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Title: The Pudding Fiction Yavanne

A long time ago...

The pudding supply from Shayol Ghul has been intercepted by the group of independent cooks. They claim that only they can produce pudding and they wants a large amount of money for the copyrigths. Suspecting mad channelers Amyrlin Seat sends two Red Sisters to retrieve pudding shipment...

It was early morning in the Tar Valon. Two Red Sisters were walking down
the street in the poor district of the town. They were send by the AMyrlin
- You know Sabine?
- Yes, the mistress of the novices, what about her - said the other Red
- Well Amyrlin just said "Ni" to her, for massaging feet of her Warder
- What, what a days are here, that the AMyrlin can say "Ni" to a poor
Sedai. But I don't think that massage is something bad
- Well its the same as having sex with wolves
- No it's not
- Have you tried it?
- No, but you could ask some Greens
With that nice talk, soon they were near the house, they were looking for
- How many of them are inside
- I think about 4 male channelers
- What four of them? We should have taken balefire ter'angreal. Do we come in now?
- Nah it's to early
They stood about five minutes more. And then one of the Reds, embraced the
saidar and blew up the door. They quickly entered the building, and
shielded all males inside. As they came to the main room, four males were
sitting and eating something.
- We are contrahents of the Amyrlin Seat, we want back thew shipment of pudding,
- We don't have it, we've eaten it all
- Have you ever seen the Amyrlin Seat
- But...Yess - said one of the males
- Does she look like a bitch
- No...
- So why did you think you could f*** her?
- But...
- I hear a "but" from you anymore and you will be dead
- But..
It was enough, the balefire strucked from the hand of Red Sister and one of
the channelers was out of the story. The other Red quickly opened the
cabinet on the wall, and found the bowl
- Are we happy?
- Yes, now we can kill them all
- Hey, you should gentle us
- If it were a book we would, but this is Dragonmount tm, and there are to few Reds for a gentling, we will just kill you
- You can't it's against the Oaths
- Sis, you heard as they wanted to kill us - said one Red to another
- Yes, so we can use True Source now.
The fireballs quickly emerged from hands of Aes Sedai, and removed rest of
the channelers. Women took the bowl of pudding and walked back to White
And this is how really work the Red Ajah. We guard our Amyrlin and her
pudding :)))

Any offence wasn't intedned :))


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