around the encampment. After that she examined the flowers and bugs that she had found yesterday. She thought that one should always collect knowledge and she was brown after all. Christol grumbled over her collections sometime. Kira thought she heard him mutter something about needing an extra horse.

The night had been silent and nothing had passed through Kira's wards. But when the started to follow the tracks Christol silently pointed upward. A black raven flew above their head on silent wings. "That bird is hardly a coincidence, he said." They know that we pursue them." Kira nodded and a lightning struck the raven from the sky.

They rode on and pressed the horses hard. They saw neither birds nor animals on the way. It was as the animals had fled from the nasty party they followed. But near the evening heard the shrieks of crows from far away. The followed the sound and soon they were grated with an unexpected sight. A cloud of crows was feasting of the bodies of eight trollocs. The birds left their meal as Kira and Christol moved to examine the bodies. Under the crows angry croaking the Aes Sedai and her warder got a closer look at the big hairy bodies in their crude chainmail. The bodies were criss-crossed by big bites from strong jaws. Two of the trollocs-slayers lay a bit away from the trollocs. One of the wolves was dead and the other was barely alive.

Kira quickly knelt beside the big grey wolf. She put her hands on the shaggy fur and channelled. The wolf suddenly jumped up on shaky legs. It looked at Kira and then went over to touch the other wolf with its nose. The wolf whined and looked at Kira. She shook her head. "This is the first time for me to heal a wolf," she said. "But I am afraid that dead is beyond my talent." The wolf howled over its dead companion, but when Kira and Christol left the place it followed.

They stopped to talk after a while. "The trollocs was a part of our prey," Christol said. "The wolves have done us a great favour then," said Kira. "But why did they attacked the trollocs? I hardly think they did it because they were hungry. And why were the trollocs hanging back?" Do you think it was a trap for us," she asked? Christol nodded. "I have heard that wolves hates trollocs and halfmen and always tries to kill them," he said. Kira made and mental note about that and shrugged. "What do you think about the new object in my collection?" she said looking at the wolf. "At least he will walk on his own legs," she giggled. "I don't mind," Christol said. "As long as he hunts his own food." It almost looked like the wolf snorted.

That night Kira had two warders. She mused to herself that of the three of them; she undoubtedly was the most dangerous as the equal of a hundred men. But the question was whether Christol or the wolf looked most deadly. She decided to call the wolf Sheel. It meant friend in the Old Tongue.

The next morning was chilly and clear. In the late noon they got the Mountains of Mist in sight. The wolf ran ahead of them. When they rode through a group of leatherleaves Sheel suddenly howled. When they reached the wolf he was sniffing around on the ground. Kira looked at the ground with screwed-up eyes. There almost invisible to the eye was snares and wires woven of air. The wires were in knee-height for the horses. She swore when she destroyed them. "If we had galloped through this grove," she said," then the horses should have fallen and you and me most probably had broken our necks." Christol looked angry. He loved horses. "How did Sheel knew?" Perhaps he smelled the channeler," Christol mused. He stroked Sheel's head and said, "I will do the hunting for you in the future." They continued together with a pleased wolf.

Kira sat on her horse as Christol felt on the ashes from a dead campfire. "Three or four hours," he answered her unspoken question. "We get them tomorrow then," Kira said with grim satisfaction. They were on the slopes of the Mountains of Mist and above them the highest tops rose to pierce the sky. The rode up and up.

The woman suddenly stepped out from behind the cliff. She stood on a rise some hundred paces away from them. Kira quickly embraced saidar and with her eyes sharpened by the power she studied the woman. A redheaded woman of her own age that should had been pretty if not for the sneer on her face. Kira didn't recognise the woman but she knew the golden light that surrounded the woman. Kira's fingers closed around her angreal. Suddenly another woman joined the first from behind the cliff. Kira gasped. It was not because of the light that surrounded both women and indicated that they were linked, she gasped because she recognised the second woman.

Farica al'Cera looked almost as she had the last time Kira saw her 20 years ago, Her long black hair and brown eyes was the same except for the tired look in them. Kira and Farica had been novices together and later Accepted. They hadn't been the closest of friends but they had giggled and slaved in the kitchen together. Farica had chosen the gray Ajah when she earned the shawl some years after Kira. Farica had disappeared under a seajourney and everybody in the tower had assumed that she was dead. Kira had mourned her as a friend and sister. What was she now?

Kira draw as much of saidar as she could hold through her angreal. Something hit the flow of saidar that flowed into her. They were trying to shield her! She was strong by herself but with the angreal she was stronger than the pair above. One thing was clear to her. Farica was no friend to her any longer. The redheaded woman sneered at her. "So you are the one that are following us. You have been able to follow us so far. But you don't know whom you are dealing with. If you tries to stand in the way for the Great Lord he will extinguish you!"

