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Dramatis Personae

Laurya Aes Sedai - A Sister of the Red Ajah
Eidheann Aes Sedai - A Sister of the Grey Ajah
Sabine Aes Sedai - A Sister of the Brown Ajah


Laurya grimly walked down the hall, glowing brightly with the combined Saidar of herself, Eidheann,
Sabine, and ten miscellaneous Aes Sedai whose names she did not know. Shivering with the unity
of emotion and the familiarity of these women, now her true sisters... Light, but who's emotions
were who's?... she turned to them, and addressed them. "He's not strong, and so he'll give us no
trouble. Ignore what he says; it's probably true, but it's not relevant. He's a channeller, and will be
gentled. Then, he'll be tried for what e did to me. In that order, no matter what he wants." Laurya
turned again, back to the doorway, and opened it, starting down the stairs, toward the cells.

A hair-thin thread of earth opened the door at the head of the stairs, and Laurya swept on ahead of
her sisters, then paused at the foot, waiting until they surrounded her. Faces grim, they all marched
down the hallway 'till they arrived at a nondescript cell. Laurya announced in a loud, clear voice,
"Let the prisoner Petron Ekelle face the crime of channeling tainted saidin, and receive his
punishment thereof." Another touch of saidar opened the cell, prepared a knife of pure spirit, and...
Laurya's eyes fell on her father, and saidar winked out of her. The shock of loss suddenly of all of
that saidar sent her reeling, and she fell against the soft body of one of the women behind her. Her
father glared hate at the assembled Aes Sedai.

Hearing an imperious voice speak his name, Petron scrambles to his feet... Who in the light is this?
The door creaks open, and there is Laurya! Her eyes fall on him, then widen, and she stumbles.
Hunh. She was surrounded by twelve others of various ages; surely these were Aes Sedai. Glaring
at them, he leaps for the door, and out, before they get their wits about them. Hopefully, he can
Eidhe was surprised when Laurya fell back against her, but the surprise of that sharpened her mind.
When Laurya's father started to run, she quickly wrapped him in a tight weave of Air just at the
foot of the stairs

Tying the Weave off, Eidhe hoped the other Aes Sedai would keep an eye on him. Kneeling next to
Laurya, she spoke quietly. "Laurya... Laurya, what's wrong?"

Sabine had been a little shocked when Saidar fled from her, jerking her head up she saw that
Laurya had fell back on Eidhe. Then Eidhe yelled out "STOP!!"

Sabine quickly opened to saidar again and turned to see the man running from the cell. Just as he
hit the stairs he was stopped, Eidhe had thrown up a wall and then trapped him in a bubble of air.
Sabine looked to Laurya and could tell that Eidhe was helping her so she turned back to keep an
eye on the prisoner, still holding Saidar.

Laurya shook her head... Light, the shock of Saidar leaving like that... she stood up, saw her father
running away. SOMETHING stopped him. That was odd. She opened herself to Saidar... and... let
out a loud wail


She drops to to the floor, sobbing

Eidhe listened to her speak of her father. Shuddering quietly, she wished this never had to happen.
There was not a doubt in her mind that it was just and necessary, but it was caused by such pain,
she wished she could simply erase it from existance.Eidhe pushed the thought out of her head.
While they were linked, even non-existant doubt could cause distraction. Firming her resolve, she
prepared to do what needed to be done.

Sabine had joined the circle with no problem. After linking the followed her down to where they kept
the prisoner's and listened as Laurya briefed them on the subject. Sabine was a little shocked when
she learned it was Laurya's own father they were doing this to.She shivered at the thought of it and
tried not to think about it. This was the first time since being raised that she had been around a
man that could channel. That in its self almost made her sick. Not that she was totally oppesed to
the idea, she did harbor thought son it. She was a brown after all they had to be open. She stood
waiting with the others and let Laurya proceed.

Sabine looked away from the man that was Laurya's father when she had about shouted that it was
gone. She nodded to a sister to continue the watch over the man and walked over to where Laurya
was. "What is it Laurya, can you not open to Saidar?" Sabine asked with a little worry in her voice.
his would not work if she could not grasp Saidar.

Something wasn't right. Laurya's sobs were loud but she frowned in thought. When Sabine asked if
Laurya couldn't find Saidar, Eidhe almost commented that Laurya couldn't hear without embracing
the source when it occured to her...Laurya wasn't burned out, or stilled for that matter. Eidhe could
see the ability to channel welling up inside of her.

Laurya sits on the floor, holding her head, weeping piteously for her loss of the source, completely
oblivious of her father, who strains against the wall of air. "Sabine. She won't hear you. But she's
not Stilled. Look at her. I don't know what is wrong."

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