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Taya Gille's Letters From Home


Taya was in her room, slipping into her shoes, when a quiet knock came at the door. Sighing
irritably she stood up and shuffled over, opening the door to a wide-eyed face.

Accepted, I have something for you," the girl piped, proffering an envelope hesitantly. Taya frowned
in puzzlement, wondering who could have sent her a letter. A smile bloomed on her face as a
thought came to her. Eos! She took the envelope and only then did she realise there were two of

"This is too good to be true!" she exclaimed, and then remembered the Novice. "Thank you. You can
go now if you want." The girl bobbed a curtsey before scurrying off to deliver letters to others. Taya
closed the door and hurried to her bed, feeling more excited than she had in a long while. She had
opened the first letter before she remembered her class this morning. She would be late if she did
not hurry...

Don't fret! she scolded herself. These things don't happen very often! Enjoy it. Eagerly she pulled
out the first parchment and unfolded it. Sure enough it was from Eos, though just a quick note this
time to say he missed her. She wore a broad smile as she put the note aside and moved onto the
second envelope. There was no writing to indicate where it was from, and she ripped the envelope
in her haste to extract the contents.

She set the envelope on her bedside desk and quickly unfolded the papers. When her gaze fell on
the spidery script, her mouth fell open in disbelief. Her heart seemed to leap into her throat, and
she skipped to the bottom of the last page to make certain she was not hallucinating. It turned out
that her eyes and her mind were just fine. Drawing a shuddery breath she returned to the top of the
first page and began to read.

Taya Bele,

I am writing, against the orders of our parents, to express my sadness at not having heard from
you since your departure. It has been months since you left Tarabon, and I have not heard from
you!I am sorry if I am sounding impatient, but I will have you know that I am in tears at present,
thinking of my sister who has abandoned me so terribly. I can hardly bare to think of it, Taya Bele.
What were you thinking of that day? You were surely not in your right mind.

I will continue this later, the Lady is calling.

Taya paused long enough to sneer. The Lady, she thought in contempt. She is our mother, you fool
girl. The fact that Taya herself had always addressed Israna Gille as 'My Lady' did not enter her
mind. She could hardly remember such details of her former life, and it came as a shock to her to be
reminded of it so suddenly now. Pressing a hand to her mouth to stop it shaking, she continued to

Here I am again. We are having a ball this coming eve, and Goeran will be there. Ordinarily I would
not dare approach him, for fear of insulting the Lady Beldemaine and her cousins, but on this
occasion I believe I will offer my condolences no matter what the consequences. High Lord Goeran
deserves that, at least.

The Lady and Lord have been approached by several suitors with an interest in my hand, I will have
you know. You are not the only one with high hopes in these matters, you know? I will also have
you know that one of the young men happens to be the Lord Malic's youngest son, the one by the
name of Andron. I am sure you know of him.

Taya, how could you leave us? We are struggling terribly without you, and then with Calya's

Did you have a hand in that? If so, you ought be dreadfully ashamed. She is only sixteen years old,
far too young to be out and about in the world. Her and her foolish swords... The only things she
took were that silly pendant and the book of adventure stories. I honestly think you have a bad
influence on her. What happened to you Taya? You were so worthy once. To think you gave up
Goeran's hand for the Tower! I can barely fathom it myself.

Anyhow, I must be going, and Jaida Meisi has insisted on having her say. Until we meet again, I
am hoping you will have time enough to realise your mistake. Remember this: I may be angry with
you, but I will welcome you back at any time. I miss you, sister.


Emisrin Haela...

Taya moved onto the next page, rolling her eyes at her eldest sister's flamboyance. She would be
interested to know how it was that Emisrin had been made to believe it had been Taya's decision to
leave Tarabon. What had her parents been telling everyone? Well, I don't care anymore. Emisrin
can eat her own boots. With that she resumed her reading.


Or should I say 'Taya Bele'? (Take note: I am smiling now). Where did you go you wicked girl? Do
not mind Emisrin and her ridiculous waffle, she has not a clue what she is about, let alone anyone
else. Yes it is true, she is currently being courted, though I can harldy believe it myself. But I am
having less luck in that area. Apparently the High Lord Temerin decided I am not worthy enough to
be his bride. I tell you, Taya, I am hardly disappointed. That man could barely see the space in
front of him, his chin was so high in the air.

I miss you terribly, and I know that it was not your choice to leave. I also know, but I would never
dream of telling anyone here, that you are probably more happy there than here. How could you not
be? You were more like Calya than you ever knew, and when I saw that light in her eyes... I just
knew it was better for both of you. I truly wish I could join you both, but I have much to do here -
like holding the House together, keeping some form of dignity if I can help it.

I cannot write much more, I have to send this letter off - notice I made certain I wrote last, so
that Emisrin, that meddling wench, could not read my contribution.

In conclusion, I hope you will write to me Taya, and perhaps one day soon you will have a visit
from me also? I have also written to Calya, and that letter should arrive at the same time as this
reaches you. Emisrin has not written to Calya. Make of that what you will.

I must dash, if this is to reach the couriers in time,

Regards and much love,

Jaida Meisi

(I hope you enjoyed my imitations of Emisrin, although I know I can never measure up in that

Taya giggled at that last addition, and wiped at her eyes which had become somewhat moist. Jaida
and Calya had always been her favourite sisters, although she had always been closest to Jaida.
She was amazed that her sisters had managed to sneak this letter out past her parents' prying
eyes, and hoped they would do the same again soon.

She sat on her bed for a moment or two more, thinking of all she had lost and gained in recent
months. She suddely felt guilty at having neglected to write home, even if it would not have
achieved anything much. She still ought to have made the effort, no matter how angry her parents
had made her.

"Well, I will," she said to herself. "I will make up for my mistakes.

Suddenly she realised she had dawdled far too long. The lesson was probably half over by now.
Cursing, she raced out the door with her notebooks in hand, hoping her teacher did not shout at her
for her lateness. Despite her worry, nothing could erase the smile from her face as she hurried to
the classrooms.

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