Kira felt that they tried to shield her again. Kira thought that they would try to tire her and then overcome her. The first woman said, "My name is Systa and that you will learn to fear soon enough." "Why did you kill the family on the farm? " Kira asked. The woman frowned, "They were unimportant, just farmers. But I guess you have noticed that we brought the girls with us. They are born with the spark. With the proper training they will be able to serve the Great Lord!" "Where are they? " Kira snapped. "By the Light, you will pay hard for your crime!" "They are near", said Farica and spoke for the first time. "Be aware of the force of our Lord, Kira. Your Manetheren has fallen and so will you." "You have managed to avoid our traps until now," sneered Systa. "I wonder how well you will do without your warder?" she hissed and suddenly she struck at Christol with a firebolt. He threw himself at the side so the bolt only burnt his left side. Kira gasped in agony as she felt his pain. Then Farica struck Kira with a bolt but Christol managed to place himself in front of her. This time the bolt hit his chest and it was followed by another bolt from Systa. Kira screamed when she felt how near he was to die and without any thought she channelled. A bar of hot white fire flew from her hands towards Systa. The woman became mist and ceased to exist.

Christol suddenly moaned and Kira knelt beside him. Taking his head in her hands as she had done almost twenty years ago she healed him. How many times had he saved her life? She did not know. But he had been at her side when she had spent months in the tower library, and on adventures as dangerous as this he had guarded her back. When she looked up Farica was gone. With murder in her eyes she left her warder to recover and went to find the woman who once had been her sister. Sheel sniffed at the ground and barked at her to follow.

Kira ran and felt sweat running down her forehead. She almost stumbled over the two girls. They lay on the ground and both were bound and gagged with fetters of saidar. Kira freed them quickly and told them to wait with her warder. "He will take you to Tar Valon if I don't return", she said grimly. The oldest of the girls hugged her sister and looked at Kira with eyes mixed with fear and anger. "No," she said defiantly. "They killed our family and we heard them scream. I will follow you. My name is Sabina". Kira nodded but told the younger girl to go to Christol. Together with Sabina she followed Sheel.

The wolf disappeared around a big stone. When Kira and her companion rounded the stone they saw the entrance to a cave. Kira looked at the cave. She saw the remnants of some sort of shield. She had never seen anything woven like that before. She must take a closer look when she had time. She made a strong shield of air and spirit to protect herself and her friends from anything that Farica could do. The cave was filled with a soft blue light. Suddenly they could saw their enemy. Sheel growled and Sabina's face was a mask of anger. Kira wondered what her own face looked like. The woman stood in front of a great silvery thing of metal. Kira had never seen its like before. It was three joined arches of silver. When Farica saw the three she screamed and leaped through one of the arches. The glow of saidar surrounded her still. Kira followed her and thought she saw Sabina enter one of the others arches. Suddenly alone in the cave Sheel howled and followed his new packmistress.

Inside the thing Kira looked around after her enemy but instead she saw her childhood home. She looked at the beloved house where she hadn't been in years. She almost thought she would see her father sitting in the chair outside his home smoking his pipe as he always did in the evenings. But he was dead since long but her brother and his family still inhabited the farm. And her mother still was alive. Suddenly she saw her mother. She didn't recognised this old woman with white her who pointed at her with an accusing finger. "They are dead. All of them are dead except me. You should have been here; you could have saved them. You are Aes Sedai. It is your fault that they are dead," the woman shouted.

"Forgive me mother, I didn't knew. I was one my way", Kira pleaded. She thought she would start to weep when she felt a cold nose in her hand. Sheel stood beside her. His felt his thoughts inside her head as a serial of pictures. "This is not real, packmistress. This thing makes dreams of what you fear most. This is just a dream. Come, we must find friend-killer." Kira forgot her mother and looked at Sheel. "I can hear you inside my head. It that a part of the dream to? "No, said Sheel. We wolves sometimes meats people inside the World of Dreams and sometimes we speak to them." Kira nodded thoughtfully thinking of what she had read about Tel'aran'rhiod. She wasn't a Dreamer but the ones who where sometimes spoke of wolves who acted as pathfinders. "Then this must be some sort of ter'angreal," she muttered. "I wonder if…"

"Come now," Sheel said and led her out of the ter'angreal. Outside the arch she saw Christol who looked wildly at the ter'angreal. "Kira", he said and suddenly hugged her. "Suddenly I couldn't feel you through the bond. Where have you been?"

When Kira opened her mouth suddenly Farica stumbled out from one of the arches. Her eyes were wet of tears and her face pale. "Forgive me Kira," she pleaded. "The forced me to became black and afterwards I had no choice but to continue to serve the Dark One. That or to die in pain. But my soul wept the whole time. And in there I saw.." Faricas voice died and she fell over. Sabina stepped out from the third arch. She looked at the woman and then at Kira. "I saw my fear," she whispered. "She didn't kill my family. It was the other woman". Kira stepped over to touch her lost sister. "Rest in peace my sister. I think you found the way back. May the Light embrace your soul", she said in the Old Tongue. Christol looked at her. She felt through their bond that he understood. "And now we must bring you two and the ter'angreal to the White Tower somehow," Kira said.

Some weeks later when they got the slender white shaft in sight Kira looked at her party. Christol rode first and the two girls followed close. They seemed to have recovered quite well, Kira thought. And soon they would be in hard work as novices and she thought that was the best medicine. She looked at the litter dragged by two horses. She had hidden the cargo behind a weave of air. "I have to pass under the two other arches," she said to herself in a low voice. Sheel at her side seem to smile when his sharp ears caught her words.

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